Article by Taryn Walker
When we experience a trauma that is too difficult to bear at the time, it is common for people to create separate selves that come in to help us to cope. For example, when losing a loved one very suddenly and unexpectedly a very strong and resilient self may step in to help cope with overwhelming grief. Without some form of therapy or higher realisation these separate selves remain unrecognised and may cause feelings of fragmentation, disconnectedness and uncenteredness.
Often the first step in healing lies simply in the recognition of our fragmented selves. Psychotherapy, hypnosis, and deep meditation can be very effective in helping us to become aware of and heal these separate parts and to reintegrate them to make us feel whole again. Once we are aware of which parts need attention distant Reiki can be used along with visualisation to encourage us towards wholeness.
When we’re in coping mode, which is the result of stress, it’s almost impossible to relax. Reiki naturally relaxes us, which takes us out of coping mode and activates our natural healing response. This makes it much easier to process trauma and go deeper into the subconscious mind to find our most hidden coping mechanisms.
Here is a simple yet powerful method for healing the parts of ourselves that need recognition:
- Prepare a comfortable healing space in which you can relax for 20 minutes or more. I like to light incense or burn oils, play relaxing music and clear the space using sage and my singing bowl.
- Consecrate the effects of the healing that is about to take place to the highest consciousness, which I prefer to call the Divine Consciousness.
Image by MLazarevski
- Sit comfortably with eyes closed, take some deep breaths in and out and relax your body from head to toe, allowing yourself to feel grounded and connected to Earth.
- Visualise a healing space of your choice. Let it come naturally. If you’re not a visual person, simply get a feeling for this space. Make sure nothing can enter this space without your permission.
- Now ask the part of yourself that you wish to heal to step into the healing space. For example, the part that feels fear or self-consciousness or anger.
- Notice how old this part is, what it looks like and how it feels.
- Let this part of you know that you are with it/him/her and ask if it’s okay to talk.
- Ask if it’s okay to send Reiki to help with healing. If not, find out why. Keep talking until trust is established.
- Once permission is granted begin sending Reiki using the distant method you’re familiar with.
- After the session ask how this part of you feels now. Let it know that you are always there and that Reiki is always possible.
- Before closing the session leave a positive affirmation for this part of you. For example: You are safe and protected or I am here with you always or It’s safe to relax now.
- Come back into your body slowly, feeling each part from toes to head.
- Offer a grateful thought to the Divine Consciousness for the healing that has occurred.
Following a session like this you are likely to receive some deep insights into the nature of the issue you’re wishing to heal. Allow any emotions and feelings to surface naturally and be gentle with yourself as you integrate whatever has come to light. Journaling is an excellent supportive practice for this process.
During and after the session it’s important to remain in witness consciousness as much as possible. This means you are watching yourself and not being overtaken by the emotions that may surface from old memories or deep unresolved issues. You can watch what’s happening without being overwhelmed by emotions and feelings. Ultimately, developing this witness consciousness is what allows for true long-lasting healing but that is a topic for another article.
Let me know how this works for you and if you need any help with the visualisation method.
With Love,
Taryn Xx
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Taryn Walker
Taryn Walker is a traveling Reiki Master Teacher who wishes to inspire people to realise that they are miraculous! She believes that Reiki can reveal our natural ability to heal ourselves and this empowers us to take responsibility for our lives. She works a lot with distant Reiki and loves the way it allows people to experience the illusion of separation. Taryn is grateful for being able to connect with her Reiki clients even while traveling. She usually lives on a little island in Thailand, where she practices and teaches Reiki, but finds ‘home’ wherever she is. Taryn enjoys yoga, nature, creating art, cooking and finding magic in “ordinary” places. Follow her here:, and alchemyhealing.
You mentioned that which part is important distance reiki should be send there.but how to understand the root cause?
Hi Dipika,
If we have an issue we’d like to resolve, finding the root cause is essential. This may mean using a technique that accesses the subconscious mind. I mentioned hypnosis and psychotherapy as these are methods of direct inquiry into what is in the subconscious. Reiki and meditation can also be used if a person is a strong practitioner and has some development of the witness consciousness. Occasionally a Reiki or meditation session reveals something hidden in the subconscious but for direct results I found hypnosis and psychotherapy to be quicker. In this article I’m talking about using Reiki once you already have become aware of a part of yourself that has been created to help you through a trauma or challenging time. Reiki can be very supportive here in offering healing and love to a part you have already identified. If you are experienced with accessing the parts of your subconscious you could use Reiki to identify fragmented parts of your self, but I strongly suggest working with a professional at first, especially when serious trauma is involved.