Article by Justine Melton
Motherhood brings on all kinds of new challenges, lessons, and rewards. It is the hardest job one can ever have while at the same time the most precious and rewarding. Often time’s moms (and any loving caregiver for that matter) put their children first and at times will neglect themselves.
It is important to always make time for yourself no matter what you have going on with your children. A rested, connected mom who knows the importance of taking time for herself has more positivity and loving energy to offer her children than a mom who is frazzled, overwhelmed and defeated.
Often time’s moms feel guilty for doing anything for themselves. It doesn’t have to be much. Start slow by just giving yourself a 20min allotment of time to connect with yourself and meditate. It will bring about a sense of calm and renewal. You do not have to meditate on anything specific. If you like just let your mind rest and take you wherever you like.
Once you have successfully integrated meditation time into your life start planning out a few times a week that you can have time to yourself. Maybe this is a few hours on the weekend where you do a care share with another mom. One weekend she watches your kids for a few hours and the next weekend you trade and watch her children.
Even better send Reiki to the idea of giving yourself some quality time to relax and feel renewed. Reiki will bring about some transitions and give you new ideas on how you can make it happen. Be careful not to resist the changes and to go with the flow. Reiki has a surprising way of getting you to your greatest good.
Every mom and caregiver has things they want to work on or moments where they feel like they aren’t being the best they can be. I’d like to share the following meditation that allows you to connect with Reiki and helps alleviate any issue you are having as a parent.
Reiki Meditation for Moms (and all caregivers):
- Sit in a relaxing space where you feel comfortable meditating. Draw the power symbol over yourself and every corner, wall, door, and window of the space you are in. Put on some relaxing music and/or light a candle if it helps you.
- Slowly breathe in and out for 2 min. Visualize that a white light appears above you and slowly washes over you. Each spot that the gentle light passes instantly feels relaxed and at peace.
- Picture the issue that is troubling you in your mind. Perhaps it is a behavioral issue with your child that you don’t feel like you’ve been able to successfully solve. Perhaps it is just an image of you that appears that is not what you like. Do you feel that you need to be more patient with your children? Do you need to be more loving perhaps? Do you wish that you emitted a different more calming energy to your children? Is there a situation that you want to handle differently in the future but are unsure of how to do so? Hold this image in your mind for about 30sec. It is important not to focus on it too long. Just enough so that Reiki may start to heal it. Then, make a large power symbol and then an emotional healing symbol over the image. Beam Reiki to it for 5min. Allow your mind to be at rest during this time.
- At the end of the 5 minutes make one large power symbol over the image. Write down any information or guidance you feel you were shown or given during this time. If you like, repeat this process with any other parenting issue you are facing.
- Ground yourself and be grateful that you were chosen to be gifted with motherhood. It is a gift and meant to be a rewarding journey.
Sending love and light your way.
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Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good.
Beautiful and very helpful 🙂 Thanks Justine!