It is not easy taking the initiative and allowing ourselves to become the Lightworkers we truly are. These challenging times are not here to just test our resolve. They are here to open us up to a new way of thinking and being that will take this planet through an evolutionary leap in terms of our global health, the way we interact with each other and our planetary spiritual blossoming.
It is often said that “everything happens for a reason”.
This commonly used phrase may seem flippant in the face of a global financial crisis and an immediate and very real threat to the lives of our loved ones. Some of us are already grieving great losses, and some of us are facing hardships and personal disaster that could never have been foreseen.
When life becomes turbulent, we fall back on familiar, old programming, habits and default settings to try to see things through. But with this particular crisis, have you noticed that your usual ways of dealing with things just aren’t working this time?
You’re not alone. We are ALL feeling strained and lost.
So what can we do?
Well, what is this situation asking of us? Is it telling us to ditch our healing modalities and spiritual practices? Is it demanding that we think commercially, greedily and selfishly? Absolutely not.
It is asking us to share, to care and to step up and help.
How can our little ‘ole Reiki practice be of any use against such massive upheaval?
As a Lightworker, you are being called upon to think about yourself, Reiki and our combined vibrational network in a new way. It is asking us to be brave enough to spread that light not just privately, but for the whole world to see.
This is not easy to do. Lightworkers are often not comfortable with stepping forward and taking the lead. So here are some easy practices to help you get started in transforming your Reiki or healing modality into a beacon of light; a pathway for those that are lost and a safe harbor for those who are suffering on troubled waters.
Practice One
Gaining the Confidence to be a Lighthouse to Others
No matter how confident you feel, our confidence can always do with a little tune-up. Before you can be a Lighthouse to others, it is vital that you believe in yourself and your abilities.
Remember, the Universe is one giant mirror reflecting back to you what you are vibrationally giving out. If you lack confidence in yourself the Universe will vibrationally reflect this back to you using people’s harsh words (“who does she/he think they are?”), a lack of clients or resources or any myriad of forms to remind you that without the inner work, your outer work will be in vain.
Seven Actions You Can Take To Increase Your Confidence
- Pay attention to your dress. If like most of us, you’ve been stuck indoors for months it is too easy to slouch around all day in your pyjamas. Take some nice clothes out of the wardrobe, pay attention to your appearance, personal grooming and make-up. Even if no one else sees you that day, dressing nicely will change your mood and you will carry yourself with more confidence.
- Increase your competence. Have you been letting your skills squander? Now is the time to brush off your old books or start a new course. Make a commitment to do some reading every day.
- Exercise. When we feel physically stronger, we feel stronger mentally and emotionally too. Use those exercise-induced hormones to give you a daily boost of courage.
- Re-evaluate your goals and values. Your values may have changed recently in light of recent events and your goals may have either been forcibly taken from you or no longer seem that important. Don’t stay in limbo, spend some time re-writing your values and goals in light of the new circumstances you are in.
- Watch how you talk to others. Errr….. Ummmm….. Am I making sense? Does that sound okay? I’m sorry, but…. To be honest, it might be a good idea to practice sounding more confident when you talk.
- Watch how you talk to yourself. Sometimes we talk to ourselves worse than we would dare talk to anyone else. Try talking to yourself as a valued and much-appreciated travelling companion. After all, you are on a journey through life.
- Listen to a meditation like this one a regular basis to help you drop the barriers that stop us shining our true light to the world.
Practice Two
Illuminating the Path – Getting Started
This is not about putting yourself under pressure to be the answer to everyone’s prayers.
This is about discovering your own answers.
When we realise that deep within us lies an endless supply of unconditional love and support, we naturally radiate to a different vibration. People gravitate towards this new vibration because they instinctively want to be touched by that universal power too, but they are currently out of touch with it.
Regularly practice tuning in to this beautiful energy by following these steps:
- Place your left palm on your chest. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths.
- Bring to mind a time when you were deeply relaxed, happy and at peace.
- Take a mental snapshot of that moment and allow yourself to bask in it.
- Feel the positive emotions of the moment. Where in your body do you feel it?
- Allow yourself to intensify those feelings of love, joy and happiness for as long as you wish.
I often have great success tuning in throughout the day by thinking of something or someone I love. Doing this brings me out of head-thinking and into heart-thinking.
Practice Three
Commit to Making Reiki Your Priority
What are you spending your time on? Are you committing regular time to explore and expand your Reiki practice or is binge-watching TV more of a priority?
Making a commitment to Reiki and aligning with a purpose that is important to you gives you clarity, focus and clearly defined next-steps to achieving your goals.
Did you know Bruce Lee, the famous martial arts actor had what he called ‘A Chief Definite Aim’? Perhaps we don’t hanker after box office success and millions in the bank, but his Chief Definite Aim method definitely worked and is worth examining.
His idea of a Chief Definite Aim (CDA) probably came from the works of Napoleon Hill, the great self-improvement writer of the 20th century.
All success begins with definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want in life.” Napoleon Hill
Bruce’s CDA was as follows:
“I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental superstar in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980, I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.”
Bruce Lee (dated January 1969)
How to create your Chief Definite Aim
Write down your specific desires. Note I say specific, not vague. Wanting to help people is vague. Desiring to learn how to balance chakras and send healing over distances is specific.
Establish a time period for achievement. This is easy if the goal is to achieve your Reiki Master Teacher certification because your time period will have a defined endpoint, i.e. the day you receive your certification. If your goal is to ‘read twenty Reiki books’ then you can roughly estimate how long this will take you to do. Remember, if you can’t fix a reasonable time period for your achievement, your desire isn’t specific enough. Go back and hone it further.
The ‘Price’ to be Paid
This is rarely about money, but in terms of formal education and necessary purchases, it can be. The price to be paid may be to remove yourself from negative influences. It can be having to adjust your working hours. It can mean admitting that your skills need working on. Whatever it is, you will know it’s a ‘price to pay’ because it will move you out of your comfort zone.
Start Your Baby Steps
By now, you probably have a small collection of steps you can take and an idea of a time frame to work to. You won’t have the entire plan mapped out yet, but make a start and the rest of the path will appear in front of you.
What is your CDA? Write one out now. Here is an example to get you thinking.
“I, [name], will be a Reiki Lighthouse to my community, which includes [your local area, social media connections, groups etc]. I will offer [your specific growing skills and increasing knowledge]. In return, I will step out of my comfort zone by [insert price to be paid] and give the best support and healing quality I am capable of to those near and far. I will achieve this by the end of 2021. I will continue to develop and work on myself and be the best ambassador I can be for the Reiki community.”
Write or print your statement out and read it every day. This will bring your focus continually back to your goal and make your Reiki practice a priority.
These simple, yet effective practices will help you kick-start your Reiki Lighthouse experience and refocus you on Why You Are Really Here.
Article by Phoenix Fenegan
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Phoenix Fenegan is a Reiki Master Teacher, YA 200hrs Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, and spiritual & energy explorer. Phoenix has a YouTube channel called Intuitive Meditations which has many resources for Reiki students and those looking to experience meditation. She is a writer of some note on yoga and spiritual matters which were first published way back in 1997.
You can contact Phoenix through her website:
Very very interesting, informative and inspirational article you shared, thank you.