Reiki is a spiritual and therapeutic practice that utilizes sacred symbols to channel and balance life energy. One of these symbols is Hosanna, a powerful tool for cleansing and eliminating negative energies in both spaces and individuals. This symbol is depicted as two opposing triangles that share a base and end in a small spiral. Hosanna represents the sword of Archangel Michael and acts as a catalyst to release and purify unwanted energies.
Hosanna is one of the Reiki symbols that I regularly use, almost as frequently as CKR. It is a symbol used to cleanse and remove negative energies from homes, individuals, and can also be employed to release a relationship from negative energies.
One thing I have noticed when using the Hosanna symbol, whether in spaces, individuals, or even from a distance, is that the energy being released can be perceived with great clarity. A profound sense of liberation and clarity can be experienced as the negative energy dissipates.
Using Hosanna to Cleanse a Room
When desiring to cleanse and purify a room, Hosanna can be an invaluable tool. Follow these steps to perform an effective energy cleansing:
- Before engaging in any energy cleansing, it is essential to protect oneself. Draw the CKR symbol on your own body and on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to establish a protective barrier. This will help maintain your own energy balance and prevent any negative influences while working with others’ energies.
- At each corner of the room, draw the CKR symbol to amplify the energy and protection.
- Draw the Hosanna symbol at each corner to begin releasing negative energies.
- Draw the HSZSN symbol in the corners of the room, following a descending pattern from the top corner to the bottom.
- On each wall of the room, draw the SHK symbol to release any accumulated emotional energies.
- In the center of the room, draw the HSZSN, Hosanna, SHK, and CKR symbols while repeating the following intention: “I cleanse, clarify, and transmute all negative energies from this place.”
- To seal the cleansing, draw CKR on each wall, ceiling, and floor of the room.
- Finally, draw the DKM symbol in the air at the center of the room with the intention of maintaining the flow of universal life energy to keep the room’s energy balanced.

Application of Hosanna in Personal Energy Cleansing
In addition to cleansing spaces, Hosanna can also be used to release negative energies in individuals. Whether working face to face with a person or conducting a distance Reiki session, simply draw the symbol and apply it to the person’s body while stating its name three times. Personally, I like to send Reiki energy after placing the symbol, with the intention of “cleansing, clarifying, and transmuting all negative energies.”
In situations where you feel emotionally overwhelmed or find yourself repeatedly dwelling on a thought or situation in your mind, you can clear that energy by combining Hosanna with SHK.
Combining this symbol with others can enhance its results. I particularly enjoy combining it with Karuna Reiki® symbols.
Combine Hosanna with the Hart symbol to purify the energies of a personal relationship, whether it involves conflicts within a couple, between siblings, parents and children, friendships, or professional relationships.
When you have been socially exposed for an extended period and have been the center of attention, you may accumulate negative energies. For example, if you give talks, teach classes or seminars, and feel that you may be subjected to criticism or simply feel overwhelmed by the attention of others, you can release these negative energies by combining the Hosanna symbol with Iava, and you will feel the heaviness being.
Article by Magalí Giménez
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I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at
Hi I need you shield me against some negative people in my family
Do you have to be attuned to this symbol? I am an Usui reiki master, but was not attuned this symbol.