Julie E Brent
Julie E Brent has been sharing Reiki and teaching Reiki since 1997. Reiki is an essential part of her daily life, teaching and living Self-Reiki. She opened the Reiki Center of Fairhope in 2012 and hosts Reiki Shares, gives Reiki sessions and teaches workshops. In 2011 she developed additional ways to enhance Reiki with Earth-Heart Codes and Earth-Heart Breathing. She also teaches Karuna Reiki, Reflexology and Earth-Heart Series. Julie works with the Archangels & Guides and is a Conscious Channel, Empath and does Emerald Ray Coaching to assist those ready to grow spiritually and energetically. Reach Julie at www.julieebrent.com and on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/JulieEBrent