Tracie (Eaves) Talbott is certified as both an Usui and Crystal Reiki Master. She specializes in Reiki and Crystal Energy Work, but also has experience with other holistic modalities as well certification in spiritual and life coaching. She offers guidance in life and spiritual matters using a variety of methods and natural intuition. Her goal is to generate as much light and love and positive vibrations as possible to add to the quality of the interconnected web of existence. You can find more information on her website, www.crystalreikiwellness.com or on her Facebook page at facebook.com/reikitracie1111/.
Articles written by Tracie
- Affordable Marketing Strategies for Reiki Practitioners During Financial Strain
- 5 Tips for Adapting Your Reiki Services to Community Needs
- Meditation for Reiki Business Success
- Enhancing Your Self-Reiki Practice with Visualization Techniques
- Metaphysical Properties of Green Aventurine
- Metaphysical Properties of Angelite
- Metaphysical Properties of Amazonite
- Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst
- How Often is Reiki Needed to Maintain Wellness?
- Opening and Closing Words for Reiki Sessions
- Using Reiki at School
- Why Do I Still Feel Pain if I’m Healing?
- 6 Questions to Help You Cope When You Can’t Heal a Loved One
- Reiki Sent – How Fast Can a Distance Treatment be Sent?
- The Healing Power of Living the Reiki Principles
- A Brief History of Usui Reiki
- Making the Connection for Distance Reiki
- Reiki Shower Sessions
- Why I Charge for Reiki
- Reiki Circle Opening Meditation
- 1 Way to Tell if You Are Meant to Be a Healer
- Reiki Explained: What It Is and What It Is Not
- What is the Deal with Reiki Attunements?