As we’ve seen, the world changes whether we like it or not. But being aware and conscious about our everyday choices definitely determines our experiences as a collective! By practicing Reiki, we all contribute to a world full of joy, peace, and compassion. And when that strong inner impulse of bringing more love and healing to the world emerges… worldwide inspiring Reiki projects like the ones shared below are brought into life effortlessly! Finally, we have the courage to express ourselves and brighten up the world we live in!
Because what could be greater than living our life by honoring these inner callings? What could ever create a much deeper contentment and, by extension, a more vibrant world than being ourselves and contributing to a better future for us all?
We’re very grateful to all the souls who dared to leave the road and take the trails, inspiring tens of thousands to enjoy the benefits of Reiki through all their divinely guided work. They are Reiki lighthouses who are guiding us through the storms of deep change!
If you’re in need of true commitment, courage, and confidence to follow your own path that feels fulfilling and purposeful, here’s a list of inspiring Reiki projects we know will help change the world by sharing their vision of us coming together rather than falling apart!
*All the following Reiki projects are displayed in alphabetical order. We value and appreciate equally the work and creative spirit of all those involved when it comes to pioneering new paths within the Reiki world.
Reiki Projects
- 1. Connecting Reiki with Medicine / Full Circle Fund Therapies
- 2. Finding Ray’s Key – Reiki children’s book
- 3. Medical Reiki Works ™
- 4. Project BeamOn
- 5. Reiki Association for Children and Youth – Reiki into Schools
- 6. Reiki Brigade
- 7. Reiki Healthcare Research Trust
- 8. Reiki for Vets
- 9. Reiki Medic-Care
- 10. Reiki Rascals
- 11. Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust
- 12. The Reiki Buddy Initiative
- 13. The Reiki Share Project
- 14. The Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA)
- 15. Touch Magazine
1. Connecting Reiki with Medicine / Full Circle Fund Therapies
Connecting Reiki with Medicine (CRWM) is a project hosted by Full Circle Fund Therapies, an award-winning charity dedicated to supporting the quality of life of very sick children and adults through the use of integrated therapies at St George’s University NHS Trust Hospital, London and Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. Under the auspices of Full Circle Funds Therapies and in line with its ethos, CRWM project was founded in 2015 by Feona Gray and other Reiki colleagues. A team of highly experienced and clinically-trained Reiki practitioners now treat patients in the haematology, bone marrow transplant, neurosurgery and oncology. Plans to develop a transferrable clinical training and mentoring programme will allow more Reiki practitioners to work on acute and high dependency units are on hold due to the pandemic but aim to encourage the integrative practice of Reiki in a way which can be accepted by medical professionals in hospitals everywhere.
Connecting Reiki with Medicine’s first abstract was published in November 2019. Martin, R., Glanville, M., Ball, C., Ruggles, S., Elanko, A., Elanko, S. (2019) Quality Improvement Project (QIP) exploring effectiveness of Reiki therapy on Quality of Life (Qol) outcome measures for cancer patients when used In Integrated Healthcare (IH). European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45, P2228, #132.
You can find out more and support this visionary project here:
„We are introducing Reiki to support very sick children and adults, their carers and staff in areas of critical need at St George’s Hospital. From this, we will carry out well-designed research to add to the evidence base into patients’ experience of Reiki in clinical settings.” – Suzanne Ruggles, Founder and CEO Full Circle Fund Therapies. 2015.
2. Finding Ray’s Key – Reiki children’s book
Finding Ray’s Key is a beautifully simple illustrated rhyming story with a universal message that can be appreciated by all – young or old. The story is underpinned by Reiki and Mindfulness teaching, yet readers need not be familiar with either to feel the beauty of the book. For anyone familiar with Reiki, the energy will be recognisable and an invitation to discover more. Sam Goddard is the author of this enlightening book and Owen Williams its illustrator.
