Every year I struggled to decorate the Christmas tree and make it look beautiful. The first step in how to decorate a Christmas tree is adding the lights. I know that illuminating your Christmas tree from the inside out will give it the most dynamic look. I always start at the base of the trunk and work my way up, wrapping lights around every major branch, moving from the trunk to the tip and back. This always hurts my arms and hands. I get really tiny scratches all over my arms and they hurt for about a week afterwards.
Every single year, after all the work is done, people would come to my house and admire the majestic tree in the living room window all decked out in lights, garlands, and ornaments. Some would say something nice about the tree; others would criticize it in a very insensitive way and hurt my feelings.
With this situation going on repeatedly every year, I came to develop a sense of rejection to this activity. So last year I went on a very personal strike and I did not put it. I refused to work on my Christmas tree. So by the time of Christmas Eve, my living room was kind of empty without the Christmas tree. It just didn’t feel right not seeing it there during this time of the year.
This year I decided to do something different. I decided to heal using Reiki during this activity. I was pretty determined to use Reiki to make it different. So played some soft Christmas carols, I made a Reiki energy ball big enough so that I could fit with the tree on it. I draw and activated all the symbols inside this energy ball and I asked them to heal and release any cause, record, past time memory, effect of any discomfort, rejection, sadness or anger related to these activities (Christmas or the tree). To protect my hands and arms from getting hurt, I put on some “Reiki Gloves” and sealed them with a Cho Ku Rei. I worked for 6 hours by myself on the tree.
By the time I finished, I could not believe what had happened:
- I was really relaxed during the whole process.
- During the process, I could feel all the pain going away.
- When I finished, I was not tired at all.
- My hands and arms were barely hurt and the little scratches disappeared right the day after.
- I forgave all the people that had criticised my work over the past.
- And the most important thing: I do not have any negative feelings about the tree anymore!
Reiki healed me, made everything easier and this year my tree looks beautiful. And guess what? I threw a party and I got only positive comments on the tree. I think this was one of the most wonderful healings I have ever gotten from Reiki, and for that I feel blessed and I am infinitely grateful.
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Article by Ricci Nava
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Ricci Nava is an electrical Engineer with a Master degree in Marketing. In 2008 she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The homeopathic doctor prescribed Reiki Sessions and Yoga practice. After a year she was completely healed. Ricci is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Acupuncturist and Yoga practitioner and a vegetarian. She practices the Trascendental Meditation taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogui. She also practices radiestecia in different ways to reprogram the unconscious mind, release ancestors issues, past lives issues and specifics organs issues. Ricci works with Bach flowers to help rebalance the emotional body and with Crystalotherapy and Chromotherapy from the Casa of Dom Inacio in Brazil (World Known healing Center).
Thank you for this article. You showed all of us how to use Reiki to heal hurts from past events in our lives. Beautiful sharing!
Many blessings,
Thank you for reading ! I am glad it helped