Unlock the transformative power of Reiki symbols! Dive into their meanings, from boosting energy with Cho Ku Rei to healing emotions with Sei He Ki, bridging time with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and embracing enlightenment with Dai Ko Myo. Discover how these sacred tools enhance healing and harmony in life.
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It is a shame that you are dishonoring the tradition by putting these sacred symbols out to the public without proper training and attunements of the recipients.
Really Thresa? The symbols hsve been in books and on line for the last 15 years! The inly ones that realky want to keep them secret are the ones wanting to make money from them.
I agree. How can anyone think it’s okay to keep these symbols secret? The ‘tradition’ of reiki has been to charge
outrageous fees for workshops and attunements, and in order to keep these symbols only for “those in the know”,
which then gives one the feeling of superiority, of belonging to an inclusive club. To my mind, reiki is for everyone.
because without the proper training, this can be misused. when we dont value something, its not a good thing. 😉
The ego would say Reiki symbols without training can be misused. Putting a value on something is also ego. One must find a way to give or serve unconditionally.
Selfish much?
It was Takata who instructed that the symbols were sacred not Usui. There are many faults with what Takata, even Foromoto cannot describe the phenom that is Reiki. The symbols are not secret or sacred. They were developed by Hayashi to overcome the problem. The problem with the Usui Shiki Ryoho system (Usui’s own system) always started with a meditation to lift the vibrations up to a level that allowed a persons vibrations within the psychic/ emotional body. Hayaski’s symbols system allowed that to happen without the need of meditation.
These symbols can only be used for good, so how can it be bad to post them? Especially on a site dedicated to Reiki. Besides they can only be used by those attuned, and if they are not the symbols you were attuned with they are not as effective (understanding that intention is most important)
There is no dishonor in posting these symbols. They can only be used for good, so how can it be bad to show them? Especially on a site dedicated to Reiki. They can only be used by those attuned, and if they are not the symbols you were attuned with they are not as effective (understanding that intention is most important).
Well said! It’s not about making money, it’s about learning a sacred art!
I asked for guidance on this subject and was given this vision. An adult hand was holding car keys and handing them to a toddler. The toddler thought they were pretty, but didn’t know how to use them! LOL Try to think in positive terms. There is no way I can think of to hold back technology. My potential students are very smart and look at the symbols before class. I can’t stop them from doing it. But then I show them how to turn the key!
Info about how to use the symbols , when to use and the significance of them have been clearly explained in the website- much better than many masters do in person . And this is probably because money is not the motive . It is something to be proud of and shame to those who do not recognize a good deed !
While I know some don’t agree with it I am grateful that this ‘cheat sheet’ has been provided. I have been looking for something to place in my work area until I memorize all of the motions for symbols, and I don’t like having to hold my book while doing my work. I have only just recently received my attunements to use these, but it will take time to memorize them.
Thank you. The time for secrets is over.
I agree with Thresa these are powerful symbols and should be kept sacred until you have decided to do the different levels of reiki
Symbols only have the power you give them. To someone that knows nothing about Reiki, they have no power!
Shirley, With the greatest respect, sacred is not the same as secret. Maintain respect for the symbols is the duty of every practitioner of Reiki. I think this is a dedicated place for it.
We all know that the symbols are ineffective if we have not been receive the atturnements for them.
Finally I think the Reikirays intention is to help Reiki practitioners around the world and not to violate the tradition of Reiki.
with love
Gustavo is absolutely correct. Reiki symbols are SACRED, but should not be kept SECRET. They are here to help us, help others and to use generously with the best intentions. Otherwise what is the point.
your reply to an issue of much debate shows that you deeply understand and put in to pracitce all that Reiki is, it is by far the most respectful and appropriate response to this issue I have read to date.
love and light
Well Said
Your words ring of deep understanding and compassion, Thank you.
I completely agree with Gustavo. Sacred does not mean secret. Also, one needs an attunement for the symbols to work. For it to start automatically working, the person needs to have practiced some form of energy healing for a long period of time.
Reiki is practice which can be learnt from your master as well as other practitioners. I think reikirays is doing a wonderful job of helping reiki practitioners around the world to better put the practice to use.
I however do understand why it’s necessary to keep the practice sacred. It is like someone said, you hand over the empire to the child and he will fabulously raze it to the ground. The symbols recieve their power everytime one of us activates the symbol. Invariably each one of us are contributing to the universal life force of reiki. So for the uninitiated, they will only see this in light of purpose, usage and effectiveness. Whereas we all know that reiki is not just a tool, it’s a way of life.
Perhaps we need to think of the fact that Reiki is omniscient and goes where it is needed. Seems we all need Reiki’s loving and compassionate energy. Reiki touches us all differently. When we say this shouldn’t or should, we are judging the capabilities of the entire structure. Reiki is unconditional love. What is it we are learning then?
Unless you have been attuned these mean nothing to be honest!
Well said!
time for secrecy is over. in the enlightened era we are approaching, everyone can “tune” in to the source with intent.
Add to all this, mist of the info that has come out about Reiki in the last 5 to 10 years from Japan shows that the symbols were used like training wheels and discarded after a time. They did not become sacred or “secret” till Reiki came to the west
sincerelly…..I don´t even understand why you are all discussing this….cause the one´s that have to see this information, will see it…attuned or not.
Blessings to all.
All barriers are gone now!…Open your heart and listen.
Thank you, I very much appreciate this.
Thank you for this. I have achieved the master level attunement and it has come in handy in many areas in my life. I really enjoy and appreciate the information you provide.
Thank you. The highest good of all is Reiki.
