1. Perspective
This card asks you to think about your life – are you seeing things from a higher perspective or are you being caught up in the heavy threads of duality? Remember you create your reality. It’s all a matter of perspective. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down. Imagine what it would be like to live your daily life from a higher perspective. How easy and flowing everything would be! This is possible but it requires your will, commitment, and sustained devotion.
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2. Quest
There is a point in everyone’s life when we start to experience a deep feeling that there is something greater out there waiting for us than the limited aspects of the physical realm. Many people ignore this feeling and go on with their lives, while others choose to embark on a spiritual quest and experience the so-called process of awakening. The message of this card is to keep going. Have faith and courage to go deeper on your path because that’s the path to discovering who you truly are.
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3. Lightworker
Things are not always easy for you. But remember! You have agreed to come to this planet and be one of the lightkeepers as we shift into a higher level of consciousness. With this role in the world, you’ll always have a great influence on others. And this influence could be a harmful one or a beneficial one. It depends on you what life scenario you choose to fuel with your massive energy! The Divine trusts your inner light! Do you?
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