Sam Goddard has been working with Reiki for the past 21 years and is the founder of Devon School of Reiki based in the UK. She is a registered Teacher of Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki & Holy Fire Karuna® Reiki at the ICRT, a Reiki Master Teacher member of the UK Reiki Federation, and a member of ISMA UK (International Stress Management Association). Her passion is to share the inclusive nature of Reiki and mindfulness and its benefits to all, from children to adults, as helpful tools for modern and family life.
You can read more about this amazing children’s book, listen to the audio version and order a signed copy here:
The story’s young protagonist, Ray (who often feels quite blue), wonders; ‘What is the key to being happy?’. He one day decides to go on a journey to find this key – and is surprised to find that it is ‘within him and all around’. – Sam Goddard
3. Medical Reiki Works ™
Medical Reiki Works™ is a nonprofit organization formed in 2016 to support scientific research and education related to the use of Reiki in medicine. It was co-founded by internationally known surgeon Dr. Sheldon Marc Feldman, Chief of Breast Surgery and Breast Surgical Oncology at New York’s Montefiore Hospital, and Raven Keyes, noted author and thought leader in the emerging field of Medical Reiki and founder of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International.
Dr. Feldman became interested in the use of Reiki and other complementary modalities in medicine during his sister’s battle with breast cancer. Tragically, the disease claimed her life, but Dr. Feldman’s experiences during her illness altered the trajectory of his career, leading him to change surgical specialties and to support integrative practices. He met Raven Keyes when one of his patients requested her services during surgery, and he found the experience so positive that he invited Raven to join him in working with more of his patients.
After years of collaboration in the operating room, Dr. Feldman and Raven were convinced that integrating Reiki with conventional medicine in surgery and other healthcare settings held great potential for patients undergoing treatment for significant illness and injury. However, they both recognized that to be widely accepted – and eventually reimbursed by insurers – this new field needs carefully planned and implemented scientific research that meets accepted criteria in the medical community.
With Dr. Feldman’s leadership as Chairman of the Board, and with Raven Keyes’ ongoing advice and support, Medical Reiki Works assembled a world class research team and began raising funds. By mid-2021 they were ready to begin a groundbreaking clinical trial of Reiki in breast cancer surgery – a study they hope will begin an influential agenda of rigorous research on Medical Reiki. With their efforts currently funded entirely by private donations from individuals supportive of their mission, the Medical Reiki Works team is deeply committed to supporting a future where Reiki is an accepted practice in mainstream medicine, easily available to all patients who want it as part of their treatment plans.
Read more about their cause and support it with a donation here:
Although difficult for the medical community at large to accept, an energy worker and a surgeon may be able to assist one another to ensure the ‘full recovery’ of the patient. Organized medicine must help shoulder the responsibility to study these challenging new theories of healing. – Dr. Mehmet Oz, foreword to Raven Keyes’ book, The Healing Power of Reiki
4. Project BeamOn
Project BeamON is a not-for-profit organization, volunteer-run, committed to donating Reiki-blankets to adults and children going through cancer treatments or post-treatments and cancer survivors locally and worldwide. This initiative was inspired by the heartfelt journey into the soul of Rose A. Weinberg, who understood that the beam of energy that Reiki offers can make a difference for people with cancer and their loved ones by bringing in warmth, comfort, and peace during challenging moments. All blankets are custom made and are 100% Canadian-milled organic cotton attuned to Reiki energy with love and peace by volunteer Reiki Masters to inspire a sense of well-being.
You can learn more about this initiative, become a volunteer, how to donate a Reiki-blanket, and support this cause with a donation here:
“I am happy to say that I am very much healed of that cancer, and I still cuddle up in my ‘security Reiki-blanket’ when I want to relax, feel whole, and feel good. Project BeamON is one indication that something very good can be created from something very bad.” – Ruth Adams, age 91, California, Spring 2011, first BeamON beneficiary
5. Reiki Association for Children and Youth – Reiki into Schools
Reiki Association for Children and Youth (The Associação de Reiki para Crianças e Jovens – ARCJ) was founded on the 1st of June, 2016 by Silvia Oliveira as a non-profit association. Its main goal is the support of children, youth, their parents and education professionals with the core teachings of Reiki. ARCJ has developed specific training for Reiki practitioners and masters to treat and teach children in schools. Their Reiki classes include the practice of the precepts for emotional management, Reiki therapy and Reiki meditation.
