Are you thinking about starting your own Reiki business? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had access to dozens of Reiki business owners, and if they could, from their own experience, give you the best advice, warn you about the pitfalls ahead, and share what they wish they’d known when they first started out?
This article is as close as it gets. We’ve asked the Reiki community this exact question, and we were overwhelmed by the response we’ve got.
What do you wish you’d known before starting your Reiki Business?
A big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to reply, on behalf of everyone who’s reading this article and will benefit from the shared experience. We’re sorry we could not include everyone who replied! We did our very best to make sure that each and every idea we received was mentioned at least once.
Business Wisdom
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
- Find inexpensive and/or free business seminars through the Small Business Administration (USA) and follow through on the tips you get. None of us are born knowing how to establish a legal entity as small business owners, or how to use all of the marketing tools that are out there.
- Join a Reiki professional organization.
- When you start, have a secondary source of income, since it will take at least a few years to get your Reiki business going.
- Start small, don’t get overwhelmed.
Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT
I knew, but several practitioners don’t seem to recognize, that this a business; spiritual it may be, but it is still a business and must be run according to government regulation and tax laws as well as being run like a business.
I found a lot of help with the Small Business Association of the federal government.
Maria from 3L Carpe Diem
It would be good to have someone with more experience to help you start.
Naresh from Surya Synergies
Patience is needed, and you should not start off your earning program only on Reiki. Start it as a part-time work, and then gradually make it a full-time profession, else you might find yourself struggling financially.
Becky from Annapolis Open Heart Reiki
Having a Reiki Business has been one of my most joyful experiences. I wish I would have known getting clients isn’t as easy as making a website and business cards. I wish I had spent more time developing a business plan.
Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner
I am an independent contractor providing bodywork services as a Pennsylvania Licensed Massage Therapist. I still work for the same company, which I joined in 2001. As we Reiki practitioners know, the energy turns on every time I touch a client on my table. So while my work is not formally based on, or billed as, Reiki services per se, perhaps my experience will prove useful for those setting up a new, dedicated Reiki practice.
I have been self-employed since 1985. As a wake up call, I offer the notion that running your own business is a much more complicated, intricate, and unending endeavor than many folks realize. You do all the work. You wear all the hats. You pay for any professional support you receive. Every penny of overhead comes directly out of your pocket. You do all the long-range planning. You manage all the day-to-day details. You must backtrack and accurately log all the expenses to keep your books. YOU PAY ALL YOUR OWN TAXES, including local, state, and federal, at least here in the US. You receive no benefits. As such, you must buy your own health insurance, arrange your own retirement, and cover any amenities that company employees enjoy.
Ruth from Pembrokeshire Reiki
I wish I’d known who to insure with, how to get yourself known, how often to have Reiki shares, how long should workshops last for and how often to run them.
How important self Reiki was/is!
Where to get business cards and flyers, what to put on them to make them stand out. Which of the associations or federations should I join.
Yvonne from Breathe and Bloom
I wish I had known more about the practical aspects of running a business such as accounting, tax, legal and financial duties required for self employed people. And also I wish I had known about marketing and advertising and the costs of these.
I feel that I have the healing and caring skills and qualities but lack the knowledge and skills required for running a business so now I am returning to employment as a teacher in a school and am only doing Reiki and meditation with my family and friends.
I feel that I need a reliable income source behind me and maybe in time my business will grow and develop once more.
Marketing and Getting Clients
Kamelia from La Jolla Reiki
My advice to those interested in starting their own Reiki business would be: “Give First to Receive!”
When I started my Reiki practice I wasn’t sure how I would get clients, I just knew I loved Reiki and all of its amazing benefits. Having benefitted from Reiki so much myself, I was excited to be able to share it with others.
Many people do not understand Reiki, and the best way to understand it is to experience a session. I am truly passionate about Reiki and it is honestly something that I would do for free. So I did! When I spoke to others about it, they were curious but not quite ready to commit to a session. So I offered them a free one. No strings attached, just a free 30-minute personalized Reiki session to try it out and see if they liked it or felt like it was something they would want to do in the future.
I sat down with each person and discussed all of the things that were bothering them in life and in their bodies. We talked about chakras and set an intention for the session. Afterwards, we discussed how they felt and they all agreed they felt a huge difference in their bodies and stress levels. They all ended up talking to others about how amazing and relaxed they felt. Word got around and before you know it, I had so many paying clients who were so excited to get in to see me, that I didn’t even have time to do anymore free sessions! People saw my passion for Reiki and the 110% effort that I gave even if I wasn’t being paid.
I am happy and blessed to be able to help others and spread balance, wellness and peace throughout the community. You have to start somewhere, so just do it! If you give Reiki with integrity and come from a place of abundance, you will flourish!
