Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
For those who love and honor Reiki, what I am writing below, is in essence, a reflection.
I am inviting you this time, to analyze what it is becoming popular in this and many other countries, and what I call: “Reiki express”.
A group of people are offering courses to become a Reiki Master Teacher, in a weekend or two. What a disappointment! How can they minimize the efforts and structure of this ancient discipline?
How can someone teach Reiki without any experience? As a member of the “Federacion Española de Reiki”, I can tell you that to be part of this honorable association, it is required, among other things, to study and to comply with an established Code of Ethics to become a Reiki teacher.
To be able to teach Reiki, a certain amount of time and energy, is necessary, and this is not possible in just a few days, but a result of attending a well programmed series of sessions that allow the student to develop the necessary teaching techniques. The core of this institution is to avoid this ancient discipline from falling into an easy and quackery therapy that accommodates the rush of life, common in these days.
Reiki is not a business where all that matters is to sell as many courses as possible, quickly and without any true efforts. It is my own opinion, that this “Reiki express” wave will not succeed, and the reason is, that Reiki requires a deep understanding of values and principles along with personal commitment, time and practice.
To honor what I have learned from my teachers, I feel compelled to defend this; to be able to teach Reiki, it is necessary to become a Reiki teacher, where studying and practicing become key elements.
I took the liberty to openly criticize those who are distorting this practice by offering fast results, affecting all practitioners. Furthermore, if you are considering this offer based on time and money, think again, this may not be the right time for you. I am inviting you to learn how to know when you are truly ready to consider this rewarding profession based on your own efforts, time and practice.
We, the Reiki practitioners, have promised to value and promote this wonderful art, by honoring and respecting the rules and regulations of the Federation.
Extract Ethics Code for Reiki Teachers from Federación Española de Reiki
The Master advise the student on whether to expect a timely manner prior to the next level of Reiki. Each Master can choose the period for your criteria, but as a general scale is advised:
- 3 Months between Reiki Reiki Level I and Level II
- 6 Months between Reiki Reiki Level II and Level III
- 6 Months between Reiki Level III and Master
“From the Federation, our experience has taught us that it is a waste of time and money that the students make several levels at once. The process of learning and assimilation of Reiki, involves a gradual change of our energy structure (for this reason, Reiki is structured by levels). Acquiring two levels together, for example, overrides the progressive change and that is why it is discouraged by the Federation”.
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email, [email protected], or his website
Yes sir..Each and every line of this article is true and relevant. .teachers as well as seekers need to keep these things in mind
Thanks for your words Neelam 🙂
buenos días, señor.
Estoy profundamente agradecida por su escritura del artículo sobre este tema. Para mí, un reiki principiante, que mi nivel 1, 21 días y siempre acompañado de mi Reiki Master durante 1 mes. Estaba en septiembre de 2014. Practico Reiki diario y esperar algún tiempo más parafazer el nivel 2. sentí que sería mejor para mí … y ahora después de leer su escritura se sienten más seguros. Namaste – GRATA ( em portugues)
good day, sir.
I am deeply grateful for your article writing on this topic. To me, a beginner reiki, did my level 1, 21 days and always accompanied by my reiki master for 1 month. was in September 2014. I practice Reiki daily and waiting some more time to do the level 2 was my intuition it would be best for me … and now after reading your writing feel more confident. Namaste. light and peace.
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