I got distance attunment for first three symbols..m i qualified enough to use the fourth one i.e dye kyo mo
Thank you ~ Namaste 🙂
Thank You, I love this site and the information you provide.
I have completed the Master Level and love Reiki and what it stands for.
Especially “Be Kind to all”
The symbols are just to help you focus your intention.
Most of these have been in books for years. The intunements empower them and you together as one. The master symbols are usually not printed and shown.
Can I ask, who attuned the original master?
A Japanese man went to study with Buddhist monks and opened his healing channels while fasting for 30 days. He returned to Japan where he worked with a doctor to develop his ability into a system. The Reiki Symbols are Kanji, Japanese writing. What makes them work is the energy that is channeled through them. Anyone could connect with the energy through simple thought. A Buddhist type of grounding and clearing meditation would work best to clear yourself of negative being before you attempt to work with others. After a few years of practicing clearing meditations you would clear naturally. It does take some development to be able to hold the energy, and stay neutral while doing a healing. Being Buddhist in nature it simply flows when you think of it. The symbols are only necessary for a short time to attune yourself to understand the energy you are connecting to, but not actually necessary, sacred or needing to be hidden. Perhaps the thought of hiding them came about when practicing healing was considered witch craft. A similar thing happend to Native American traditions when they were made illegal, they became hidden to protect them. In this time, happily we can bring out that energy and use it widely to help bring healing to the planet. I would imagine that trying to keep the symbols hidden would be that same exploitation that doesn’t match the healing energy that would simply flow out of a Buddhist who had become that energy in their own being by practicing it….
If all 4 symbols are shown and one is not a Master yet it could become confusing as they might try to use it. This symbol has never been shown and should be respected as all other symbols are. I know it does not work without attunement but is still sacred and something that is given when one is allowed to become a Master
You are all right. The time have come. Soon the call to all the masters will be heard. I mean all the healers,whatever his practice may be, will be ask to give a one session on a specific day at a specific hour directed to the human species. That session will be held around the world on a continous movement. It will be called the Healing day of the humanity. No more secrets. The way is now open. The light will make his way thrue the gates. Sorry if this is a bit confusing, this is what i heard.
Reiki is love – why then are we fighting about Reiki symbols?
Reiki symbles needs proper visualisation.we should learn to wright ‘A’ before ‘B’. Therefore, first three symbols can be made open for public.
Pouvez-vous m envoyer la page des symbole en français merci la traduction ne se fait pas sur le pdf merci
Bonjour carobbio, avez- vous pu avoir la version traduite? si non, je peux le faire pour vous. Faites moi savoir.
all type of hon sha ze sho nen symbol… work the way?
cause my master draw other type of hon sha ze sho nen
here i see other type of hon symbol…
sory for my bad english 🙂
I too have a different “Hon sha ze sho nen” I had it memorized. But I’ve also seen this image in many of my Reiki books. Is my method wrong?
No your methods not wrong the symbols vary slightly ,it is intention that is important
thank you for SHARING!…
Whereas I agree that most people on here do reiki and are aware of the symbols anyway, I’m sure several non reiki people see these as well. I think it’s a little misleading to those who aren’t attuned. Who read this with the understanding that these symbols will help them only to discover it didn’t work. Which in turn gives reiki a bad name for those who don’t understand. I think it’s safer to keep them as hidden as possible.
I think the symbol of turning the key is beautiful and so true. There are so many times in life we learn something or we have something explained only to realise Yes I already had this knowledge all along but didn’t have the key to use it to its full potential.
Christine in love and light.
To thank you for this information as I searched looking for a print out to assist me in my reiki training. I appreciate the help and advise and there isn’t anything wrong in help offered. Theres a lot to reiki and using these symbols – One thing for sure is reading all the negative replies on here makes me feel glad any of you aren’t anywhere near me – keep your bad energy to yourself : )
I believe that one of the reasons that Reiki use is not more widespread within the medical community, is that there are too many “get rich quick” practitioners, who take a 1- to master class in one weekend!!! and then go out and hang their “open for business” sign! This is the same, I feel with the sacred symbols – it is not greed, it is wishing to continue the sacred and traditional side of passing Reiki from master to student, ensuring that proper education and explanation takes place. It is a sign of laziness that someone wants a quick link to something that takes time to master and learn. Also, do we forget about first degree is about healing the self – the practitioner, BEFORE trying to heal someone else! Too many skip this step, and so, when they share energy with others, their success falls short, due to inexperience and lack of understanding fully, the symbols, their use and value.
People write anything without knowing what Reiki is. The symbols are sacred ,ok but without attunement they are of no use. Remember one can not harm with Reiki, hence, misuse of Reiki… Not
Possible. Then some say Reiko is for every body. Yes go and learn it and then if you are so sincere use it free
For every body. Last but not least charging money for Reiko treatment is fine. The one who has given months and years to learn this modality is entitled to charge. You can not go to see doctor and say that you treat me for free. Dr Miami too treated some people for free in the beginning, but had to charge something as energy exchange. My personal experience
Even teaching reiki for free does not work. The free students don’t really understand and work for Reiki. Charging exorbitantly is also no good as it becomes a business but s nominal price to learn it is a must. So that a karmic bondage becomes effective. Happy Reiki.
I’m happy I ordered my stones cause along with them came all this amazing information. For 2 years now I’ve been in this self healing journey and I’m at that place of peace never experienced before. I want to heal, I want to empower I want to help others who too have come to that cross in the road and want more. I believe if God placed it here for us we have the Devine right to learn all aspects of it. I’m not sure where this path will lead me but I’m ready to explore and learn. I’m jus happy I am on a new path in my life and want to share that love, Peace and Happiness with the whole world.
Blessings and Be well