Lisa from Raydiance Reiki
I wish I’d known that Reiki doesn’t necessarily translate well onto paper e.g. leaflets / brochures and I wasted quite a lot of money on designing and printing beautiful documents that sit in the cupboard unused. I’ve found that almost all of my business comes from talking to people one-one in every day situations (hairdresser / dentist / doctors / café / work etc.) and the best business of all comes from referrals.
People still have a fear of Reiki, a fear of the unknown I guess, and I find I can almost always ‘convert’ those who are fearful, unsure or curious to make an appointment.
In a nutshell, tell everyone what you do, why you do it and how they can benefit from the truly amazing healing energy that Reiki can bring to their situation.
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
- Get out of the office and off-line frequently, and into your community to educate and inform the community about Reiki.
- Know your ideal, prospective client, what he or she needs, and how to reach him/her through your marketing efforts. Create real relationships with them.
- Track how people learn about you so you know which of your marketing efforts are successful.
- Never be “desperate” for clients. That is the kiss of death for you, as you will make every mistake in the book.
- Learn how to communicate about Reiki to all kinds of audiences.
Isabella from Healing Mudras by East Meets West
I was told and taught, set up your schedules and people will flow. When the student is ready the teacher appears… people will flock to your places and arranges their schedule to yours… Well NO NO NO that does not work like that. I was compelled to find a middle way and be flexible to suit my convenience and people’s schedule. Then it worked.
Remain open to other practices in your business. A lot of practitioners in the Reiki community tend to preach only for Reiki as a panacea for all ailments and that makes people skeptical.
Naresh from Surya Synergies
- I wish I had known how difficult it would be to convince people about the benefits of healing with Reiki, compared to traditional medicare.
- Also, if someone would have told me it helps to have your own website, even if it is hosted on a free domain site like, weebly and the like, and how to make yourself found when someone hits the search button in Google.
- Listing your services in the many free online advertisement sites helps.
- On a different note, people will call you asking for instant magical relief from their pain, maybe in a sitting or maximum two, without which they may not turn up, and you spend a lot of time explaining to them.
Patti from Abundance! Holistic Healing Services
What I wish I had known before starting my Reiki business? Mainly, I wish I had known more about the misconceptions surrounding the practice of Reiki. There are many prejudices expressed by people who are not familiar with the practice of Reiki, which are fueled by fear of the unknown. The region in which I practice (Central California) is largely occupied by people who are religiously conservative, and the prejudice against energy healing of any kind is deeply ingrained into their beliefs. There is a widely held belief, both here and in many other regions, that Reiki has satanic roots, and that any hands-on healing done outside of religious service is evil. This can make it quite difficult to build a Reiki practice; my attempts to educate people on the benefits of Reiki have only been mildly successful.
I suggest that new practitioners do some research into the region in which they wish to practice, scoping out potential locations and regional attitudes.
Social media has been a great way for me to get the message out regarding the benefits of Reiki, and seems to be much more successful than print media advertisement. This is why I am pleased to be a part of Reiki Rays; I am hoping that through our combined efforts we can more effectively educate the public on the benefits of Reiki healing.
Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon
One of the main things I wish I would have known before starting my practice, is how hard it is to attract customers. My situation is a little different as I live on a Greek Island, and not many people here are open to Reiki or even understand what it is. Although there has been a huge growth in foreign women, especially the British that live on the island that now understand what Reiki is, and are open to a treatment, I found that Reiki alone was not earning me enough to cover my overheads, so I went on to learn other forms of alternative therapies, such as Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Sound and Color therapy, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage. I find all these other treatments complement Reiki. I have come up with a new concept of giving a Reiki treatment, combined with a back massage; people seem to be more open to Reiki when it is included with a massage, as they like to feel the human touch.
Maria from 3L Carpe Diem
People, and I’ve felt it a lot in my country (Portugal), don’t trust new things even when they have proof that they are great and work. They don’t want to pay for them, cheap or expensive, they prefer the uncertainty to the actual deal.
Every day will be almost as the first one, and you always need to prove something to someone. But at the end of the day, if this is really what you like to do and if you are good at it, it’s worth it. And I will never change that, for nothing else make me really happy 😉 .
Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT
I wish I had begun networking earlier during my self-practice, before I decided to open my business. I am currently relocating and it is more difficult to find people in the area to which I am moving. Had I started earlier this might be a little easier.
Marleen from Blauwe Dolfijn (Blue Dolphin)
I wish I knew how to get clients as well for the treatments as for the courses. I found out that it was not easy to make a living out of it, that advertising doesn’t bring clients to you, but that you really have to go for it, tell people about what you are doing, and let Reiki and your hands be your guide to that all.
