For those of us who continually seek to strengthen our connection to spiritual wisdom, or intuition, Reiki can be a game changer. Tapping into universal energy with Reiki is a simple act with wide reaching effects. Connecting to energy on a regular basis fundamentally changes us by deepening our understanding of the world and the beings who call it home. Our compassion, and empathy for others, is awakened in a way that is truly miraculous. We are opened to a vastly broadened horizon; one that is infused with universal knowledge and soul level understanding. We vibrate at a higher frequency. We “level up”.
Intuition can be described as an “inner sense of knowing” and our intuition centers at the Third Eye chakra. This chakra is located on the mid forehead, just above the brow line where the pineal gland resides. Here lies the key to previously untapped knowledge and guidance. Most of us go through our day to day life, for the most part unaware of its existence. This power center lies dormant until it is awakened, either intentionally with focused meditation, by attunement, or by a life changing event.
Intuition will not sweep over us and turn us into wise sages or psychic mediums overnight. The third eye does not open all at once. Our pineal gland will likely be blocked by disuse and external factors that hinder our third eye sight. Additives to our food and water, chemicals in make up, skin care products, toothpaste, even the air we breathe, can cause the pineal gland to calcify and effectively block access to our intuition. A blocked third eye chakra can cause symptoms like confusion, fear, the inability to concentrate or focus.
We encourage the opening of our third eye with:
- Exposure to sun and nature
- Filtering our water
- Elimination of chemically processed food and skin products
- Working with crystals
- Meditation
- The use of essential oils
- Conscious awareness and practicing connection
Chakra awareness and meditation practice can, and will, center and focus our intuition into a reliable and usable skill. Reiki energy flows through the chakras, our energy centers, and is vital to our spiritual growth and wisdom. Regular self-practice with Reiki supports the clearing of blocked energy and allows the body to heal itself. When energy flows freely overall health improves. Our emotions become stable and balance is achieved. This state of balanced good health becomes the basis for our spiritual growth and consequently, our intuition.
If you are new to the process of accessing third eye intuition, a word of caution: not every thought that comes into mind will be a true intuition. Our desire to be intuitive may be so great that our conscious minds serve up false impressions, which can lead to ill-advised choices. Intuition is not created from conscious thought. Unless we are born with the rare and unique gift of true “sight”, our abilities must be developed over time. We nurture our third eye sight and allow it to mature. This is the way we know it is dependable.
A true intuition can be felt in different parts of the body like the heart or the belly (think “gut feeling”). Or it may come in the form of hearing a voice in your head. It can be a sensation of knowing or a vision that appears in your mind’s eye. These sensations should feel “solid” and real, different from a random thought that can be ego driven or simply the mind playing tricks on you. To validate the intuition, take a breath and still the mind so you can process the information, – does it have depth and feel right to you? If so, you can trust it.
However, out in real life if you get a strong feeling that you are unsafe, or a situation feels wrong, listen to that and act on it immediately. This is instinct: a hard wired behavior passed down through generations with the sole purpose of keeping you safe from harm. It is intuition’s purest form.
Intuition is a invaluable tool. It can protect you from unhealthy situations or people who do not have your best interest at heart. It can confirm a good choice or a positive life decision. Developing a reliable sense of third eye sight will take practice and time but will provide valuable insight to guide you and help navigate life’s ups and downs.
Article by Patti Deschaine
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Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki Master, and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals. Patti can be found at MajaEnergyWorks.
Thank you for this month Calendar for todays Intuition I would like to add the help of Bach Flower Remedies which are very benificial on an energy level, The Flower Essence Cerato is helpful for Intuition and Self Belief, A few drops in a glass of water sipped through out the day for a length of time generally a month. Or until you naturally just find yourself not taking anymore is a sign it is integrated.