Menstruation is the process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
- Synonyms: period, menstrual cycle
- Technical: menses, menarche, menorrhea
- Rare: catamenia
- Archaic: time
- Informal: the curse, monthlies, one’s/the time of the month, being on the rag
What is the energetic “deal” before menstruation?
I noticed in myself – before menstruation I am more and more aware of my problems and I try to solve them, I get frustrated, it leaves me in tears, then I calm down from the first day of my menstrual cycle. Next month I’ll start over… It’s as if, 7-10 days before my menstruation, all my light bulbs light up at once. I’m going crazy before menstrual cycle and I want to “break free”. I feel everything that bothers me becomes more acute and I also feel that my glass is filled more and more… Hormonal I know what happens, but I tried to explain it from energy point of view.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of signs and symptoms, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue… and it affects a woman’s emotions, physical health, and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms including emotions have a lot to do with the liver and the emotion of anger according to traditional Chinese medicine. I’ve found that shame, fear, worry and regret deeper womb related but liver shuts the solar plexus gates down too, so PMS brings on the loudspeaker when we need to resolve, heal within ourselves.
We can’t separate “body only, mind only, energetically only’. They all work together. Sometimes we need to manage the mind to free the energy, other times we heal the energy and the body heals, or we heal the body and while doing so we download wisdom that helps heal the mind or spirit.

The menstruation mainly has to do with the 3 lower chakras
The reproductive system (both male and female) is the bridge between the root chakra and the solar plexus (i.e. sacral chakra). When we are menstruating, both male and female energies are at their peak, there is no balance. We are competing to do more. When the root and solar plexus chakras are “balanced” then the energies “flow better” and the daily dramas are less or less intense, or even both. It also has to do with the states of awareness, but not as much as we would think. Sometimes we might cope with our state and not be in pain. Other times we might not cope with our awareness state and still not have pain… So the body and the nervous system tell us what’s wrong, and we need to be more careful about what it’s about.
In the book Anatomy of the Spirit, The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (Three Rivers Press, 1996) author and medical intuitive Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., explains that many female health problems are related to the second chakra: “Problems with menstruation, cramps, and PMS are classic indications that she is in some kind of conflict with being a woman…” Problems with bleeding or irregular periods frequently occur due to emotional stress and the feeling that a woman doesn’t have control over her choices. Further, Myss writes that tubal problems and infertility are centered on a woman’s inner child, as the flow of eggs can be blocked because the woman’s inner being does not feel nurtured or mature enough to feel fertile.
The Vedic texts are quite clear in their advocacy that a woman’s cycle is both powerful and fragile. This is a time when we are ‘full mooning’, the energy and heat in the body are incredible (the start of creation of life). For this process of creation and then expulsion to happen effectively, a lot of energy needs to be drawn and then coagulated in the pelvic region and lower spine, in the 3 lower body chakras. Ayurvedic knowledge describes that if a woman’s body does not have sufficient energy stored at the base of the spine (root chakra) in order to effectively manage this process, it will oftentimes transfer and drain energy directly from the prefrontal cortex region, or pineal gland (third eye chakra). In other words, if root chakra is weakened or blocked, the body relies on the third eye chakra energy store to complete the process of menstruation. The root chakra is weakened due to stress, a history of sexual abuse or complications, fatigue – emotion and physical, too many stimulants/sedatives, toxic body, poor diet, not enough sleep, and a constant state of fear/anxiety, very common issues that many women could identify with. We recognize this transference of energy comes from the prefrontal cortex region to the base of the spine and it is recognized by having strong headaches, tension headaches, migraines, insomnia, fuzzy headedness, poor concentration, pain behind the eyes, mood swings, and lack of drive/creative inspiration.
In case the third eye chakra is also under strain and got insufficient energy stores, women cannot menstruate effectively, which will lead to amenorrhea. This is common in women who undergo a lot of stress, both physical and emotional.
How do we solve our issues that occur during menstruation?
During menstruation, cleansing the chakras is mandatory. If the lower chakras are cleansed, the connection with the upper chakras is clearer, straight. This also leads to coherence between the brain and the heart (the feminine and masculine energies, which influence hormones too). So, in short… we need to cleanse the lower chakras to “get rid” of pain and “mood swings”. When I say chakra cleansing, I don’t just mean Reiki. I am referring especially to the healing of wounds related to the foundation (trust, stability), creation, reproduction, love, friendship, self-confidence, inner strength, etc.
When I am in pain during menstruation, I look at specifics. For example: on this particular day, this happened, I felt like that and I look at the wounds that needed to be healed. It could be a conversation of the inner child that needs to surface. It could be a boundary the adult wants to learn. It could be a belief inherited from generations that needs heal. One size does not fit it all.
How do I energetically prepare for my menstruation?
A few days before my period, I schedule something nice to pamper my body and soul, supportive and nurturing activities for myself that make it easier for me to enjoy my menstruation.
As I meditate, I try tuning into the energy of my liver. I send Reiki directly to my liver before, during, and after menstruation. I use the Reiki symbols to obtain access, to create intention and they don’t remove the intuition of what needs addressed in that present moment.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
Thank you very much for this article. A very good insight for this moment of month, that is important for us women. It shed a piece of light on my very own problems thst i encounter while on my perioad.
Wow! Such an insightful article. And what perfect timing for me to come across this! During my periods! Thank you Patricia for writing this very important article and bringing the energetic perspective of menstruation to us.
Love and best regards
Usually i need to balance my solar plexus around my period…because this energy becomes very unbalanced in premenstrual days. I thought its the sacral chakra, but actually its all connected. If the solar plexus is blocked then the energy cannot run freely to the lower chakras. The body needs energy for this process, and stress or lack of sleep can easily deplete you.
I’m 45 and suddenly getting extremely heavy menstruation with huge clots. I have no other symptoms of perio-menopause – I don’t even have any grey hair yet! Most people think I’m much younger than I am. I feel younger too, except for this issue with menstruation. I get my period every 2 weeks or less now. It’s happened for the past 4 or 5 cycles. Up until then I was completely regular.
I know it has a lot to do with stress as I recently moved out on my own after living with a friend for a while (after leaving and divorcing from a very abusive partner). This is the first time in a very long time I’ve been on my own…and it coincides with the move.
Would this be my sacral chakra that is blocked?