Susan from Justice For Your Soul
I wish I’d had more guidance on how to reach potential clients. Any advice on how and where to advertise would have been helpful. I have found that having a booth at local fests and working in a space that is community oriented has been a big help. I don’t have a lot of money to spend on advertising so I look for community opportunities that are inexpensive and reach a larger number of people.
Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner
You plan, write, and publish all your own public relations and media. As a freelance writer, I can promise you that many people overestimate their ability to communicate clearly with the written word. Speaking your native language does not guarantee effective writing! There can be no substitute for careful review, editing, and proofreading of everything before you publish. You cannot control the flow of information to current or prospective clients. Therefore, you must apply due diligence in advance so that that everything with your name on it is professional, respectful, and informative. Remember, once on the Internet, always on the Internet! Once you hit “send”, you cannot take it back.
Rowan from Rowan’s Reiki By The Sea
The demographics of Reiki Acceptance. In New England, where people are more open-minded, I did quite well. Upon retirement I moved to coastal Florida. Hardly anyone down here knows what Reiki is, and even when I educate them on it, I have been called a VooDoo Practitioner by the elderly population. I was quite saddened by that, as the elderly are often the ones who would benefit the most by Reiki Treatments. I even lowered the fee to $15.00, and free to cancer patients. My Roman Catholic neighbor told me the “Church” does not allow Catholics to receive Reiki.
I offered to volunteer free Reiki Treatments to local hospitals and Hospice Services once a week. I am also an ordained minister and offered free spiritual counseling. They looked at me like I had 5 heads and shooed me out the door. I am a conservatively dressed 62 year old woman with no body piercing’s. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Demographics are more important than you might think depending on which part of the country you reside in. It saddens me to know how many might have benefited from Reiki, if only they had been more educated about it.
John from Natural Ways Consulting LLC.
I wish I would have studied marketing prior to starting the business and would have concentrated on the possibility of starting with an office space first. I provide Reiki in clients’ homes.
Marketing knowledge is needed for any successful business.
Srimanju from Reiki and Angel healing
I wish I would have known more ways to reach people to offer the service and information on volunteer organizations on taking in Reiki Practitioners.
Tamara from Prana Paws / Healing Hearts
How beneficial word of mouth can be in getting you new clients.
Metta from Rolling Sands Energy Healing
The community we moved to is small and Reiki is unknown and people are suspicious of it.
Vali from AmiRays Healing Energy
I started my mobile Reiki business last year but unfortunately there was no interest nearby. Living in Scotland I was preparing in Aberdeen, a big city. In the meantime I had to leave and ended up in a tiny remote village where people are not so enlightened. The closest interest to my marketing came from Glasgow, which is quite far from here for daily visits. As I didn’t have clients I had to give up the Reiki business. I am just sending distance Reiki for all at home in silence anyway.
But this experience can be helpful; do your market research… and if it’s successful, then stay at the same place. 🙂 (I couldn’t for some reason.)
Customer Relationship
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
- Document your sessions so when clients return, you have continuity.
- When you have loyal clients and students, show them how much you value them, and “reward” them in small, but delightful, ways.
- Always be ready to improve. Ask your own clients what you can do to improve and serve them better.
- Learn how to listen; I mean, really listen to clients and students.
Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki
Before I started my own Reiki practice, I should have been mentally prepared for a few things:
- Make people understand Reiki is not same as Black Magic or Witchcraft or Faith Healing
- There will be times when people will be disappointed with you if they do not get immediate results, and would promptly forget to show any gratitude once their results get accomplished.
- Always and I mean Always have each client fill up a Registration form, be it for Healing or Teaching.
- Do make the clients realize that Reiki is a complimentary healing to all medical practices.
Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon
I would also advice that every practitioner take a course in counseling – listening skill, I have found over the years, that the people that are most attracted to Reiki are those that have gone through every other path to find help, i.e. doctors, hospitals, acupuncture, drugs. They seem to be desperate when they reach you, and you need to learn to listen to them, remembering never to give medical advice or suggest they cut back on medication. I find that most people just want to talk, Reiki releases a whole lot of emotions and you must be prepared for this.
Insurance and Legalities
Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner
Here’s the big take-away from my comments: GET INSURED! You might be shaking your head just now: here’s why. As a Reiki practitioner since 1998, I know Reiki can do no harm. You know Reiki can do no harm. But the general, uneducated public will remain inherently skeptical. This is just a reality of practicing Reiki that we all must come to terms with. But beyond that, the sad truth is that there are those who would seek to take advantage of you, make unjust claims of injury or other poor result, and then take legal action. In this litigious society, you must protect yourself against those who might attempt to sue you. Here in the US, I am covered to $1 million dollars US automatically with my membership fee to the American Bodyworkers and Massage Professionals (ABMP). Wherever you are, please carefully research your insurance options to get the most coverage for your hard-earned money.
