Article by Saummitta A Mazumdar
“Spiritual life cannot be pursued without fulfilling the duties of the mundane life”.
Life is only available in the present moment….
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.
Life is the dancer and you are the dance.
Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.
Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.
What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.
Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world – Eckhart Tolle
To understand the essence of the number 66 it should be brought down to the single digit number 3 ⇒ 6+6=12 ⇒ 1+2=3.
Trailokya (The Triple World) – In Hinduism
The realms of existence are divided into three distinct loka (worlds). There are several realms (loka) as per Vedic literature (It did not simply mean place or world), but had a positive valuation: it was a place or position of religious or psychological interest with a special value of the function of its own.
Hence, the concept of ‘loka’ as per ancient literature was a double aspect; that is, coexistent with spatiality was a religious or soteriological meaning, which could exist independent of a spatial notion, an ‘immaterial’ significance. The most common cosmological conception of lokas in the Veda was that of the Trailokya or triple world: three worlds consisting of earth, sky (akasha), and heaven, making up the universe.
- Earth – It is our physical world; is all about manifestation of our thoughts and wishes.
- Sky – It is our astral world; intermediating between the physical and the non-corporeal realm.
- Heaven – Is our spiritual world and formless; the 4 heavens based upon our spiritual aspects, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Among these 4 aspects (heaves), whichever is strong, we enjoy good or bad events in our forthcoming lives.

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In Buddhism, the three worlds refer the following destinations for karmic rebirth:
- Kāmaloka is the world of desire, typified by base desires, populated by hell beings, animals, ghosts, humans, and lower demi-gods.
- Rūpaloka is the world of form, predominately free of baser desires, populated by dhyana -dwelling gods, possible rebirth destination for those well practiced in dhyāna.
- Arūpaloka is the world of formlessness, a noncorporeal realm populated with four heavens, possible rebirth destination for practitioners of the four formlessness stages.
Element and Chakra
Number 66 is ruled by element fire and resonates with Solar Plexus chakra. This chakra is all about taking action, personal power and self-esteem.
Power of manifestation is considered as “The Law of Attraction”. The law of karma is based upon the theory every action has a reaction and so, the law of attraction is based upon similar theory. Every action is based upon our thought process and every thought that we create vibrates at a certain frequency, dispersed in the universe vibrating at certain frequencies attracting similar vibrational frequencies hence, the law of attraction is at play. Our thoughts are our deed or karma to manifest a specific event in our life. Now, these are those coincidences in our life that take place in physical reality.
Law of attraction is based upon sine wave method i.e., vibrational frequencies.
A study of a group of people who meditate on sound waves or chant mantras (Rigveda informed us one who maintain the rhythm of the universe, unlock infinite possibilities) daily are more creative and focused in pursuing their goals than those who listen occasionally.
In 1930 Dr. Royal Raymond Rife successfully cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients by using hand built frequency device.
A Swiss scientist named Hans Jenny found out the sound patterns created by a free-flowing oscillating object, same frequency, and fixed phase has dramatic healing powers. He termed it as Cymatics, the sound wave of certain wavelength have healing abilities for our mind, body, and soul. It was proven that the sine wave of 100,000Hz to 300,000 Hz kills and disintegrate the cancer cells without harming the normal cells.
The magical cell regeneration sine wave is 444Hz heals mind and body. If we add 4+4+4= 12 ⇒ 1+2=3
We can get a geographical design with these sound waves for example; the best crop circles were found with the help of the sound frequency of 432Hz and 528Hz.
- 432, when added up, gives us single digit number 9 ⇒ 4+3+2=9
- 528, when added up, it gives number 6 ⇒ 5+2+8=15 ⇒ 1+5= 6
Sounds are a stress buster
Many students are in habit of playing music during studies for better concentration. Many therapists, healers were working with sine waves for healing various health issues.

Image by ahundt
If number 66, 606, 066, 6:60;660; 66666 etc. visiting you then check the following key points you have attracted.
- Desire pertaining to basic necessities of life to sustain growth and personal power;
- Releasing negativities, toxic people and situations from your life;
- Keeping barriers, saying ‘NO’ that doesn’t resonate with you, not good for your higher self;
- Standing up for self;
- Ability to judge, between right and wrong;
- Following the right way of living, righteousness, adhering to the law, fair dealings;
All fall under this number of combinations.
The Earth’s 6th chakra:
The Third Eye chakra on earth is located in Western Europe near Stonehenge. Due to the shift in earth’ axial precession the Third Eye chakra on earth also shifts. In 2012 the age of Aquarius activated the pineal gland at this location. In the age of Capricorn, it will shift to Brazil.
The age of Aquarius focuses on merging of material with the spiritual realm; hence bringing the two energies of masculine and feminine together toward higher consciousness; this age will witness the more evolved human race. There is a synergistic activity in the world to bring in the change and break down the superficiality of the material world or the illusionary self. Energies are at shift so most of the orthodox and dogmatic rulership is in turmoil.
When we talk about repeated number 66 it means we are just doubling the energy of number 33 and hence when added up it gives number 66.
Third Eye chakra in Sanskrit is called Ajna chakra
Keynote: A
Frequency resonating with Third Eye chakra: 426.7Hz.
Vowel: Aye
Bija mantra: Sham
Element: All (comprising all 5 elements)
Shabd Sound: Bells/Space
Energy: Insight, Wisdom
Observation: The 528Hz repairs DNA stands and bring positive transformation. One can meditate and heal and unblock 6th chakra with 528Hz. When added: 5+2+8=15; 1+5= 6
The Healing mantra to cure all disease is Mahamrituyanjaya Japa
This is a Vedic mantra and chanted or if listened carefully can heal from almost all the diseases even if you are not aware of the meaning of it. The deity worshipped is Rudra the verse is taken from Rigveda. We worship Tryambaka the three eyed one, for healing “The aspect of Lord Shiva”.
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Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can contact Saummitta via her website or follow on Facebook at and
Wonderful article you shared. Thank you.
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Hi Beardsley,
Pleasure to hear your comment and appreciation.
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