Article by Ananya Sen
Overall – This is the case study of a 26 year old girl, lets call her Sophie for writing purpose, who had various phobias. She was afraid of darkness, had Aquaphobia and Claustrophobia.
Aquaphobia also known as Hydrophobia, is fear of water. This can be subtle in which a person is afraid of water in general or maybe even a shower. This can also be acute or chronic, in which a person can panic seeing a large body of water.
Claustrophobia is fear of being suffocated or a sense of suffocation. These are all in the subconscious.
The Case – Sophie had panic attacks when she saw a swimming pool and she found it difficult to breathe in elevators. She still had to use the elevator because her office was on the seventh floor. She felt irritated with herself as she was unable to get by her daily life by not using the lift or sleeping with the lights on.

Image by johnthoward1961
The Treatment – I gave Sophie a month of distance healing and also sent healing to any past life that carries the root cause of her troubles. I got flashes during the healing, that she had been pushed in the water and drowned. The other fears and phobias were also past life related.
Most phobias are past life related. Past life blockages are in the subconscious mind. Reiki brings out bottled up emotions and blockages from the subconscious mind to the surface.
The Progress – All her blockages surfaced during the cleansing process and gradually started fading away. Sophie felt lighter and better and more confident. I also encouraged her to do her self-healing with the intention of healing her phobias. It worked!
A year later, Sophie enrolled for swimming lessons, but couldn’t manage to learn how to swim. But it’s the process of being in the water that she enjoys. She also uses the lift at work everyday. And sleeps with a dim night lamp on. What a victory for Sophie!
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Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address:
Hello Ananya!
Thank you for sharing the story. I completed level two of Reiki. Please tell me what chakras I need to give energy to and how to give energy to my past lives in order to get rid of my acrophobia?
Thank you.
I have completed 3 levels of reiki . How to know if I was attuned properly?