As an additional means of protecting yourself, please seek valid legal advice for how you structure your business. Here in the US, we have a business entity called a Limited Liability Corporation. This isolates and secures the assets that anyone can legally pursue through a lawsuit. By filing as an LLC, you can segregate your personal assets, like your home. Wherever you will be practicing, please investigate how you can establish your business without making yourself vulnerable from a personal perspective. Please seek qualified counsel before you make any binding decisions. Let’s face it: if you lose your home, you will not be in a position to help anyone. And wasn’t that the point?
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
Get liability insurance.
Make sure you have all the legalities in order for your state or country requirements, including paying your taxes.
Karen from Karen M. Weece, RMT
I wish I’d known all of the legal ramifications with Reiki and that many are trying to regulate it, which will make things more difficult for practitioners. I wish I’d realized the amount of time I will spend working on all the legalities for practice.
My main concern is that all practitioners are mindful of consequences and think things all the way through before jumping on board for regulation – such as making Reiki practitioners get licensed as massage therapists. I don’t do massage and don’t want to have to obtain a license for that practice.
Lisa from Blue Moon Natural Living
I wish I’d known about all the hidden fees that my state puts on everything, i.e. the yearly cost for my LLC, etc. CT charges little fees for everything and the new thing is charging sales tax for Yoga instruction.
Yearly tax filing is tricky also.
Money and Charging for Your Services
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
Be very comfortable charging for your services. If you are not comfortable accepting payment for your professional Reiki services, try role-playing with a helpful colleague, as well as contemplating the source of your distress around this issue.
Sharon from Holistic Healing & Reiki By Sharon
When I first opened my practice I offered half price sessions, and got no response, so I lowered the price to only 10 euro per session – the going rate here is 35-40 euro. A friend and fellow practitioner told me that the price was too low, thus making the treatment look worthless. At the time she was practicing from home and had clients, charging the full price. I had more experience and no clients.
Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki
Energy exchange is mandatory, but be flexible regarding payment method. It’s ok to let them pay part by part. This shows you have faith in the client as much as they have in you.
Yvonne from Breathe and Bloom
I realized that I had issues about charging for my treatments and am working on personal issues at the moment around valuing my healing abilities and valuing their worth.
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
- Live your message! Incorporate the Reiki Precepts into all you do, both personally and professionally.
- Develop warm and mutually supportive alliances and relationships with like-minded people. And be sure to be generous with your support of others.
- Be credible and professional in all you do, and at the same time, let your own personality shine through.
- Keep it fresh by keeping yourself fresh with daily self-Reiki and other forms of self-care (eating well, sleeping enough, physical activity, friends and family, etc.)
- Honor your boundaries.
- Honor your students and clients.
- Honor your teachers.
- Be a leader, but know how and whom to ask for help and advice.
- Create a healing space that is comfortable, clutter-free, soothing, and nurturing.
Sunetra from Soniele Daniel Reiki
We are human and sometimes get carried away too much with the clients issue. We should never get attached to the result, especially when we are setting up a new practice, it’s like almost proving your worth in the practice.
Isabella from Healing Mudras by East Meets West
- There is this subtle line between ‘business’ and ‘spiritual activity’. Reiki is NOT a business per se although it is an activity with financial rewards. So people may reach your studio to study and then you realize their focus is to open a Reiki business… I stopped it straight away and interrupted the Reiki course saying I am sorry you are not ready to be a Reiki master.
- Be a role model is my best advice to open a Reiki business. Be confident but be human!
- I followed my intuition a lot… and Reiki-ed the whole area too!
More Wisdom
Darpan from
I wish I’d known that it’s a lot more that just doing ‘lots of Reiki’ 🙂 . There are a lot of practical, technological, and logistical things that need to be done. And you need to know how to do them!
We have self created the site and it’s been a lot of trial and error. Wish there was a step by step process with checks and watch outs. 🙂
Elise from Brenner Reiki Healing
Getting into your running your own business takes a lot of inner work. For the inner work, there are numerous barriers to overcome. These barriers vary for different practitioners, but tend to revolve around lack of confidence, self-doubt, fear of criticism, fear of failure.
Kelly from Kelly Boyles, Independent Reiki Practitioner
You are solely responsible for every tiny aspect of each Reiki session you perform. And indeed, your practice lives and dies by the reputation you built with the very last client you touched. This is especially crucial now that social media is often the mainstay of your customer communications. A disgruntled client will tell many more people their negative appraisal than a happy one will praise you. The dissatisfied client will tend to post their unhappiness, legitimate or not, immediately. By contrast, the happy clients, still basking in the glow of their treatment session, will take time to post their gushing review. This is not specific to you, but a proven, statistical reality, a function of human nature. But you still have to deal with it.
