Hello Beautiful Souls. I thank Reiki Rays for giving me the opportunity to write articles. This is my first article and I’m guided to write about the wish manifestation with Reiki and Visualization.
As you all know about how beautifully Reiki works with Intention so it is very important to set clear intention about what you wish.
We will use the Creative Visualization technique. We all have inborn quality to visualize in mind’s eye. But we generally visualize what we don’t want and as you all know “Your Thoughts Create Your Reality” and later we blame – Why this Happened to me. We never take the responsibility that we have created this with power of thoughts. So, here we are going to create purposefully the images of what we wish.

Image by anerma
- Sit down in comfortable position with spine straight or you can simply lie down.
- Ground yourself – Visualize roots coming out from your feet and getting anchored into Mother Earth. By doing so all negativities are flushed out from your body. Mother Earth converts this negative energy into positive energy and gives you back positive energy.
- Set Intention and Ask your angels, spirit guides to help and guide you during this process.
- Take few deep breaths to centre yourself.
- Place your hands on Third Eye Chakra (front and back).
- Request Reiki to flow through your visualization.
- Start by drawing Reiki Master Symbol/ Reiki Power Symbol. Reiki Level I practitioners can simply place hand on Third Eye chakra.
- Now start visualizing whatever you wish to manifest. Visualize everything in detail. Suppose you wish to buy a new home, visualize how the kitchen, bedroom, hall should be. Try to visualize everything as you want.
- Spend at least 15 minutes daily until the wish is manifested. I would suggest doing it before sleep as it helps you to manifest faster.
- Complete the process by drawing Power Symbol to seal it.
- Express Gratitude to Angels, Spirit Guides and Reiki.
I wish all the Reiki Channels to try this process and share your experiences.
I thank all of you for reading my article.
Best of Luck. Stay Blessed.
Article by Rekha Khatwani
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Rekha Khatwani
Rekha Khatwani has done MBA in Fashion Designing. She quitted these fields after getting the tremendous results of Reiki and decided to follow her life purpose to be a healer. Rekha is Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna® Reiki Master, Karmic Reiki Master, Money Reiki Grandmaster, Divine Light Ascension (DLA) Channel, Tarot and Angel Card Reader, Independent Bach Flower Therapist. She does healing with the help of Angels, Crystals, Prana Violet Healing Wand. Reiki is divine gift to her and she feels very lucky and special to be a Reiki channel.
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