Article by Ananya Sen
Greetings everyone! Today I am going to discuss yet another wonder of Reiki! Rumi, the Persian poet has said life and death are two sides of the same coin. Death has as much importance as life. Yet we see life as the beyond and end all of human life cycle. There is scientific proof of life after death and yet another life after that. On what dimensions the life after death occurs is still unknown!
Just as the living want happiness in life, the dead too want the same! I want to say that spirit release through Reiki is not based on faith, but on intention. There are various reasons why spirits haunt. They may have some unfinished business on earth, or they may want to communicate with someone. Some spirits have guilt and they simply refuse to transit while recently deceased spirits are more mischievous.
Some spirits are attached to a person’s aura. This is called possession, whereas some are just attached to a property or certain part of a property. I have done three spirit releases through Reiki in the last few months. All the spirits had died recently, one was a suicide victim spirit. This was what my experience was. Breaking it down for you for easier interpretation.

Image by Rena-mit-Cappuccino
1. Begin by doing some chakra clearing or balancing first. Your chakras need to be wide open for spirit work.
2. Shield all your chakras with whatever Reiki symbols you’re attuned to. And do the same on your palm chakras.
3. Say an invocation to ask Archangels and Ascended Masters to help you. All of them can help you. Pick the ones you are most comfortable with.
4. I had called upon Archangel Michael and Kwan Yin to help me with the release.
5. It is not necessary to know what kind or gender the spirit is. Connect with the distance healing symbol to the spirit and start sending Reiki. The distance healing symbol will act as a scanning device and disclose the location of the spirit. I saw all this through my mind’s eye.
6. Once the spirit was exposed I asked Kwan Yin and Archangel Michael to take it up to light. I kept sending Reiki by not shifting from my place. I actually could see Kwan Yin and Michael talk to the spirits, convince them that it’s ok to belong to the divine light.
7. The whole scene was so clearly visible to me, that I could even understand why the spirits were resisting going up! I saw Kwan Yin drag the female spirit by the hand and fly out of the window. And then Archangel Michael subsequently dragged the male spirit and ascended with him!
8. Continue to send Reiki to clear up any residue or effects left by the spirits. I saw that in ten minutes Michael and Kwan Yin were back in the house. And I sensed that the transition had been successful! They had gone up to light!
9. Kwan Yin and Michael cleansed the entire house with violet, blue and white light in each room. My third eye was cramped with headache. As soon as the cleansing was done, my headache got released!
10. Say a prayer of gratitude for the blessings and healing that you, your client, and the spirit have received. And remember have confidence in your healing ability!

Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
Nice Article
thanks !! all the best !
Amazing unbilivable .u r awesome u could watch the whole thing and could c archangles.I wish I too could .
Great article.inspiring.
Thanks a lot.
Awaiting for your next blast
thank you!!
Mam I need to contact u I live in bangalore I want learn reiki pls give me ur premisis address.
Dear ananya,
Of late i have started sensing a presence in my house. When i told others they told me i need medical help. It is mischievous as u mentioned. It has never let me sleep peacefully for past six months. I am so afraid. I am attuned to reiki. Every night i call down reiki to protect me. I feel i am not receiving reiki. I have asked reiki to lead me to a solution to the menace. It pulls my hand and legs, sometimes it shakes me to wake me up. When i pray my tongue doesnt move. My family members are my in laws. They completely disbelieve me. I am afraid to contact or communicate with it. I am completely alone.
Hi Aishwarya, why is it happening to you, what is solution for this?
Hello my beautiful Aishwarya, I know you are doing better. I read all the responses and yours stood out to me. Cause and Effect and The EGO Mind Beliefs are the two subjects that will help you better understand who you are and what you are doing to yourself. Please know that nothing can hurt a child of God, you are a beautiful brilliant sparkling light. Now, if you believe in so called negativity belief systems (learned from childhood) then this is what you are carrying within you. How can a beautifully bright loving light Aura such as yourself be haunted by a dark energy? You are believing in the Ego which is the opposite of LOVE. Shifting your way of thinking and knowing you are all Love and Light while meditating and living here in the physical will help you shift. Let go of childhood negative belief systems. How can negative energy penetrate a beautiful Aura? By allowing the negative beliefs in and living them. Study on the two subject my beautiful friend and you will release the blocks. Remember we all are in our very own different learning stages and you are right on the perfect path. You are on your perfect life chart path. Learn these two and you will grow as a teacher. Love and blessings to you and to all of my brother and sisters. TEACH ONLY LOVE FOR THIS IS WHO YOU ARE, Adelaida R.