I think it’s easy to get all charged up and go driving forward with your own Reiki practice, and that’s a terrific thing! We need excited, enthusiastic practitioners to help others, and to represent the Reiki community with compassion and professionalism. I congratulate you all, and wish every one of you the very best success for highest good! But the reality of running a sole proprietor, profitable, sustainable business is often much more than many individuals have bargained for. Please remember that unless this is your sole income, it’s perfectly OK to go slow, be deliberate, and get things right. Take your time! Both you, and your clients, are well worth the effort and care!
In Closing…
We hope this article will help you get prepared, so that you can set up your Reiki business as smoothly as possible. We wish you the best of luck, love, and light, and thank you for choosing the healing path!
Free eBook download: We’ve created an eBook with our best articles on this topic, and offer it for free to all our newsletter subscribers.

these comments are very interesting and as I am just starting up, quite invaluable. I have found people can be very sceptical, sadly. I just think ‘oh well, their loss’.
I can say YES to most of these comments – so I’m not alone. I received several answers just now reading these comments, that I’ve been questioning, Thank You!
Reiki Blessings!
hello ! , i have completed the 2nd degree of Reiki 18 months ago and i am currently training with a Reiki master for the 3rd degree. I was going to do information interview with as many Masters as possible to ask them how to have a successful practice of Reiki. . This article anshers several of my questions and will save me a lot of time. I think we must listen to our intuition all the time. Thanks to all of you.
Thanks so much for this article. Advice is always welcome and respected.
Thanku for all the good advice…helped answer several of my questions.
Thank you all who talked about their experience in opening a Reiki Business. I recently retired, and wanted to focus on my Reiki….I thank you all for your experaiences.
It really helped me to know that people charge for giving Reiki. I always feel uncomfortable to charge so i ask them to donate whatever they want to some temple. Also i feel very uncomfortable to say i am a reiki master thinking that people may feel i ask boasting
It really helped me to know that people charge for giving Reiki. I always feel uncomfortable to charge so i ask them to donate whatever they want to some temple. Also i feel very uncomfortable to say i am a reiki master thinking that people may feel i am boasting
Thank you so much to all of you who gave your valuable input. It’s actually invaluable to those of us starting out and I thank you for your selfless act of giving.
Fabulous rerurns in your survey! Thanks again gec an maria for your inspiring work
The information is not only important but also very useful. Can any one suggest how to get affiliation from international organisations. Thank you Reiki.
Thank you very much for this great work and advice called REIKI. I will revert I my time will permit me this opportunity
am so glad am not alone in some of the comment it make my reiki light shine more x
Wonderful article that in no doubt will have answered many questions most Reiki practitioners have as well as set our minds at ease. Good luck to us all!
Thank you for the truly helpful comments, I to have been finding it difficult to attract clients into my business, the comments have helped me see its not me personally.
when I started out I thought i could change the world single handed how wrong was I.
I now realise it has to begin with me, then go on to change/help one person at a time.
Wishing you all success i all you do.
Love & Light Elizabeth 🙂
Seems to me you are all forgetting something. You have Reiki, a Divine connection to the flow – all these obstacles are in you and must be cleared, keep working on yourselves so they are no longer reflected back at you as separation.You are all practicing being infinite beings. Expand out do not contract.
Use Reiki 2 to send out the call to your clients,and the other sentient beings in need.Forget intention, pay attention!
Yes you must network, you must have a website to be accessible, I suggest an online booking system ( gives you a website too) because people book in the middle of the night when they are in pain or cannot sleep. Do a newsletter. Offer mini treatments, get into trade-shows…
Wake up every morning and ask God (guidance on demand) who you get to help that day. Live in gratitude, not excuses. Excuses are unconsciousness creeping in. excuses show you where you are still in denial.
You have the spiritual piece now learn about the energy of money and running your business. You are entrepreneurs. Stay on top of politics, Get involved in community. Here in Canada Harper has been trying to ban us and fine us $25,000 – 75,000 for practicing and healing people’s moods. Even clergy is under threat. Unconsciousness will keep testing you. Build your energy. BE Reiki.
When I do not have 15-20 clients per week I know it is my energy at fault, not any other reasons. I have several modalities and each one has improved my ability to be of service.Weekly I go have treatments myself of Reiki, BodyTalk, or Massage, or Timeline, or NLP, etc.The freer you are as a vessel the better your business flows.
This is a learning curve, learn. Reiki was the first steep in your journey, not the destination. Bring Reiki into your workplace, policeforce, schools, management. That is how we save the world.
Think about this:You are each like Steve Jobs trying to sell a computer before people even knew they needed one. People do not know what they do not know. You are like shepherds, people are like sheeple in trance.You must show them there is another way. And you msut be patient sand keep showing them. 7 times before it sinks in apparently.
Meditate, Reiki your brochures, make strategic alliances with other practitioners, join BNI and other referral networks, or how else will they know you are there.
