Article by Rinku Patel
Understanding what are the emotional blockages that cause problem to body parts and the root base of diseases.
Healing emotional baggage is the mantra to live healthy and happy life. The longer the emotional baggage is piled up, the severe the disease becomes. Diseases are the wake-up call for us to realize that enough is enough. Shed your emotional baggage. It is very important to know what emotional blockages are causing what disease. You can do aura scan or Byosen scan or any scanning technique you know to find out which chakra is out of balance and analyze the emotional blockage related to the chakra. Start healing your issues with Divine light of Reiki. Reiki helps and treats on physical, mental and emotional level. Reiki clears long-piled-up blockages and clears long built-up toxins from all levels, Emotional, Physical and Mental.
The front side of our body represents to social life, the part of you that you share with the world. Also represents love, happiness, sadness, desire and care.
The back side of our body represents private life. The part of you that is hidden from world. This side becomes a storeroom where all your hidden emotions accumulate. Unexpressed emotions piling up. It means negativity accumulating along your spine and legs.
The left side of the body represents feminine side.
The right side of the body represents masculine side.

Image by Neal.
Below is a chart that will help analyze your body, disease and emotional blockages associated. Start giving divine Reiki energy to your emotional blockages to get rid of long accumulated negativity piled up in your body.
Body/Disease | Emotional Cause |
Abdominal problems | Stopping some process, Fear |
Abuse | Inadequacy, Lack of self-love |
Aching | Craving for love |
Acne | Self-dislike |
Addiction | Not facing fear, Lack of self-love |
Alcoholism | Self-rejection, Guilt |
Allergies | Blockage in intestine/stomach, Unable to digest issues |
Alzheimer | Denial to see and accept the world as it is |
Anorexia | Fear of rejection |
Ankle problem | Inflexibility, Inability to accept the joys of life, Need to change direction |
Anxiety | Unresolved fear of past experience |
Arm problem | Capacity to hold life experiences;Right- RegretLeft-Helplessness |
Arthritis | Inflexibility, Feel unloved |
Asthma | Stifled emotions, Past lives fears acknowledged in this life |
Athlete’s foot | Unable to move forward with ease |
Back | Lack of support, Money issues, Unloved, Stored anger |
Baldness | Tension |
Bladder | Fear of letting go |
Blood Pressure | Blockages in freedom, Unsolved emotional problems |
Blood problem | Lack of joy |
Bones | Past lives and Memories |
Breast(Left) | Lack of nurture |
Breast(Right) | Resistance is sharing love, Over-protection |
Bronchitis | Helplessness caused by the feeling of not able to change situation happening that is close to your heart |
Burns | Suppressed inner anger |
Calves | Moving forward and avoiding past issues |
Cancer | Unresolved deep hurt |
Cavity | Unable to accept new concepts |
Chest | Relationship issues, Feel worthless, low self-esteem |
Chronic Disease | Feel unsafe, Unable to change |
Cold | Mental Confusion |
Cold hands and feet | Lack of self-trust |
Cold & flu | It symbolizes cleansing |
Colon | Not accepting changes for emotional reasons |
Coma | Escaping from situation or people |
Constipation | Hanging on to old beliefs |
Cramps/Stiffness | Unable to adjust to natural changes in life |
Depression | Feel unloved-unwanted, Unrevealed anger |
Digestive problem | Suppressed anger. Unable to accept certain things |
Dizziness | Scattered thoughts |
Ear | Denial to hear |
Elbow | Inflexibility, Unable to accept new changes |
Eyes | How we see the world. Not seeing things clearly knowingly or unknowingly. Not wanting to open eyes, Fear of today. |
Eyes (Near-sighted) | They tend to live for today; no future plan, Fear of the future |
Eyes (Far-sighted) | They keep planning future that leads their thoughts to confusions |
Flabs | Sadness, Holding other’s or your own emotion in your body |
Feet | Related to security and survival. Have you taken wrong direction in life? |
Fever | Anger |
Flu | Body indicating you to slow down |
Fibroids | Confusion about being loved, Holding on to pain for long |
Frigidity | Denial of joy. Bad feelings towards sexual pleasures |
Gas | Indigestible ideas |
Gum problem | Not sticking to decision, Unable to make decision |
Hands | Holding on or letting go |
Headache/Hitting your head | It is a wakeup call to pay attention to the things you have been ignoring. Do not ignore your intuitions. |
Head(back side) Neck base | Guilt, Unable to forgive yourself, You believe you have some mistake, harsh behavior inflicted by others or yourself |
Hearing problem | Not wanting to hear what is going on around you |
Heart problem | Not listening/ignoring our feelings |
Heart attack | Favoring money or status, ignoring joys of life, lack of love |
Hips | General support- feeling of lack of support, Fear to take a step further related to big issues |
Insomnia | Fear/guilt |
Joints | Inflexibility, Stubbornness regarding certain situations and your attachment to it |
Kidney | Anger- Holding on to anger |
Kidney Stone | Unresolved anger |
Knees | Holding on to past anger, feel unsupportedInside knee- Job, Friend/Social issuesOuter knee- Personal Issues: Extreme pride, stubbornness |