Silvia Oliveira along with João Magalhães also created the Super Reiki Hero (translated from Portugese ‘Super Reikinho’), a book written for children to better understand Reiki energy. In a very simple and imaginative way, the book works the self-discovery through a little friend who is the Super Reikinho who helps the child in an inner journey, to understand their questions. The book became a success and soon a doll followed satisfying also the haptic senses and a kid’s desire to cuddle.
You can read more about ARCJ (Portuguese website) and purchase the Reiki book for children here:
“Happy teachers make happy children, happy parents make happy children and happy children build a better world. Reiki is just one of many helpers to bring harmony among all but with the advantage of being a very complete and simple understanding method. It’s something so simple that it seems natural for kids.” – Sílvia Oliveira, president of ARCJ
6. Reiki Brigade
Reiki Brigade is a voluntary group that orchestrates outreach events involving free 10-minute Reiki demos to raise awareness of the benefits of Reiki, improve the image of Reiki within our greater community, and shift the paradigm of wellness towards a more holistic mind/body approach.
Since 2011, volunteers have introduced the benefits of energy healing to more than 5,200 people in the Chicago Police Department, VA Hospitals, Cook County Department of Corrections, the Juvenile Detention Center, medical schools, medical conferences, the foster care system, etc. The initiative was launched by Heather McCutcheon, whose desire is to make Reiki a household word—and practice.
You can follow the Reiki Brigade’s healing adventures and watch priceless feedback from their Reiki recipients at
“Experiencing Reiki will help you move into a new understanding of health and wellness, and more consistent and effective patterns of self-care. Don’t take our word for it. Try a 10-minute Reiki session and see for yourself.” – Heather McCutcheon
7. Reiki Healthcare Research Trust
Founded by Feona Gray to pioneer the integration of Reiki and healthcare, Reiki Healthcare Research Trust supports research, education and specialist projects into the use of Reiki as an evidence-based therapy for integrated healthcare settings.
Through supporting new robust clinical research in acute medical settings, education in the research that already exists and education in the skills and knowledge required to work in medical settings, the vision is that one day Reiki will become a natural and accepted partner of integrative healthcare programmes throughout the world.
The Reiki Healthcare Research Trust has seven key areas of focus:
- Partnering with in-hospital charities and therapy providers
- Helping Reiki practitioners gain the education and skills required for acute medical settings
- Ensuring that clinical and healing responses are recorded for service evaluations and research purposes
- Educating medical professionals and the public into the evidence base that exists for Reiki
- Supporting projects that collect and evaluate data from Reiki treatments
- Supporting robust clinical research projects that help build the evidence base for Reiki in medicine
- Partnering with community and other organisations to raise awareness of the evidence base for Reiki.
The Reiki Healthcare Research Trust relies entirely on donations, corporate support and legacies. Our focus is aimed at being for the highest good of the public and mainstream medicine. All directors/trustees work on a voluntary basis. You can find out more about the organisation and support it with a donation here:
8. Reiki for Vets
Reiki for Vets (RFV) is a not-for-profit organization that provides free Reiki clinics for VA-enrolled disabled vets. The organization was founded in 2016 by two veterans, William and Allison Brown, who after realizing the need for holistic treatment options within the Veterans Administration, paired their love of Reiki – a proven, holistic modality – with their passion for service. They approached the Charleston VA and were brought on as volunteers to provide free Reiki treatments to disabled veterans at the Ralph H Johnson VA hospital and the Goose Creek Outpatient Clinic. In its years of operation, RFV has grown to serve veterans at VA clinics in six states. In addition, RFV also provides scholarships to veterans and their spouses to obtain their Reiki Level 1 certification.