As a single mum, (with no child support) I support my family with my holistic business, it is a process, takes time, can be scarey sometimes (then I know I am out of the flow), challenging and oh so rewarding. Yes it is hard Work, But when you do what you love it is PLAY.
After 8 years I am still here and I am still Reiki-ing everyone and everything. My goal is that every man woman and child learn Reiki and to be in touch with the unconditional loving energy that flows thru all things. Be well, be happy, be Reiki
I really like what you have said here. thanks for your words.
Jessy, I feel a sense of pride for you. So glad I was in the right place at he right time to read your inspiring comments.Your guidance and teaching will benefit many Reiki students, which,I believe we all are no matter how much training and experience we have. None of us ever stop learning and growing.
Much love and many blessings,
Thank you Iris & Paul, I am so glad this resonated with you. It is gratifying when our truth resonates in the hearts and soul of others. Blessings. J
Wow! So very inspiring and so well put. Thank you -I really needed to read this! I think along these lines too.
Expand out. For a moment allow yourself to go to a memory that made you soooo happy. Now notice how BIG you feel, try to find the outer reaches of you beyond your skin….do you notice you go on for miles, perhaps millennia, do you even find where you end? That is you, sooo expansive! Now focus on an ache or pain or a negative thought, it contracted again into your body, did it not? Stay in the expansive state, then you are the lighthouse calling the others to join you. A light house does not jump into the water to rescue the sailors from drowning, nor does she run up and down the shoreline saying “pick me, pick me”. she stands in her light, lives her life in her light, and says “here I am. Join me”. Clients come when your energy field is expansive.
Amazing advice and encouragement! Blessings!!!!!
Thank you, Jessy! Your words and description of your experience are very helpful.
Jessy, thank you so much for your inspiring words of wisdom!
Love and light,
Your soul only speaks to you in encouraging words, when you judge or worry or fret or are in pain, you are noticing where you are still in contraction (or picking up someone else’s stuff and it doesn’t fit or resonate). It is important to keep having treatments yourself to raise your own vibration (like dusting and collecting the dust bunnies). it is wise to keep learning, use the energy work you have to expand and experience more joy, more love, more ease. If this becomes difficult we are not expanding our aura. so much is said about protecting from negative energy, I have found the only protection is to expand. When we contract we become sticky like fly paper or post it notes. But when we expand we re the space between molecules and heavy energy passes thru us. Practice this and see your business soar. rad my commnet to Chris above to read more on expanding. Good luck, you are in Divine hands, feel supported and loved. Reiki is like a cellphone connection to God Guidance on demand) without the roaming charges.
Wow! You ROCK! what a great way to fluff up everyone! Thank you!
Thank you sooo much Jessy”. reading your words reminded me of reading the beautiful Emmanuel’s Books (1.2 and 3)
Love and Light be always with you and in you, for that is what you and we all are!
This is really great advice. Thanks Jesse!
Thank you so much Jessy for your kind guidance. Same here I am all about to Reiki…
You are a truly blessed, your words really touched and inspired me. Your words are the only words I need. The universe guided me to read your words, Your words left me feeling very emotional and I know now that my life has meaning and I see the light.
I recently completed my Reiki 2 and with the help of your words which are now ingrained in me, I shall endeavour to help has many people as possible.
I shall contact my Reiki friends who I trained with and build a more solid relationship with them, I didn’t appreciate the importance of this before now, I thank you once again for your inspiring words.
Loved ur wisdom. Thank u for sharing. I recieved my Master’s in Reiki in 2005. My journey had me doing deep healing work on self since. As of Feb 7th of 2020, I have just opened (Rainbow Therapies Healing Arts). Combination Art gallery and Reiki energy medicine. Patience, perseverance is what readies one to step into new adventures such as this. I thank u all for ur advice well noted and helpful. Love & Light to all. Helen
Congratulations Helen, on taking that big step of affirmation. You are needed more now than ever before especially with the Covid Quarantine world wide, open your biz for Remote and Distance healing sessions they are ready!! The world needs all of us to spread our light.
Thank you so much, everyone, for sharing your perspective and very honest points to keep in mind while starting my Reiki practice. I am very Grateful and feel very informed now.
Excellent article! Lots of good suggestions and variety of ideas. Also, additional comments by Jessie Morrison appreciated and helpful. Thank you Reiki Rays for posting and to everyone who wrote comments!
I thank you for all the information ,and ups and down , about open Reiki business .
I have one question is long distance Reiki given is it charged, like give on names ,photo,mail.I appreciate.
any information Thank you
At the beginning of quarantine (in Ontario its been 15 months of shutdown) I ran a Reiki Healing group for free thinking it would keep peoples energy uplifted for a week or three. As the months dragged on I started to charge. Group healing $25 per session (we had 25-100 people on each call) and invited other Reiki practitioners to join us to hold space with me, until I found it took too much time away from my family and livelihood. In 60-90 minute sessions sessions I charge my regular rate. All my session are now remote and I charge for all sessions (my bank is still a 3D institution and works on $$ not unconditional love and compassion).
