Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Dear Ones,
Fear is an energy. It is a darker energy that has gripped the human collective consciousness for eons. The collective has been susceptible to fear and has allowed itself to be trapped by this energy over and over again, believing it to be real.
The time has now arrived for fear to make its way out of Gaia.
Dear ones, you MUST know this-
Fear has no place on the New Earth.
The New Earth, dear ones, shall be a safe and harmonious haven, where souls live in health, peace, and joy.
If someone mentions the word ‘Fear’, the children of the New Earth shall ask with surprise,
“What is THAT?”
The concept of fear shall cease to make any sense to the citizens of the New Earth – the Golden Age of Gaia. It shall at most exist as part of Gaia’s history.
Just as much of what has happened in Earth’s history does not make sense to you in the current times, the concept of fear shall not make sense to the children of the New Earth.
I talk to you from the future of Gaia, dear ones.
You may wonder what purpose this message serves.
It serves a very important purpose because you who are reading this are the Light bearers of Gaia in the current time.
You are the Lightworkers, the Energy healers, the Warriors, the Starseeds, the Fearless Ones, the Wise Ones, the Old Souls….
You are here to lay the foundation for the New Earth, for the Golden Age.
Most of you grew up in tumultuous times and you still get to witness high levels of fear in the world around you. Occurrences that unfold on the Earth have the potential to spark fear, which then spreads like wild fire across your beautiful planet. And this wild fire continues to feed and ignite the collective human psyche, perpetuating darkness in great intensity.
Dear ones, many of you have also been susceptible to fear for very many years. However, that time is now drawing to a close.
You are not asleep anymore.
You are now awakening to your truth and your light.
You are awakening to your Divine Mission.
You do understand now that you are not here to add to the misery on the planet.
You are not here to perpetuate fear.
You are not here to kindle the darkness.
You are here to shine the Light.
You are here to lay the foundations for a Light filled world.
You are here to think bold and bright.
You are here to anchor in the higher energies of spiritual power and wisdom.
You are here to seed energetic codes of health and wellness.
You are here to imprint frequencies of love and peace.
You are here to be fearless.
During the course of your current lifetime, a multitude of dark storms may rage from time to time. However, you shall stand unshaken and unaffected. Your focus shall be single pointed and it shall be on your Divine Mission.
This is not to say you will not be well informed about happenings in your world. You will be wisely informed and you will do what needs to be done if required. However, you will not allow yourself to be controlled or manipulated by the news, by random hearsay or by collective feverishness.
Remember, dear ones, everything is energy.
What you are, you attract.
What you are, you create.
As Lightworkers –
Be the Light and attract more Light into the planet.
Be the Light and create more Light on the planet.
You are supported by me and your entire Galactic Team of Light.
You are supported by the web of Lightworkers incarnated across the planet.
You are not alone.
Rise up, be fearless, shine bright.
Do your bit to create a peaceful Gaia, a safe Gaia, a beautiful Gaia.
The work you do NOW shall build Golden Gaia.
Shine bright, dear Warriors!
I love you
Archangel Michael
In service to the Divine and Gaia, this message was channelled by Haripriya Suraj. This message is timeless and you can benefit from its wisdom any time and every time you read it.
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
You state, “What you are, you attract. What you are, you create.”\ Not necessarily so! Sometimes we attract others who through their lack, would like to have what we do (inwardly and/or outwardly), seeking to find their wholeness (or personal gain) through us!\ “Be” a beacon of light, realizing you aren’t responsible to enlighten (in-light-I-in) anyone, or fill whatever is lacking either; in themselves and/or outside of their lives! You can be an example for folks to emulate and/or offer suggestions to help another, to help themselves… However, as numerous guides/ masters through millenniums of differing traditions have stated (paraphrasing), “You can show them the door, but they are responsible to open the door and walk through for themselves.”… The reason for this is, “responsibility” (<response-ability)… Enlightenment is a personal; choice, decision, and journey, for which everyone individually chooses to venture towards, in order to evolve… To ever decree, or think that we can individually actually “enlighten” others, is an ego meme that needs to end… We are vehicles of Divine (or Reiki) inspiration, for which others (Divine aspect(s)) get to choose and decide, whether if what we offer is; useful to utilize, needs to be altered to better fit their situation, or be tossed out… Life’s journey is about individuals finding that which already resides within, ending outward seeking… As a post I saw about a month ago stated, “Don’t chase love, money or success. Become the best version of yourself and those things will chase you.”\ Release need and Be, then All is revealed… Namaste…
Thank you for this it came at the right time🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Na mihi nui ♥️♥️