Patrice is a Certified Medical Reiki Master (CMRM) who rarely asks for help for herself, but after months of suffering with severe back pain, she decided to reach out. She has a busy life, including a child on the autism spectrum who requires significant physical support. Something needed to change. Patrice logged onto the CMRM private Facebook group and asked her colleagues for distant Reiki support. Within 24 hours she was back on Facebook expressing her heart-felt gratitude. She hadn’t been this pain free in years and shared that her husband was shocked at how much her back had improved in such a short time.
Patrice’s Reiki colleagues were not surprised. For years they’ve seen people with medical conditions benefit from the healing power of Reiki, including reduced pain and stress, faster healing, fewer post surgical complications. The list goes on. When Raven Keyes founded Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International nearly a decade ago, it was with the dream of training Reiki Masters to work hand-in-hand with healthcare professionals to bring this healing modality to patients in the clinical setting. That was only part of her vision, though. Raven also understood that until Reiki was an evidence-based practice, getting Reiki into hospitals and other medical settings would be extremely difficult. As a result, she and Dr. Sheldon Marc Feldman of Montefiore Hospital/Einstein College of Medicine in New York City founded Medical Reiki Works, a nonprofit to support and advocate for rigorous scientific research on Reiki in medicine.
Early last spring, after delays due to Covid, Raven watched her dream begin to unfold when she completed the orientation for the Reiki Masters who would assist our world-class research team in a carefully planned clinical trial of Reiki in breast cancer surgery at Montefiore. With the research successfully launched, Raven left for some well-earned time at her second home in Glastonbury, England. She died unexpectedly a few days later on May 3rd, 2023. The Reiki world had lost a key visionary leader, and we had lost a beloved friend, mentor, and colleague.
Raven’s passing rocked our world, but it deepened our commitment to carry her important work forward. With the devoted and skilled leadership of Dr. Feldman and Dr. Alyson Moadel-Robblee, our Co-Principal Investigators, the clinical trial is nearing the halfway mark and going strong. The board members of Medical Reiki Works reorganized themselves to meet the challenges of shouldering Raven’s cause. Multi-faceted plans are emerging to continue this important work.

Now we need your help.
Well-executed clinical research is expensive – one of the reasons why truly rigorous studies of Reiki in medicine are seldom done. The doors to large grants for this kind of research won’t open until we demonstrate its potential. This is what our pilot study sets out to do. Average folks like you and me from around the world have advanced the research this far through their generosity, and we believe you will help carry us to the finish line.
Here’s the deal: for every $5 (US dollars) you donate to our research, you will get an entry into a drawing to win a full distant Reiki session with one of the Certified Medical Reiki Masters on our Board of Directors. These are accomplished CMRM’s with extensive experience. The approximate value of one of the sessions is $135. If you win a session, you may keep it or gift it. It’s easy: just click here ( and donate $5 to win.
Whether you win a Reiki session or not, your donation, however small, will make a big difference when added to others to push our research forward – a study that will benefit all of us who want to see Reiki become widely available to patients across the world. During this anniversary month of Raven Keyes’ passing, let’s keep her dream alive so it continues to bear fruit for all of us. I know her spirit will be with us as we continue this journey together.
Dr. Jody Messinger Wolfe, Ed.D., CMRM
Board of Directors
Medical Reiki Works

To learn more about Medical Reiki and Raven Keyes vision for it, read Medical Reiki: A Groundbreaking Approach to Using Energy Medicine for Challenging Treatments by Raven Keyes (Llewellyn Publications, 2021).
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