Hi there! This is Kamelia from La Jolla Reiki. Since helping write this article I have received many wonderful emails from new Reiki practitioners thanking me for my positivity and giving them hope that they too CAN do this! I have learned alot along the way and it is my passion to help others with my experience. It is such a blessing to be able to share Reiki with the world. Please feel free to contact me directly for help in creating your own Reiki practice. Love and light to you all! 🙂
Hi this is Kathy from Horsell Healing. Thank you for all your tips and advice. I have a Reiki practice but would love a much busier one. I’m at the stage where I need to find another income as I’m not managing financially and I’m getting despondent that clients are not coming. I’ve set the intention, the energy in my workspace feels wonderful, people tell me they feel better, so why am I not busier?? I’ve been offered an office job out of the blue which is not what I really want to do, I want the Reiki work. Is the Universe testing me on how much I really want the Reiki practice? Love & light.
good afternoon Kathy. I understand the choices you mentioned. There is nothing wrong by accepting other type of work for a certain period of time. Perhaps the extra money from office work will allow you to train yourself to make good use of social media ,web marketing, etc. so that you will succeed with a great Reiki business. That approch was suggested to me when i joiined a small business group of independant worker. all in all, i would say listen to your intuition.
Currently, i am a member of Toastmasters. Last year i took the role of VP Public Relations and i learned how to create a web site, do promotion and publicity , etc.
All of this will proove valuable for my upcomong Reiki practicce. .
May the rest of your life be the best of your life!
having reiki practice is like meditating for hours on end when it is full. You may not be ready yet in your own vibration, it is a matter of practicing. But also consider you are divinely guided, perhaps this office needs your presence and Reiki energy and this is where you are of most service right now. It is not a choice of Reiki practice or office work. Bring the Reiki energy into the office. Live reiki at the grocery store, while on a walk, while at paying work, while on construction, working in the police force, the tax office, etc. It is a lifestyle not a job. LIVE Reiki do not DO Reiki. It is a BE-ing state. Live in these alpha waves and others will resonate. Most people do not comprehend there is Reiki, you cannot tell the mind, it resonates with the heart so take it out in the world.
Very helpful. Thank you for all your hard work, I am finding all your information really useful.
Thank you sooooo much that answered so many of my questions ! Love and light forever.
Hello beautiful Reiki people,
I am bringing with a few teachers, the International Grand Master Reiki Academy teachings to America!
This is the complete Original Usui Reiki system with ALL it’s symbols, that have been kept secret until Sathya EoThan, the Grand Master Teacher from Nepal decided to give it out to the world.
He is the shortest lineage possible.
He has studied all the Original Usui Reiki techniques and is the only Grand Master Teacher that initiates to Grand Master levels.
As a Traditional Reiki Master/Teacher for 15 plus years, I always felt that I was going to meet a Grand Master one day, but without internet then, it was impossible. So my practice grew nicely, being the best time of my life.
Now, at Grand Master level, personally, all these new initiations have been beyond my Traditional practice and techniques.
After Reiki Master, you can journey with seminars and initiations to levels 8-9 to become internationally recognized as a Grand Master!
Now my sessions have incredible results! Reiki energy is far more powerful than you may think!
I will be creating a website shortly but in the mean time for all questions you can email me.
This is such an exciting time for us because it is now accessible to all!
Hope to hear from you soon!
I have a few questions if you would like to answer. where can I reach you?
Are you asking about the International Grand Master Reiki Academy?
If so, email me at. it will be my pleasure to answer all your questions!
Have a fabulous day!
Thank you so much for this article! Very helpful!
Thanku for sach wonderful artical
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful advise. We all have a passion for practicing Reiki, and sometimes forget the importance of protecting ourselves. I hadn’t considered forming an LLC until I read your article. I always find something of value from your posts.
Many Blessings,
Great idea for an article. Thanks to all who contributed. I found it informative and interesting.
In my opinion, building trust is a key factor in my reiki business. Within my nutrition practice I am given the opportunity to gently open the door to the possibility of offering reiki through conversation as my clients get to know me, and feel comfortable with me.
I really appreciated the insight provided by the contributors. Thank you so much!
Thank you for this article, and a HUGE thank you to all of the contributors. It’s easy to get all fired up and want to charge off and start a Reiki practice without knowing all of the legal, financial (insurance, licensing, etc.) and emotional ramifications. This article was really very helpful, and a good but gentle dose of reality.
