Hello Divine Souls!
The Vedic astrology states that the retrograde planets greatly impact human consciousness and thus affect human life by creating imbalances in the energy field. For example, a person may have good communication skills but sometimes can be misunderstood under the influence of the Mercury Retrograde.
Mercury governs communication, travel, contracts, technology, and the mind. Its retrograde can lead to misunderstandings, travel disruptions, and a general sense of being out of sync. When the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit from Earth’s point of view, we call it the Mercury Retrograde. This has astrological significance.
We can prepare a Mojo induced with Reiki as a powerful tool to reduce the negative effect of the Mercury Retrograde.
Mojo is referred to as a bag or amulet where specific items are placed inside for protection, attracting prosperity, or healing. It can be used for manifesting intentions, desires, and to attract or repel spiritual energies. It can be used as a personalized, sacred bag charged with Reiki energy which provides aid during the period of the Mercury Retrograde.

Let us create a Mojo infused with Divine Reiki for the Mercury Retrograde period. It involves a blend of intuition, intention, faith, and a wide selection of items that resonate with Mercury’s energy. Please note the following is a basic guide but you can customise and select items of your choice that resonate with you:
- Choose a small bag. Traditionally, Mojo is made from flannel but feel free to use any material. I prefer to choose the color green as it matches with the color of rays emitting from Mercury and it also stands for harmony, balance, and hope.
- Choose crystals of your choice and need e.g., Rose Quartz for love, Amethyst for stress relief and spiritual connection, Clear Quartz for warding off negative energies, Fluorite for clarity and Black Tourmaline for protection.
- Choose some herbs for example Sage for clearing negativity, Peppermint for improving communication and Lavender for calmness.
- You can also put an affirmation or intention, switchword, or switchphrase written on a piece of paper. For example, you can use the switchphrase “ACT-JUDGE-LIGHT-DIVINE”, which means speak clearly, increase comprehension, lighten stress, and work miracles.
- Essential oils: Lavender oil or any other essential oil that aligns with your intention.
- Reiki Infusion:
- Now purify all the above items with CKR.
- Set the Intention: for clarity, protection, and positive flow during Mercury Retrograde.
- Now, draw other Reiki symbols you are guided to, hold each item between your palms, and channel Reiki into them with your intention. Charge and empower all the items.
- Visualize each item glowing with healing energy.
- Assemble Your Mojo: Once all items have been charged, place them in your Mojo. While doing so, hold a clear intention for their work during the retrograde period.
- Seal and Activate: Close your Mojo and seal it with a dab of lavender oil or any other essential oil that aligns with your intention. Hold the assembled Mojo in your hands, and channel Reiki once more to activate it fully. Bless your Mojo the way you prefer.
- Carry or place your Mojo: Keep your Mojo with you, especially when engaging in activities highly influenced by Mercury (communication, travel, etc.), or place it in a significant area in your home.
- Purify, Charge and Empower your Mojo everyday with Intention.
By channeling the universal life force energy through the intentional assembly of a Mojo, we can navigate Mercury Retrograde with greater ease, clarity, and protection.
The planet Mercury goes into retrograde three times a year for a period of around three weeks each time. Communication is greatly affected by this planet’s pull as it affects our thought processes. Therefore, see things from inner perception and choose your words carefully, think and rethink.
Mercury Retrograde is a time of deep contemplation, reflection, and personal healing.
The items used above have their own Divine intelligence with Mother Nature Blessings. Let the energies from the Divine Mojo create a positive shift in our energy field for us all!
Love & Light!
Article by Shailja Kapur
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address divinereikiblessings@gmail.com. You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
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