Legs | Fear of change, fear of future, family or parental issues |
Lungs/Heart | Not sharing love |
Migraine | Unreleased anger, Sexual fear, Unreleased anger |
Mouth | Unable to speak-up, Suppressed thoughts |
Muscles | Inability to move on |
Nail biting | Questioning your worth |
Neck | Stubborn, Stiff, Denial to see other’s point of view |
Nerves | Sensitivity towards certain issues that are not acknowledged in the conscious mind |
Numbness | Going dead mentally. Giving up |
Osteoporosis | Feeling lack of support |
Ovaries | Sensitive past issues(creativity), Guilt |
Over-weight | Carrying past lives burden, Insecurity, Craving for love |
Paralysis | Helplessness |
Pimples | Anger outburst |
Pneumonia | Giving up |
PMS | Rejection of feminine problems |
Ringworms | Allowing others to affect you |
Sciatica | Financial problems |
Sinus | Confusion, Irritation towards one person |
Slipped disc | Lack of support |
Skin | Anxiety |
Snoring | Unable to get rid of old ideas |
Stomach | Unable to digest certain issues |
Stroke | Giving up on life |
Stuttering | Insecurity |
Swelling | Unshed tears |
Teeth | Past life pain coming out to be released, indecisiveness |
Throat | Unable to speak up for self, Swollen anger |
Thumb | Always worrying |
Thyroid | Feel humiliated, Lack of freedom |
Ulcers | Feel unfulfilled |
Urinal problem | Anger towards opposite sex |
Varicose veins | Feel over-burdened, not liking the present situation |
Vomiting | Rejection of new ideas |
Free PDF chart download:: We’ve created a PDF chart inspired by this article, and offer it for free to all our newsletter subscribers.

Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
Rinku nice post. Any one can easily understand what is going on in the body and heal himself. Thankyou. Thankyou to sharat ji also reposting Such a nice post.
Thanks Alka… Ananya, u r my inspiration:))
Wow!! Amazing!! I would always love to b the part of your community
Hi, this is really nice of you to post so much info free for everyone to see. It’s a beautiful table, that can bring many of us clarity on root causes of certain diseases. Thanks
Great list. Is it possible to add fatigue in there?
Fatigue- repressed or buried emotions
Thank you 🙂
Thank you! I also have performed Reiki on others. This explains so much! Blessings of Love From Our Lord Be Always With You! <3
Very informative article. Thank You for this wonderful article. Keep writing
nice article, thanks rinku.
Hi nice article but if emotional blockages are causing every disease so what about children.i think they have no emotional issues.
When we choose our life path before birth, some of those choices can include a disease or disability to help us learn along that chosen path. This can also be because of past life choices.
These choices can also be not just for the child themself, but for those around them. For example, the love and loss of an ill baby can give the parents and family grief, however it can also help them learn to overcome enormous loss and become stronger. I hope this helps some in understanding what can feel very much like meaningless pain when your child is suffering. Peace be with you xx is so correct.I have checked this with various known patients which are my family ,friends and myself.unbelievable but right.Plz suggest how to get rid of this emotional issues with reiki energy.Because many times u can not change the psych of that person.Plz guide.
Nivedita, pls email me on
We can discuss properly…
Great article! Would love to have this as a PDF for easy reference. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Divinty, send me an email. I will forward pdf.
Thank you. Very kind.
Please also list the positive health features post Reiki meditations. Replenished energies.
Being blissful.
Your article is so helpful! Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge to this beginner. Peace and Love to you and yours.
Thank you Rinku! Always felt we hold our emotions in our body which then manifest in pain or disease 🙂
Do you have this in a PDF
Heather, send me an email. I will forward pdf version.
Anything for frozen shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is most of the time suppressed anger, stuck on shoulder.
Rinku su vaat che ekdam mast….thnx for sharing may I hve ur id?
Would love to have this downloadable. Excellent reference. Thank you so much for sharing with us. How generous. Peace.
Thanx Rinku for sharing the information u hv by God grace. Can I hv the pd file for this?
Sure Kiran.. Mail me, I will fwd u pdf..
Dear Rinku, how do you heal from the emotional pain of losing your child when they had to go through so much suffering? I think I may suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because when anyone going through tests in my family since my daughters death, just brings so much anxiety. My daughter died on life support due to complications from a bone marrow transplant. I feel regret, guilt, sadness, a longing for things to be different. Hard to get past how she died. Thankyou
I’m so sorry for your great loss. Losing a child is simply not the natural of things, and my heart goes out to you, dear one. There is nothing that can heal such a great loss. Only in time will it get easier, and I am speaking only from the experience of being close to someone who lost her only child and daughter nearly 10 years ago. It’s simply that no loss in Life is greater than that of losing a child.