Hi Ananya.
Love.Thanks for sharing wonderful healing practices.
I am a reiki master healer and certified PLR healer based at Ludhiana Punjab. i chanced upon your site.These days many people come to me with problems and in most of these there are one or more spirits to be released.Often during sessions a few spirits who have been struck up but are now ready to cross over , also come and happily cross over by getting energy.
Hi, what’s the solution for this, why it happened?
Very informative article. Thanks for sharing!
usui and hayashi the great grand masters of reiki died early–at 60 years, some common people live longer upto 80 years.KINDLY ENLIGHTEN ME
Yes, Usui died at this age, but we know not of his eating habits, exercise habits etc. People will die when they have achieved their pre birth life plan. Does not always mean one did not achieve eternal life, eternal life not in a human body is more profound than living until 100. Usui orchestrated a way to give healings without using our own life force energy, I am very grateful for this. Usui was an enlightened individual, and him leaving his body at 60, simply means he was done with his mission, which he changed the world!
I am lately feeling as if somebody has done some evil thing on me when i pray my tongue starts twisting a person told me that it is evil. I donot know and now fear has gripped me. Can you help me out to really understand what it is. I am really scared and cannot pray.
Hello Brenda, I just want to tell you that it is not evil! You should pray and let your tongue twist and turn in all ways it wants! Do not hold this energy back, you might have a gift that wants to make itself known. Do not fear, you are not alone. Your guides, angels, family are all with you, so nothing to fear. <3
Can we clear negative energy only with reiki symbol ?? How ??
the same process can be used to clear off all negative energy. Only your intention has to changed
How can we clear our negative energy only with the use of reiki symbol ???
Hi Ananya, myself Mona Shah. I m reiki master. Practising reiki lavishly since 12 yrs. But since last few months I m feeling very tired almost throughout d day. Not feeling cheerful like I used to be. Plz help me out. Thanks
Hi ananya, myself Mona Shah. I m reiki master. Practising reiki lavishly since last 12 yrs. But from last few months I m feeling very exhausted throughout d day n night. Cant understand what is happening to me. Don’t feel cheerful like I always used to be. Plz help me out. Thanks
Hello Mona Shah, even a Shaman, Buda and Master Teachers need rest. This is your answer my friend. You need rest and a so called ” shut down” where you just go out on nature walks or gardening. Sleep in, cuddle with a favorite blanket and drink tea. Time to rest. Love you, Adelaida R. Meditating right when you wake up is better for you then the afternoon or evening 😉
Dear Anaya,
I have completed 2 degrees of reiki and have been practicing it since long.
I have been once told that we are not suppose to touch such subjects as spritis, evil, ghosts unless we have mastery on the subject as it may lead to bad things.
Please suggest.
Hello my beautiful Kunal Kamble, I understand you are curious about the lower energy ego entities . I can help you understand this dimension level of where there Ego’ are. You my friend must first learn all about the EGO and you yourself MUST know that you are pure LOVE AND LIGHT. This must be learned then contact me, when you have learned that you are pure LOVE your Holy Spirit will guide you. They are all around us and most are not ready to shift themselves to a loving state. All lower energies must go through a FORGIVENESS process just like we do in order to rise above what was holding our thought believe system down. If you would like to heal and see with vision you must know you are pure LOVE. You also need to learn how to speak with them. This in turn will teach you a greater learning of how the spirit world works. You will learn the meaning of Heaven and Earth. Once you have learned how to do this your Master Spirit Guides will continue to open other doors for your greater and highest good. If you would like to hear more in depth I can help you get started. Love to you with many, many blessings, Adelaida R.
HI Ananya
I’ve been told I have a Spirit who hasn’t passed on and although I want him to stay I also want him to have the healing he needs & I don’t want my grieving to hold him back. Your article is very helpful but the parts where you say the Angels have to be dragged away worries me as it doesn’t sound as though they are moving om peacefully?
Love & Light
Thank You Very much Madam for your valuable guidance and suggestions.