As Reiki practitioners, we often work with the same person over a longer period so we can observe their changes and manifestation powers, as they feel empowered, and their healing journey is blooming.
In my experience as an energy practitioner and facilitator, as a Reiki master, I also work with divination tools, like oracle cards, runes, and dowsing. Even though we know that Reiki is intelligent energy, going where it is needed, I offer also coaching sessions before and after the Reiki session, to address the cause of energy blockage or overstimulation and help the person understand the emotional reason behind the physical problems.
Today I want to present a case study, of one of my Reiki partners who has started to receive signs from the Universe as we worked on balancing her chakras and sending forgiveness in the past, to heal her traumatic childhood. As we worked one chakra at a time, in about 30 Reiki sessions over the course of a year, she showed remarkable results emotionally, mentally, and physically. And as she felt more confident, relaxed, and opened to receiving abundance from the Universe, she started to become more of an observer in her life and pay attention to what is happening around her. That is when she became aware of all the signs she was receiving but never noticed.
Here are other relevant articles on Reiki Rays to support this practice of coaching before and after Reiki session:
- The Professional Reiki Session – A New Perspective (Part 1/4)
- The Professional Reiki Session – The Pre-Session Intake and/or Discussion (Part 2/4)
- The Professional Reiki Session – The Reiki Treatment (Part 3/4)
- The Professional Reiki Session – Post-Session Processing (Part 4/4)
My energetic partner in this case study is a wonderful woman, 40-year-old, who comes from a dysfunctional biological family, with a very traumatic childhood. She could not find peace of mind and fulfillment in her adult family life as she carried her emotional wounds unhealed and thus chakras totally blocked. She had several health issues, which got worse when she acted in conflict with her intuition. She has a special connection with the spirit world, with God, is not religious, but has a deep and personal faith, and now has learned to observe the signs around her.
Patricia, darling, I don’t want to stress or tire you, but I really want to tell someone everything that’s been happening to me lately. Others would think I’m crazy, but I know you can understand me. So, dear Patricia, lately I have been receiving more and more signs, messages from the Divinity.
First the rune messages from you, then the tarot cards from you, which both came out as Universal Light, so clearly there is something important that I need to understand from this message, then these health issues that have as an emotional cause fear, clogging, stopping the process (in my case it is more than obvious that this is the cause). The fear of not succeeding, fear of not being able to do it and for that I cannot go forward, and I stop the process). Well, a few days ago, I was also looking at the clock at symbolic hours (21 21, 11 11, 10 10, 20 20) or fixed timings.
I said to myself that there’s something to explore here, I must find out what the message is.
All the readings send her the same message, but she also feels the same thing: to reconnect with herself, with the divine light. That is why she chooses intentional loneliness, and solitude, she needs to hear her voice. She feels the need to be heard, to hear herself, to be seen. And she has the courage to say NO in situations where she would not have done it before. She had the courage to say that those things or actions were not a priority for her at the time, so the answer is NO. Another time, out of the fear of disappointing, hurting, or upsetting, she would have agreed to do things that did not represent her or were not a priority for her.
Oracle chakra cards reading
During the weekly collective reading of the oracle cards with chakras, the same card came out two weeks in a row: UNIVERSAL LIGHT (Soul Star Chakra) from the set of cards Chakra Reading Cards: Ancient Wisdom to Balance and Heal de (author) Rachelle Charman

When she chose the card in the second week, she closed her eyes and saw with her mind’s eye only the 3rd card, the last in a row. She tried to focus somehow on choosing another card, because when she saw the post initially, her eyes involuntarily went to the last card, and she thought that maybe she visually memorized it. She closed her eyes and it seemed as if there was no other card than the third one, which was indicated by a light. When she saw the reveal, she went straight to the third card to read and saw that it was the same message. She thought I had somehow made a mistake and posted the same post as a week before, then searched the group for the previous reveal and noticed that the other two cards in the reveal were different, only this one was the same: UNIVERSAL LIGHT.
You have pulled this card today to remind you that you are always connected to and an extension of the powerful universal light of the cosmos. This light is what fuels your soul and gives birth to the stars. It is the all-wise, all-knowing, all-loving energy of the universe. This light is divine, unconditional love at its purest. Sometimes you can feel disconnected and shut off from this light, however in truth you are an extension of and made up of this energy and can never be separate. This light loves, guides and supports you at all times. You are being encouraged to focus on this divine connection to the cosmos and do what is required to deepen and awaken fully to this universal light. You may like to introduce meditation to your daily routine, attend a spiritual awakening event or workshop, work with some powerful breathing exercises or even take up Yoga to deepen your connection. Whatever you choose, make sure to action this connection to the universal light of the cosmos. As you awaken to this unconditional love you will feel an abundance of wisdom, support, strength and light within you and your world. It will assist you to make clear decisions as you step towards your personal power. Your heart will expand with love as your soul heals, bringing you peace of mind and wellbeing in your world. This universal light of the universe loves you no matter what you have or haven’t done in your life. It does not judge, and it is unconditional. It understands you at the deepest level. This light is you, your pure essence! Open your heart to always receive the love of universal light available to you. You are an amazing powerful being and now it is time to believe in your light!