I’m sending you healing and Divine Reiki energy, dear Aileen, and prayers that you find solace in your faith and loved ones who surround you.
Blessings, Light, and Love ~
Dearest Rinku,
I have seen similar charts as these from Louise Hay, world renowned author of “You Can Heal Your Life”
I have an app that discloses not only the possible emotional causes of illness/pain, but also healing affirmations that can reverse and cure the conditions. Excellent post!
Thank you for sharing.
Light & Love to all.
Hello! Could you please tell me the name of your app?
This clarifys so much, thank you and keep writine brillialt work x
Oh that sounds really good where do I get that app ??
Thanks so much again can you please send me the pdf version x
Hi, Send me a mail pls, I will forward u the pdf…
A very informative and useful post for those who want to research the effect of inner feelings. Attitude and emotions contribute so much to dis-ease, especially if held long-term. Debbie Shapiro’s book “Your Body Speaks Your Mind” is also a good addition to anyone who is interested in Mind Body Science. Thank you Rinku, for posting this invaluable information. x
What about Vasculitis?
Hello. That was very informative. Thank you very much. I was wondering what it ment when someone breaks their rib in a fall. Also if I can have that chat in pdf that would be great to look upon in the future.
Much love
That is one of the best articles. I love it and intend yo share. Thank you.,
Thank you so much for all the information you share! I love this article, have it bookmarked, and reference it often. I actually referenced today, how funny reiki rays shared again today. I was looking for emotional causes behind anemia. Any ideas? Thank you again!
Thanks for ur article. Can u add for lumbar pain n giddiness . plz send on my mail id.
Would love to have this as a reefrence in PDF but also would like to know about Bell’s Palsy
Tana I read this on a website ; “According to the metaphysical literature, specifically according to Louse Hay, the root cause of Bell’s Palsy is about denying emotions. It is the manifestation of the extreme control over anger, and the unwillingness or inability to express that anger. So, when emotional release is denied, the anger appears as facial paralysis. ”
Cathy x
Hi Rinku, I have just started level one and two Reiki Deploma online course and whilst i research emotional root cause of illnesses i came across your website, i was so impressed that you had covered so much definitions of rooted emotional problems.
As i am new doing Reiki, i was wondering if you could let me know of any group in London i could attend to have contact with Reiki people.
Keep up the good works.
This info has been around forever but it’s a good reminder to have the chart. Unfortunately, it’s not really helpful unless you tell us specifically how to help certain conditions. A broad stroke advice like “give yourself Reiki,” is as obvious as it is useless. Reiki always goes to the highest good and you don’t need to know the information you provided, unless you expound on it. I wish you hadn’t stopped with half an article because I don’t know what to DO with the information provided, so it has no worth.
Hi Rinku, I would like to download this chart, but each time I try, it says I’m already subscribed (which I am). Is it only available to those who haven’t subscribed yet? Great summary . . . with some issues I’ve never seen before. Thank you!
Oops! My bad. I should have though to check my spam folder. All is well.
Send ur email id, I will send u PDF
Rinkuji namaskar
Aapne aapne chart main sare jankariya de hai jo new practisioners ke liye bahut hi faydemend hai aap hamari ek request hai aagar aap hindi main bhi lkho to hum jaiso ko aur bhi tarah se samaj payenge
Lovely post. so very well explained.
Absolutely spot on! Thank you so much for this extremely helpful chart! Namaste ❤????
Rink Mam it’s really nice explanation of cause and effect thanks with gratitude for sharing such a nice & useful topic. If it is possible kindly give some light on the healing procedure with symbols useful to get rid of and to heal all these emotional blockages. It will be more beneficial. Thanks again
Reiki is a cheatting form of healing. My wife is doing this healing practice but no fruitful effect is seen at all.
Thankyou for sharing <3
Love this Rinku thanks for sharing.
Could you please send PDF?
Sure Antonia.. can u drop an email on so that I can send PDF on ur email id.
How about diabetes? Please guide on use of Reiki to activate insulin receptors to accept insulin to normalize blood sugar
Thanks for a comprehensive list. What’s the root cause of smoking?
Goes into addiction
Please can you send me the pdf of the desease Chart with bodyparts.
Thanks a lot for these great infos
Hi Rinku, thank you for your knowledge, what a wonderful post.
It doesnt work to download the chart unfortunatley. Will it be fixed?
Hello Amanda,
Thank you for reading this article and hope all the insights shared will help you develop your Reiki practice!
The PDF can be downloaded now.
Many blessings 🙏
Hi i am unable to download the PDF can you please share it with me via mail?