If you know of a veteran or spouse who would benefit from this amazing work or you wish to donate and/or volunteer for this project, visit
“Traditionally, the “warrior culture” prevents veterans from reaching out for help, a characteristic that is even more evident in veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. With that in mind, we consider every veteran we work with a success story because they have stepped outside of their comfort zone and entrusted us with their physical, emotional and spiritual health. Will and I remain humbled by the positive response that RFV has received and the dedication of our awesome clients, volunteers and VA representatives.” – Allison Brown, Reiki for Vets Co-founder
9. Reiki Medic-Care
Reiki Medic-Care supports the wellbeing of hospital doctors, nurses and ambulance paramedics by delivering Reiki remotely through fully insured and certified Reiki practitioners. This free service was inspired by requests from nurses at NHS hospitals asking for support for themselves and their patients at times when in-person treatments are not possible. Each medical professional who requests the free service is allocated to a team of experienced Reiki practitioners who will send them Reiki for four consecutive days. If they wish, recipients may opt to complete a short MYMOP style questionnaire (as developed by the UK Medical Research Council), addressing their symptoms before and after treatment. By participating in this study, frontline medical professionals may experience some relief of stress induced symptoms and will make a valuable contribution to scientific research on Reiki to prove the efficacy of distant Reiki.
You can read more about this great initiative here:
“I can confidently recommend distant Reiki to my healthcare colleagues and encourage them to take a leap of faith and open their minds to the power of Reiki.” – Jo, Matron at a large teaching hospital, UK
10. Reiki Rascals
Reiki Rascals is a division of the Devon School of Reiki developed to empower children, families and people working within childcare and schools by introducing Reiki, energy awareness, Mindfulness and a variety of holistic techniques and tools.
Inspired by the birth of her own son and having used Reiki throughout her pregnancy, Sam Goddard, the principal of Devon School of Reiki, is keen to share its potential benefits with other mums and families, as well as the children themselves. She is joined by team member and Master Teacher Céline Descombe in offering fun and empowering workshops and classes specially designed for children, parents and carers.
You can get in touch with the amazing souls who designed this alternative approach to childhood and childcare here:
“My son was the inspiration behind the development of our Reiki Rascals programme. I feel that Reiki and Mindfulness can be of huge benefit in dealing with the many challenges that can accompany modern day childhood and indeed childcare. I have been incredibly privileged to introduce Reiki to many children over the years and I feel it is so important to ensure they are supported in maintaining their natural intuitive connection, sensitivity and growth.” – Sam Goddard
11. Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust
The Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust (SBSHT) is a charity committed to providing funds to NHS hospitals and cancer centers to engage the services of a Reiki practitioner or Healer for cancer patients and their families when they need support. The trust was created in 2006 by Angie Buxton-King and her husbund, Graham King, in memory of their son Sam, who was diagnosed in 1995 aged 7 with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and who benefited enormously from healing before he died in 1998 aged 10. Since 2006, the SBSHT has funded a total of 37 healer posts within 16 health centres throughout the UK.
To read more about SBSHT and support the future face of Integrated Medicine for cancer patients, click here: .
“My journey has awakened me to the posibilities of what healing therapy can do for cancer patients. And having been awakened to it, I could not then ignore it.” – Angie Buxton-King
12. The Reiki Buddy Initiative
Medical Reiki Ireland & The Reiki Federation of Ireland have come together to offer Free Distant Reiki Healings to help those directly affected by Covid-19 – the front line workers, patients and their families. The initiative belongs to Marleen Duffy, CMRM and Reiki/Seichim Master who began to wonder how distant Reiki could be used to help in a systematic way during the pandemic. RKMRI and Medical Reiki Works are the official partners of the Reiki Buddy program. Over 150 Professional Reiki Practitioners & Medical Reiki Masters have responded to this healing initiative and are daily performing free distant Reiki sessions to bring peace and calm to the mind, body and soul to those in need.
