Do you find yourself over-analyzing things? Do you find yourself spinning in circles, constantly pondering over what people think about you, ruminating over past incidents or worrying about future? Do you want to break free from this cycle and declutter your mind? Then read on!
The ability to think and analyze is a gift as long as you have the master switch to turn it on and off, but it can become a curse if it starts consuming your life. Overthinking is a self-destructive behavior and your thoughts may revolve around various themes like your relationships, health, looks, career or anything else. But regardless of the subject, it can lead to anxiety and paranoia, affecting all areas of your life.
Here is a primer on how to overcome this habit and rewire your brain to reap the maximum benefits of this wonderful faculty of thinking.
1) Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation is the ultimate life hack you can use to set yourself free of the habit of overthinking. Sit in a quiet place for a few minutes everyday and just focus on the present moment. Witness your breath or your thoughts, and whenever any distracting thought passes by, just watch it and let it go. Feel the calm, and just ‘feel the silence’. Begin with ten minutes a day and then stretch to 20 or 40 minutes or as long as you wish. Once you are done, try to carry the calm feel into your daily life. Whenever you find your mind overcrowded, attempt to bring yourself into the moment. You can practice mindfulness even while you are engaged in some other activities, simply by being fully present in the moment. Though it might sound difficult to do initially, but within a few days of practice, it becomes your second nature.
2) Reiki
Overthinking is largely an overactivity of the Third Eye chakra and an underactive Root chakra. When the Third Eye chakra has excessive energy, we tend to be over stimulated mentally. This leads to a lack of concentration, mental fog and emotional instability. Similarly, when the Root chakra does not work optimally, it leads to restlessness, impatience, insecurity and excessive anger. Reiki helps to balance these chakras, bringing relaxation and grounding in your overall being.
3) Connect with your physical body
Engage with your physical senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, touching and smelling. This will help to ground you back into the present moment.
4) Connect with Mother Nature
In today’s life, we mostly remain hooked to the digital media most of the time. So taking regular breaks from the virtual life and spending time in nature acts as the perfect antidote to an overactive mind. Walk barefoot on grass, go for a swim in the ocean, soak some sunshine and go for outing in the fresh air.
Practice makes a person perfect and this is the quintessential truth you need to imbibe to put an end to overthinking. So inhale the peace, exhale the doubts. Be the master, not a slave of your mind.
As Rumi says it “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.”
Love and Light
Article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana
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Dr. Jayashree Ramana is a scientist and nutritionist. She uses Reiki healing as a part of her holistic healing program.
She is Usui Reiki Grand Master and practices Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal healing, Lama fera, Magnified healing, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), acupressure, etc. She is a fitness enthusiast and helps people achieve optimal levels of wellness by amalgamating physical measures including nutrition and exercise along with various alternative therapies. Her vision is to empower people and help them tap into their individual power while simultaneously creating a life of abundance and joy.
She is working as Senior Information Scientist at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. She was formerly a university professor and scientist in the field of Biotechnology for a decade. Her own personal transformation with reiki sparked her passion for metaphysical sciences and this led her to found ‘The Healing Soul’.
Get in touch with Dr. Jayashree Ramana through her website or you may reach her at Her youtube channel is
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