Article by Writeously
During these times especially as now, ‘discernment’ an awesome Reiki related gift to be developed/nurtured can be greatly amplified. Also is one of the most important and should be sought after resource or tools to have instantly at your disposal, and/or with immediate access to decipher/ innerstand/ overstand/ understand what is happening, most importantly beyond the physical facts/ so-called proof. Discernment is not something anyone else can use for you. They may be able to share their discerning thoughts/feelings, but each individual on their own must have their own personal discernment intact, to benefit themselves.
Discernment, as described in Spiritual terms thanks to Ernest Holmes’ The Dictionary of New Thought Terms (Devross & Co. 1942), means: “The ability to lay hold of truth. To see beyond appearances to that which is obscure and hidden yet Divine.” Some people would say it is sort of like your intuition (on steroids), or your gut-feelings, however, discernment is way beyond just that and vastly more powerful, because it allies closely insight/ foresight/ hindsight before hand.
Now ‘Sacred Head Blessing’ is a practice of Spiritual wisdom, based upon ancestral culture and serves as a ritual and ceremony to align one to make conscious contact with the Divine Spirit within one’s own head. This incredibly powerful act is now made available for our present times thanks to Iyanla Vanzant’s The Spirit Of A Man (HarperCollins 1996) and offered as a choice, only if you are comfortable with it. This comfort would be based upon how one feels about receiving “information downloads”, from The Universe, The Cosmos, and otherworldly sources, with harm, however, a warning is needed just as a heads up regarding the amount and quality of knowledge which will come through after performing the fairly simple/easy ritual ceremony which may be performed daily for seven (7) days before needing to refresh/renew the water/repeat the practice with new intentions.
When you are ready to do the Sacred Head Blessing ritual/ceremony you will need 3 essential oils –
- Frankincense (for clarity),
- Myrrh (for purification)
- Sage (for wisdom)
Adding 1 drop of each essential oil mentioned to a small clear glass vessel of spring water with a lid/covering, that you’ll leave where it won’t be disturbed while the sunlight can recharge the water (the glass vessel must be large enough so you can dip both index fingers at the same time into).
As with any sacred ceremony you should begin with prayer (use any sacred texts you feel comfortable with or use your own words the choice is yours) while focusing your mind and stating your intention. Use any Reiki symbols you are attuned to directly over the glass vessel.
To perform the Sacred Head Blessing (preferably in the morning):
- Sit so you have easy access to your small clear glass vessel of charged water
- Open glass vessel and dip both index fingers at the same time into the water.
- Place fingers in middle of your forehead, and draw them across the top of your head, down the back of your head to the base of your neck, while affirming, “I bless the Spirit of my head.”
- Dip your fingers again. Place them at the top of your head (the Crown). Draw your fingers down the sides of your head to each ear while affirming, “I bless the Spiritual energy of my head.”
- Again, dip your fingers and place them in the middle of your forehead, draw across the top of your head down the back of your head to the base of your neck, while affirming, “I bless the Divine masculine energy within me (and SHK 3X balance).”
- Repeat this step with each of the following affirmations, “I bless the Divine feminine energy within me (and SHK 3X balance).” “I bless the energy of the Divine child within me (SHK 3X harmonize).” “I bless all the identities I have assumed since the beginning of time (and HSZSN 3X beyond time and space).”
- You will now bless each part of your head, in the following order, with the appropriate affirmation. Dip your fingers in the water before each blessing.
- On Forehead (Third Eye), draw fingers from the center of the forehead out to each side affirming, “I bless the gift of Spiritual vision. Let me see and know Truth in my life.”
- On Eyes (lids), Strike each eyelid gently outward, simultaneously, affirming, “I bless these eyes. Let me see my way in life clearly and according to Divine God’s will.”
- On Nose, Strike each nostril from top to bottom. “I am grateful for the breath that allows my life to be sustained.”
- On Ears, Strike each ear from front to back. “I bless my ears. Let me follow the guidance of Spirit and know truth when hearing it.”
- On Mouth, Stroke your lips from the center outward. “I bless my mouth. Let me speak the truth of Spirit, affirm the guidance of Spirit, give praise for the blessings of Spirit.”
- On Face, Stroke a circular outline of your face from the center of your forehead around to your chin. “I bless my unique identity. Let me be a full and blessed expression of the Creator on this earth.” Bless your head again by drawing your fingers from the center of your forehead to the back of your neck, and from the top of your head down each side while affirming, “Let there be light. Let there be light. Let there be light (DKM 3X).”
Congratulations/Namaste, you have completed the ‘Sacred Head Blessing’ ritual/ceremony and will experience, a peaceful, stillness, followed by what will feel like information transmitted (downloaded) to you at various time, along with an ignited discernment as you think about any of the information transmitted.
I will conclude this with a simple fore-warning that your meditation practices will never be the same again and discernment will unfold for you at the perfect pace, as Reiki continues to guide you with increased knowingness.
Stay Divinely Spiritually blessed infinitely (HSZSN 3X).
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Writeously is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, a shamanic practitioner, and an avid (Yoruba-inspired) Spiritual practitioner. He shares powerful, daily astrologically-aligned, herbal magick/aromatherapy and also serves as functional wisdom. He makes it an integral part of his overall intentional daily continuous seeking/studies/practitionership.
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