You can find out more about ‘The Reiki Buddy Initiative’ and book a session for free if you fit the profile of its intended clients here:
“Meeting Raven and being introduced to Medical Reiki has been inspirational. Medical Reiki has really hit home to me on a deeply personal level as my own mother, Linda, who also practiced Reiki, passed away on the operating table. To know that Healing can now take place in the OR is not only a gift, but it will also be deeply comforting for patients and family alike.” – Marleen Duffy
13. The Reiki Share Project
The Reiki Share Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing Reiki classes at a reduced cost or for free to groups of individuals and caregivers dealing with serious illness, disability, or trauma. This healing initiative was founded by RMT Jane Van De Velde, DNP, RN in 2009 and empowers individuals to participate in their own healing process; integrates the practice of Reiki into health care systems and community-based organizations; and fosters a caring and supportive wellness community. All the Reiki classes and community outreach programs are sponsored by healthcare and community organizations.
Besides founding The Reiki Share Project, Jane Van De Velde also founded the Reiki Volunteer Program at Elmhurst Hospital in 2012 and became part of the Integrative Medicine Clinic team at Elmhurst Hospital in Elmhurst IL in 2016.
To learn more about The Reiki Share Project and Jane Van De Velde or to spread the gift of Reiki by sponsoring a class for someone in need, click here: You can also follow TRSP’s work on Facebook: The Reiki Share Project | Facebook
“Reiki feels like a special ‘love you’ touch.” – feedback received by the Reiki volunteers at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (EMH)
14. The Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA)
The Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) is a non-profit organization that teaches and promotes the Let Animals Lead® method created by Kathleen Prasad which uses meditation practices to bring peace and wellness to shelter animals. Kathleen Prasad and Leah D’Ambrosio formed SARA with the goal of educating the world about the healing benefits of Reiki for rescued animals and their caregivers. Since its founding in 2008, the association has grown to hundreds of practitioner and teacher members around the world, and over 75 shelters and sanctuaries have adopted the SARA way to provide a peaceful and compassionate place for animals to recover.
You can learn more about this healing initiative and support its cause here:
“In the beginning we had just 20 members, 5 shelters and my goal to bring Animal Reiki meditation to shelters around the world to help animals find peace and to support their caregivers. Today, we are a global community of more than 250 members and 75 shelters/sanctuaries/rescues who all practice the meditative practice of Let Animals Lead™ Animal Reiki!” – Kathleen Prasad interviewed by Marc Bekoff Ph.D for Psychology Today, February 2019
15. Touch Magazine
Touch Magazine is the Reiki Association community magazine. It contains a wealth of Reiki stories and news of events. First published in 1992, Touch has grown from a simple black-and-white newsletter to a beautiful, full-colour professionally produced Magazine, sent out to 16 countries across the world. The magazine features cutting edge ‘Reiki in the world’ articles and home-grown ‘personal stories’ where practitioners and Masters share some of their toughest moments and the amazing outcomes of using Reiki to facilitate their lives.
Learn more about this inspiring project and order/subscribe to receive the magazine here:
“Editorially, we strive to represent the diverse voices of our Reiki community, so if you have a Reiki story that you would like to share, or some fantastic images that you have created, we’d love to hear from you.” – Deb Hoy
Did you enjoy reading about all these inspiring projects?!
These are just a few of the amazing healing initiatives started across the globe to shift the energy. If you feel any other Reiki initiative should be on this list, please send us an e-mail at
Share this article with your friends and make their souls also vibe at the high frequency of pure gratitude and unity.
TOGETHER we can create a peaceful and healing Earth!
Reiki Blessings!
I knew of some of these projects, but not others. Inspiring to see so many diverse projects and to know how hard people have worked to have them accepted in these institutions.
Thank you Noelene
Is very recomforting to see this presence of Reiki in different parts of the world, I will like more info and how can I get involved Thank you, thank you, thank you……..Blessings for all
Lots happening ..that’s great..