There are many causes of back pain, and lower back pain specifically.
Sprains, pulled muscles, over exercising, over doing in general, bad posture, hip and congenital issues, all of these lead to pain and muscle spasm.
Think of your skeleton from the feet up. Every bone is meant to be aligned, from heels to ankles, to knees to hips. The spine with its energy centers holds everything upright, even, balanced symmetrical. Hips should be squared, shoulders even, head held high as if from a single thread. Those of you who do yoga may recognize the components of this alignment. In my own yoga practice, I strive for exactly this balance in my poses.
Problem is, we are not all perfect and we get out of balance, physically, mentally and spiritually. We pay chiropractors and other medical professionals to fix our aches and pains. We put our hard earned cash on the counter for prescription drugs, but is there a simpler, better way? Certainly powerful pain meds have their place, but chronic use can lead to addiction. And while you should always seek medical attention for serious injuries, Reiki healing can be a wonderful alternative or complement to traditional medicine.

Image by géry60
I personally have a lot of experience with lower back pain. A fused vertebrae in my spine makes one side of my back muscles pull harder to make up for the lack of movement on my left side. Because of this, my hips go cock-eyed – the left side pulls forward, the right back, making it absurdly easy for me to strain those muscles. Over the years, I have visited several chiropractors. Sometimes this helped and sometimes it didn’t. I had better experience with therapeutic massage, which I love but the expense demands that I be practical about frequency. So recently I have tried practicing more focused Reiki self healing.
Now, I self heal a lot. Daily. Not for long periods of time, but certainly every night before falling asleep, I call in Reiki energy as I meditate and review my day. And I always call in the energy as I start my day connecting to spirit. But I don’t necessarily direct the energy anywhere in particular, my hands just land where they may, typically on my belly. Reiki energy always goes to exactly where it is needed anyway, right?
This week, after driving 17 hours from Maine to my new home in North Carolina, I had more than the usual amount of back strain. It got so bad I could hardly move the entire weekend.
So I got out some crystals that assist with pain: a clear crystal wand, a healer’s gold stone, some blue kyanite, a red jasper to ground. Then I set out to clear my chakras. I did it exactly as I would for someone who comes to me for healing. I used the symbols to call in Reiki energy and the wand to sense the spinning movement of the chakras, starting with the root chakra. Working my way up through all seven chakras to the crown – I cleared the blockages, then sent in balanced Reiki energy.
Naturally, I felt better immediately. Even though I had massage with Reiki last week and have regular sessions via healing circles, I still had some blockages that caused me trouble. With those blockages removed, I noticed more ease of movement and much less pain. In addition, Reiki energy’s warmth is very soothing to aches and pains. With some Reiki and a couple of days rest, I was back to feeling well enough to get on my yoga mat again.
Article by Patti Deschaine
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Patti Deschaine
Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki Master, and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals. Patti can be found at MajaEnergyWorks.
Very interesting article I have double fusion in my cervical spine & reiki heal myself every night before sleep even though I’m only 8 months post Op the calm & stillness is a defiant bonus. Once off all meds will be hoping to carry on with reiki healing to others 😉 thank you for sharing x
I too have lower back pain and use reiki to deal with it. I’ve not use the crystals tho to clear my chakras. This I will try. Thanks for posting this.
I’m still relatively new to performing Reiki as I have only taken Reiki I and that was about 6 weeks ago. I was rear ended by a semi 16 months ago and have suffered with back problems ever since. I do try and use Reiki on myself before I go to sleep at night, but that’s also to help me fall asleep as I have trouble falling asleep. Can you please teach me how to incorporate healing crystals and the wand you referenced? I’m going to be taking Reiki II in the next couple weeks, as soon as my teacher can fit the class in his schedule. Thank you so much!
I had cervical fusion in 2005, was rear ended in 2008 and have struggled since. Pain meds, chiro, massage and monthly injections keep me able to work and function, but 4 surgeons have said I need surgery again. I would like to get off the meds and avoid another surgery. I’d like to learn more about reiki, it might be the answer to my prayers.
thank you….Patti
I have had very good results treating my wife’s and my own back pain with Reiki. This was a great article. I also use crystals, my favorite being a selenite.
How do you use the selenite? I am level 2 but have not used crystals as of yet but I do have them.
I too use Reiki for my aches and pains. I have two herniated discs and some arthritis issues. I do not take conventional pain medications and hobbled away when nasty spinal shots and nerve ablations were suggested last year.
What is a Healers gold stone? Good article.
Thank you Patti
I have a few disks that slip out of place in my back and neck from work and a SUV hitting me on the freeway. My favorite go too’s are the energys of nuin the n shaped rune for muscle relaxation and Joshua tree energys. Contact me about using plant and odball energys for Reiki work.