Ranjini Rao is an independent wellness counselor, who imparts Reiki knowledge and other self-empowerment techniques to individuals looking for serving their life’s purpose and to unlock the potential of their mind. She coaches on mindfulness practices through NLP, meditation, and mandala art painting. Prior to this, she was serving as a Marketing strategy Consultant @ IBM Interactive Experience & Mobile, Global Delivery Services. She has served in several roles within IBM India over 15 years and has over 20+ years of Industry experience and her specialization is Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy coaching and consulting. Her personal experiences around Reiki have been life-changing and transformational in nature.
She has been a pious person and spiritually inclined soul since a young age. She was an intuitive channel since 1995 even before she realized it. She has been associated with various philanthropy community activities and developed her interests in holistic healing since 2008. She is a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Certified Master, Certified Holistic Well-being Counsellor, TA101 Certified by ITAA, Angel therapy practitioner, Certified NLP practitioner, self-taught artist, and Silva Method Practitioner.
You can reach her at www.srishtivataarts.blogspot.com and on Twitter @iampositive2k, Facebook page Srishti Vataa Healing & Art Studio and by email to srishtivataarts@gmail.com.
Articles written by Ranjini
- What is Reiki and How it Helps in Personal Development?
- What Are Personal Akashic Mandala Blueprints?
- Reiki and Brain Waves
- How To Do Pendulum Dowsing
- How Reiki Helps to Connect to Our Roots
- Stress Management and Holistic Well-Being Techniques
- Chronic Depression and Reiki Art Therapy
- Grounding Process Chakra Meditation for Angelic and Higher Self Connection
- Top 5 Angels to Call Upon for Healing Relationships
- 12 Step Process to Use Mandala Yantras with Reiki Cellular Reprogramming and Affirmations as a 30-day Emotional Healing Process
- How to Release your Stuck Emotions with the Help of your Angels, Reiki and Crystals?
- Using Law of Attraction, Reiki with Visualisations and Affirmations to Attract Money Abundance
- How to Attract Money, Abundance, and Prosperity through Reiki
- How Can Reiki Accelerate Mental Patterns and Subconscious Level Healing via Positive Affirmations?
- Reiki and Soul Healing – Are You Addressing the Right Area for Relationships Healing?
- Art and Color Therapy Combined with Reiki Energy in Healing Emotional and Mental Problems
- 5 Effective Methods to Activating Energy in Your Hands to Use Reiki and Alternative Touch Therapies
- How Are the New Currency Note for Rs.2000 in India and “Swachh Bharath” (Clean India) and Reiki Connected?
- The Path to Self Transformation – How Reiki and Life Skills Are Connected