Affirmation: I am a divine channel of universal light.

In the third week I changed the set of oracle cards and used Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards: The Complete Spiritual Toolkit for Transforming Your Life de (author) Tori Hartman. The chosen card was, of course, the one with the number 3, which had another clear message: ENLIGHTENMENT
The opportunity to make an informed decision is inherent. A journey of authentic destiny is the vibrational energy. Royal gold and earthy brown blend to create something spectacular – your experience will guide others. The journey is more important than the destination itself. Never forget, if you face your fear, you will break through and become stronger. Relief is waiting for you at the end of the road.
Key ideas: path to enlightenment; reluctant sage; time alone to connect; trust your intuition; need for solitude; time for reflection.
Rune reading
In the personalized rune reading, she sent me an intention, a wish, and a question.

Intention – remove internal blockages: URUZ = FORCE, ENERGY OF DIVINE NATURE
The rune Uruz is the rune of vitality, pure will, courage, and initiative. In essence, the rune is a signifier of the leading power, of virility. Especially since, in the Nordic people, Uruz is the ideogram for the unstoppable energy of the wild ox, which represented, in the Nordic mysticism, the cosmic force generating the Universe. In a display, the occurrence of the rune Uruz shows that you have special health and endurance, that an illness is always followed by a rapid recovery or enriching by using wisely own resources, following a natural change in life, which removes the old and makes room for the new. In this context, Uruz also shows getting out of poverty, a major change for the better in a longer period of time, such as a year. It reflects the primordial energy, the initial procreation, growth, and transformation. The life you have lived needs a major change. It is not a rune of ending, but it announces new beginnings instead. It may be dark, but it is a tunnel that leads you to a new life. The light will be bright in the end. Get ready for an opportunity that hides behind a failure.
Desire – finding emotional balance: DAGAZ = DAY, LIGHT
The rune symbolized the light that follows the darkness, prosperity, magnification, regained health, and triumph over adversity. Slowly but surely, your strength is growing, your desires are clearing, but your own attitude is decisive. The possibilities of solving your problems multiply and come in your way and will bring to light another facet of you, internal resources unknown or untapped until now. It can also indicate the attainment of a traditional wisdom, often seen as a spontaneous inspiration. It is the sign of “day”, indicating awakening, the transition from darkness to light.
Rune’s advice: Be honest, but also cautious, because you will have to take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Approach them with serenity and a positive attitude. You are on the verge of renewal, of improvement, provided you remove your doubts and hesitations.
Question – what does the universe transmit, and she does not see: MANNAZ = HUMANITY, FRIENDSHIP
Symbol of humanity in general and of man in particular, Mannaz expresses generosity, friendship, altruism, and human solidarity. It is a symbol of openness to the world and interdependence with society, but it all depends on what you want to achieve. The human being can easily move from moments of glory to moments of violence and humiliation. Your destiny follows ups and downs, but if you remain sincere and correct, you will attain the wisdom that saves you from unpleasant moments. You will receive direct, sincere, and selfless support, which can take many forms: honest advice, cooperation, collaboration, moral or financial support, etc.
Rune’s advice: You are warned against your weaknesses and flaws. You must analyse them objectively, identify them and understand them, and then fight them through an act of will so that you can move forward on the chosen path. Express your qualities such as tolerance, altruism, and generosity.
Reading chakra balancing card using positive affirmations
After a night of horrible pain in the area of the solar plexus chakra (she only managed to fall asleep with a warm compress in that area), she decided to draw a chakra balancing card!
This is what came out:
- Crown chakra affirmation: I give myself permission to function in perfect health.
- Third Eye chakra affirmation: I am grateful for a clear mind and a strong intuition.

Knowing the context, everything aligns so well! Left, physical state, right, mental state, and if we look at the first card in the stack of books… The card is for the Solar Plexus chakra: THE FIRE WITHIN ME BURNS THROUGH ALL BLOCKS AND FEARS. Everything aligns with the readings of the runes and oracle cards.
The relationship between physical and mental health. Understanding physical problems from the perspective of emotions
Stomach – what can’t you digest?
My energetic partner has concluded that she cannot digest a lot. That she has terrible gas and is bloated, which causes her terrible discomfort at work and in everyday life. She is grounded by a lot of thoughts, she feels trapped, that she can’t evolve next to her current life partner, she can’t be herself, that he holds her still and consumes her energy. She can’t digest his lifelessness, his boredom, his monotony.
From the spiritual perspective on disease and suffering:
- Flatulence: stiffness, fear, undigested ideas. The solution: I relax and let life flow through me easily. I am safe.
- Cramps: tension, fear, you grab with both hands and don’t let go. The solution: I relax and allow my mind to be at peace.
- Abdominal cramps: fear, stopping the process. The solution: I trust the process of life.
- Gas cramps: grip, fear, undigested ideas. The solution: I relax and let life flow through me easily. I am safe.
And yes, it fits. The fear… Stopping the process, getting stuck!