Bless you all,
Big appreciate for distilling your wisdom and sharing! Thank you Reiki Rays for bringing it to other practitioners. A great sense of community. I got great inspiration to energize my practice after a period of quiet writing a manuscript. Much love to all.
Very interesting but a lot of reading 🙂 Very good tips…
I just want to add a couple of my own tips: volunteer where ever you can, hospitals, senior homes, as a vendor at events geared to healing alternatives. My Facebook page is my best friend. Don’t preach but share what you know in a soothing way. Gear your prices to your clients income even if it is worked out in installment payments. I do children free my choice to help the parents. Get the message of sharing Reiki out there any way you can. Even though you are doing Reiki as a business do not take the intimacy out of it. Have a healing space that has the ambiance of relaxation, use all the things you can to make it comfortable and pleasing to the eye try candles, music, the right colours (not spelled wrong, I am Canadian 🙂 ). A subtle non-business approach sometimes works better but still always have your pamphlets and business cards on you where ever you go. To begin if you have the space turn that spare room into your healing space then as your Reiki business develops move into a local alternative medical facility, esthetics practice or where ever there are other alternative medicine businesses.
Hope these few tips help someone. Namaste
of course colours is spelt right! lol. it’s like when anything published in the USA uses practicing for practising…. or licencing for licensing etc. when practice and licence are used as nouns it’s always with a C, when they are used as verbs they are always spelt with a S not a C.. I guess the founding fathers didn’t have much room in their ships for grammar manuals 😉
I started 16 Years ago.
To be a Reiki practitioner and to be the owner of a place to offer Reiki has being quite difficult but full of blessings and great experiences. Here in México the points of view about Reiki are so diverse and strange that you can live with that and also are so positive and great. I have worked in a place called Texcoco in the center of the country and now likely we are moving to the south of México, to Mérida, Yucatán, there I hope to give some services near the sea and some many other plans to spread the Reiki news and to help more people and some animals.
Thanks for the comments I assure you that I’m going to put them in to practice in this new step of the way….
Thanks to all and congratulations!!!!!
Thank you for writing this article. I have completed my Reiki II level and I have been trying to decide how to move it forward. All of the comments are helpful in thinking this through to a new end.
normally how much a Reiki Healer (Master) charges to his patient ? in India or in Indian rupees ?
Thank you so much for this article!
This gave me a great insight on how to develop a reiki healing practice and buisness.
Blessings to you all.
Thank you so much for such a great article. It was so insightful and answered many of my questions. I love how it was laid out in sections. I also loved the comments from others. I learned a lot from those as well!
Oh my! You all are fantastic! Sending love ripples…
Thank you for this wonderful information! It really does help me and soon to be business.
Need a Reiki teacher.
I am from Ukraine.
Who can take on the role of my teacher?
I would be very grateful and happy about it.
Any Reiki teacher require please contact me :
Great insights!
We just published this related article that your readers may find useful (and we welcome you to share your wisdom in a comment here)
How Much Money Reiki Practitioners Can Expect To Make
The Reiki Temple
This theme was brilliant, clarified many doubts!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Although your intent was good, there is nothing substantive. Just people saying they wish they knew…
It would be nice to list what they did instead of what they wished they knew.
I agree. I feel more could be benefited from solutions to areas that proved to be difficult vs a I wish I knew. I found this to be very discouraging and stopped reading at a certain point.
Thanks so much…this was very helpful ..Im not alone … But I’m still going to move forward ..
Ok quick question…
Does this affect anyones religion?
Please Im open to all …..
While Reiki is not affiliated with any religion, it is a spiritual practice. 😊
Very informative experience sharing. Thank you for taking the time to compile this article. Many of us will benefit from this.
Very helpful! Great article for someone who is looking to start their own reiki business. Thank you
Interesting information ! Very helpful. thanks for sharing.
In summery the tips I read for starting a Reiki business is to join a Reiki organisation, create a business plan, take out insurance, keep business records, walk your talk, be authentic (use Reiki regularly on yourself), combining Reiki with other therapys is effective, listen and know the importance of trust, compassion and kindness not just in your practice but in each day.
I would like to say a special thanks to all who shared, it really helps.
For me the principles of Reiki are key when sharing :
Just for today, do not anger
Just for today, do not worry
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living being
This article provides a wealth of information, experience and guidance. As a former (and future) small-business owner I would like to share that the majority of my initial customers came from local business promotion groups such as Chamber of Commerce Greeters/Dinners, Women Entrepreneurs and such. The participants actively support one another’s business, will use them first and will promote your service(s). The key is to show up and be consistent. Always participate in the events and come prepared with handouts & a short sales promo. You are your best marketing tool. The local SBA’s (Small Business Association) are a wonderful resource for classes/info/tools/rules/etc. My community hosts Entrepreneur classes and I would highly recommend completing before actually opening the business.