I have been a Reiki, Crystal, Energy, and Shamanic healer and teacher for the past 12 years. Most of my treatments and teachings are done in-person, but there has been the odd distant session/course. These proved to be appropriate for and beneficial to the clients/students that requested them. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the World and we (in South Africa) went into lockdown, I thought: no problem… we’ll just move into a setup of distant healing sessions and remote teaching via one of the many available online media apps.
And so, I set everything up to move into this “new normal” … My new virtual healing and teaching practice. I contacted all my existing clients and updated my advertising campaigns, offering clients a discount for distant/remote sessions.
Well…. It is now more than 3 weeks later and I’m still waiting for clients and students to make use of distant/remote healing sessions and lessons. The reason is simple: people want, no, NEED human contact!
As Lightworkers, we know that distant/remote healing is possible and that it works. The concepts of quantum physics and “no time, no space” are accepted as the foundation of our healing work – we heal past trauma and karma, we take Shamanic journeys to the spiritual dimensions of reality and we seek guidance and healing in the various cosmological realms of the Lower, Middle and Upper Worlds. We tap into the Divine Source that is infinite and boundless. We transform and realign the energy of people and places, always for the highest good of all involved and based on the premise that energy flows where intention goes.
And given our current circumstances, distant healing work would be ideal… Perfect, in fact. We can facilitate healing whilst observing and maintaining social distancing.
However, that is not what my clients want! Even though they acknowledge their need for healing during these trying times, all opted to wait for an in-person session when lockdown is over, and freedom of movement is possible. They crave human contact: an in-person, face-to-face opportunity to talk, to heal, to be supported.
This obviously poses the issue of health and safety precautions… How are we going to marry the need for human contact and healing with the need to observe social distancing and curb the spread of the pandemic? Here are a few thoughts:
- See fewer clients a day to allow for time to clean, cleanse, and clear in between clients.
- To minimize contact, space clients so that there are no waiting/overlapping clients.
- Use “Namaste” to welcome and greet your clients – no hugging and no handshakes.
- Ask clients to wash/sanitize hands when they enter your space.
- Offer the option for clients to wear their face masks if they wish to.
- Do one-on-one sessions only – especially when it comes to teaching.
- Keep the healing space clean both physically and energetically – regularly and daily – vacuum, wash, sanitize, crystal grids, singing bowls, smudge…
- Observe social distancing by maintaining a healthy distance between you and the client/student when conversing.
- During the “hands-on” healing session itself and for the duration thereof, I personally would opt for wearing my face mask.
- If you feel you have to touch, wear nitrile gloves and dispose of them immediately afterwards.
Nobody is untouchable or untouched by this pandemic, but we all have a choice on how we respond. Ultimately, it will be everyone’s responsibility to take care of themselves and those they encounter – it is a collective effort. It is going to be a learning curve to adapt and evolve and we will probably make many mistakes. The truth is, however, that we cannot continue as we had before. We are given an opportunity to use this “disruption” as platform towards enlightenment and a total shift in lifestyle. It is a catalyst to rebuild a solid, positive, and renewed practice that focuses on what really matters… the health and wellbeing of people and communities.
Article by Thea van der Merwe, Ph.D.
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Thea van der Merwe, Ph.D.
Thea van der Merwe, Ph. D. is a nationally and internationally trained holistic energy, certified and experienced Master Reiki Practitioner, qualified in Usui Reiki, Reijukido, Karuna® Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki, Crystal Reiki, and Gendai Reiki. She obtained the title of Shihan (full master/teacher), the highest level in Gendai Reiki Ho. Besides her greatest passion which is Reiki, Thea is also a spiritual shaman, healer, and teacher, offering readings as a way of accessing spiritual guidance. Her journey of personal discovery, growth, and healing started back in 2005 when she was personally in need of healing and searching for something more than what conventional medicine and therapy could provide. Thea is currently nationally and internationally registered with the South African Reiki Masters Association and The Reiki Healing Association respectively – both professional associations for the local and global Reiki communities, working to promote the wide-reaching practice and healing effects of Reiki throughout the world and where the primary philosophy is that together, we can do so much more. You can get into contact with Thea van der Merwe at viterra.co.za, which is her website, and at facebook.com/viterrahealing on Facebook.
As a Reiki practitioner, I agree wholeheartedly with Thea and I think her suggestions are spot on. Also we really need to take a hard look at how we live and treat the environment and to make serious changes going forward .