If we sit and analyze, her stomach problems, hemorrhoids, and flatulence, all of them have been around since her inner struggles occurred and increased. She wants to move forward, to prosper, to do, then she stops, then she wants to do it again, and she stops again.
Spiritual Interpretation of Special Numbers — The Angel Numbers
The watch always shows her interesting numbers: This morning I looked at the clock at 09:09 and I found it very interesting. I noticed immediately and I thought that this is definitely a sign, it’s too much. Then after a while, a colleague asks me what time it is and I look and say 09:19. Well, I found that even more interesting.
And I searched for the meaning of the numbers 909 and 919. Of course, the internet is full of explanations for these numbers, but she intuitively chose to read an article for each one and these are the messages:
909 – This number shows that you are entering a time of hope and selflessness. Your angels may be asking you to bring more philanthropy into your life. It’s a time of helping others and fulfilling your duty here on Earth. You will be asked to lead others by your good example, with sensitivity and strength. You are being called to spread the light. You are seeing this number because your angels are trying to warn you that changes are coming but that it is not something to fear. Trust that whatever is coming your way will change your life for the better. These changes may be difficult, so you will need to be brave and remember that there is so much for you to learn from this situation. Consider any challenges that arise now as opportunities to learn and grow. Hang in there, things will get better soon. You will not be alone on this journey; your angels are with you every step of the way. You are seeing angel number 909 often because your angels want you to direct your energy outwards. This means investing energy in considering the ways in which you can help others, either physically, emotionally, or financially. You are being asked to act as a positive inspiration to others. Through empowering others, you create a further ripple effect of positivity and inspiration in the world. The effects of this can be life-changing and formidable. The number 9 is energetically powerful and when it is doubled the energy it creates is outstanding.
919 – You have the qualities of a person who is very faithful and competent in doing great things in every domain of your life, but you can sabotage yourself because you might have a problem negotiating with your powers. You have to converge on a specific goal, otherwise you may feel anxious and you’re afraid that this might be the only time people know that you can do many incredible things that could scare you when you think you might be disappointing somebody or failing something. The angel number 919 gravitates towards the new opportunities that open more doors in your being, and you will get closer to the goals of your life. The spiritual significance of 919 reflects that you will move into a different routine and into another growth and doing something new will give you more energy and inspire you to try new things. This is an invitation from your angels to start pursuing the things you love and to introduce yourself to others who can help you reach your goals and set your foot on the doorstep.
The timing is very interesting, because over time she has seen groups of significant numbers, but she never thought to check what they mean. Only that day. She felt an interesting impulse when she saw 09 09: and I said wow, that’s definitely a message, a sign.
It is clear that the angels are sending her a message! And yet what does she do with this fear that stops her from moving forward? That’s her hot spot, she clearly has work to do to free herself from fear.
The right people come at the right time with the right solution
My energetic partner is not native in the country where she is living, she moved to a small town several years ago in a different country. So it is no coincidence that in her job, out of dozens of employees, only in her group, which consists only of 10 people, there is one person who speaks her language, and understands her language, even if that person is native in that country. The woman is a true role model, with firm and healthy beliefs (participated in many marathons, also walked 300 km on Camino de Santiago – the most famous, and sacred, pilgrimage walk in the world to the ancient burial site of St. James the Apostle). They talks all day about mental setting, that we need to educate our brains to do what we want. She is convinced that the people who win a marathon win it because they have an excellent mental setting, because they have set their mind that they will succeed. Everyone has muscle aches, everyone is tired, but the one who wins, wins because he or she does not allow the brain to give up in the face of fatigue and pain.
The law of mirroring
I received the following excerpt by e-mail a few weeks ago and I thought it was too synchronous with what I was going through to disregard it:
“The exterior reflects the interior. What does it mean that the outside reflects the inside? It means that the world we live in is like a gigantic mirror, a mirror that always reflects aspects or parts of ourselves; it means that all the people we attract or are attracted in our lives reflect unknown, denied, or unassuming aspects of ourselves. The operation of this law excludes chance! In some spiritual traditions that have intuited it, it is almost obsessively repeated that nothing is accidental. Accidents, coincidences, unexpected events thus occur only due to our ignorance. More precisely, due to the notorious inability of our minds to comprehend all the factors, physical and non-physical, that contribute to the birth of an event, to the production of a phenomenon or a meeting. The world seems to be dominated by chance when, in reality, it is the expression of an incredible harmony, a microsecond or nanometre match of everything that moves, be it particles or energy waves.
The top spiritual experiences of people from different periods of time and cultures support this idea; in “This Is It: and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience”, Alan Watts summed up this statement wonderfully: “
One who is in this state of consciousness is overwhelmed by the certainty that the Universe, as it is perceived at that moment, is as it should be… The mind is so amazed at the obvious and perfect fit of things, as they are, that it can no longer find words to express the perfection and beauty of this experience. Everything is so clear that the world seems to have become transparent or bright and so simple that the world can only be penetrated and ordered by a supreme intelligence.”
The universe always directs us towards those environments and people or creates exactly those circumstances in which we can experience what we do not yet accept in ourselves, but the time has come to do so. It is as if the cosmic intelligence is always watching us, constantly putting us in front of our developmental tasks.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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