Free Reiki Resources

We Shine Brighter Together!

To contribute to shifting the energy in this turbulent time, we wanted to share valuable Reiki insights that support inner peace, health, and wellbeing.

Below you can explore interviews, guided meditations, articles, and global events - thanks to all the Reiki Masters who created and shared them.

All of these resources are free, so please share them with those who could use some additional support through this difficult time.



Emotional Freedom and Resilience with Reiki

Samantha Avery
Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Healer

To be able to pass beyond any emotional turmoil, Samantha has wise and practical Reiki advice for those of us who wish to increase resilience and ability to respond to life in a healthy manner to achieve emotional freedom.

Samantha Avery can be reached through her website,, or her Facebook page, SamanthaAveryEnergy.


Using Reiki to Heal Situations

Wanda Buckner
Holy Fire Reiki Master/Instructor, Healing Touch Program Certified Practitioner, and Medium

Wanda explains to us why healing the situation with Reiki could be more efficient than sending individual healings, and shares the process that we can all use to call on the power, the consciousness and the intelligence of Reiki for the greatest good of all involved.

Wanda offers access to some additional Reiki gifts that can be found here.
Wanda Buckner can be reached through her website,, or through email at [email protected]


Reiki for Empaths

Karen Harrison
Senior Licensed Reiki Master Teacher and Co-Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program for the ICRT, and Mentor Teacher

Karen Harrison shares many practical Reiki tools and techniques for empaths to employ for grounding themselves, clearing, protecting and blessing their energy fields and spaces for greater confidence in their ability to deal with the challenges of life.

Karen Harrison can be reached through her website,


Reiki for Self-Care and Personal Growth

Angela Abbott
Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Angelic Reiki Practitioner, and Kinesiologist

Angela emphasizes why it's vital for personal growth to raise the importance of self-care in our day-to-day life and routine, especially for those doing healing work, and what Reiki methods and techniques to use on this path.

Angela offers a free 5-day mini-training to reduce stress levels that can be accessed here.
Angela Abbott can be reached through her website,, and by email at [email protected]


Self-Healing Using Reiki

Pauline Raphaela
Reiki Master Teacher, Light Body Healer, Thought Field Therapist and Spiritual Counsellor

Since healing the world starts with healing ourselves, Pauline gives many amazing tools and efficient ways to use Reiki for self-healing - what symbols to use, best positions for self-Reiki, creative visualization techniques to awaken your inner healer.

Pauline is sharing her best self-healing guided meditations - here.
Pauline Raphaela can be reached through her website,


Transitioning with Ease: How to Use Reiki to Get Through Difficult Changes in Life

Rev. Terri Ann Heiman
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Healer, and World-Class Podcaster

Knowing that change can be uncomfortable for many of us - especially during difficult life changes, Terri shares insights on how to use Reiki to get through these transitions that life inevitably presents to us and your clients with ease and deep acceptance.

Terri is offering a PDF file - "5 Step Guide Using Reiki to Get Through Difficult Changes in Life with Ease" - that can be found here.
Rev. Terri Ann Heiman can be reached through her website




Oneness, Peace, Individuality and Purpose
by Pauline Raphaela

Boundaries, ego and fear dissolve in this space allowing your true essence to emerge. This meditation will develop a deep feeling of inner peace and will assist you in knowing your life's purpose.

Find more meditations on Pauline's website


Hatsurei Ho
by Samantha Goddard

Strengthen your connection to Source and enhance intuitive abilities. Originating as a Reiki technique used in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai and shared by Hiroshi Doi, Hatsurei Ho is offered as a daily practice.

Find more on Samantha's website


Becoming Unity, Light and Love
by Pauline Raphaela

Activate your being into oneness, love and unity consciousness. This meditation calls in the beings of light and high-frequency energies to assist you in raising the vibration and spread it out into the world through the healing work.

Find more meditations on Pauline's website


Instructions and meditation from the Angels
for Remote Reiki during the COVID-19 pandemic

by Raven Keyes

Healing Panic and Developing Balance in Pandemic Times

by Ashwita Goel

Reiki in the time of COVID-19: Entering the "New Earth" Energy

by Elaine Hamilton Grundy

Spiritual growth - Why am I finding 2020 so tough?

by Elaine Hamilton Grundy

Shining the light in darkness and a prayer for the medical community

by Haripriya Suraj

Reiki COVID-19: Distance Healing Grid for Corona Virus

by Kathy Glover Scott


Unlock your Reiki Tools by Elaine Hamilton Grundy

This FREE Masterclass helps you on your way to deepening your own experience with Reiki, Elaine guides you through the four stages of Spiritual awakening with useful tips and a guided meditation.

An hour immersion into our Reiki practice (open to beginners as well as seasoned practitioners)

To access this FREE Masterclass click here.


Free Empath Video Course by Lisa Campion

Because Empaths are very sensitive to their surrounding and to other people's feelings, they can become easily overwhelmed in highly stimulating environments.

Lisa's hope is that we will learn to deal with challenging aspects of being very sensitive and come through the other side to seeing this as an amazing gift that we are bringing into the world.

To see if you are an Empath and learn how to help with this sign up for Lisa's FREE Video Course here.


Reiki Sound Healing by Torsten A. Lange

EVERYONE can experience the healing power of Reiki - simply by listening to these recordings.

The Reiki Sound Healing Clinic™ includes recordings for all three levels (the physical level, the emotional and spiritual level and the soul level) plus a special compilation of all three, together with exclusively composed healing music.

Experience the Reiki Sound healing sensation yourself. Start the journey of healing on all levels… To learn about the Reiki Sound Healing Clinic click here.


Energy Healing 101 by Tarin Rataic

Are you ready to learn how to do energy healing? Do you feel called to be a healer? Do you know there's something more to your body (and your life) than meets the eye?

Then this FREE Course is for you!

To access Energy Healing 101 course click here.



Online Community Reiki Self Practice Sessions
by Pamela Miles

Let's practice together, healing ourselves and our world. Together we can make a difference. Together with our practice and one another, we can get through this better than we were, transforming ourselves by finding profound inner strength and deeper love for ourselves, each other, and the planet we share.

Event Sessions


Reiki Share
with Marsha R Drozdoff

This wonderful monthly group is for the individual who wants to experience how Reiki can support one's goal of stress reduction, relaxation, personal development, and wellness... to the individual who has received Reiki training and wants to give or receive a Reiki session. Reiki practitioners of all levels are invited to become part of this remote group and community.

Zoom Session


Virtual Reiki Circle
with Judy Camblor

The year 2020 is a year of shifts and changes as we have all seen. Loving Light Reiki Healing Arts is offering weekly FREE Virtual Reiki Circles. Join us every Thursday evening at 8 p.m. EST.
In these Virtual Reiki Circles, each participant will have an opportunity to request to receive distance healing be directed to the aspects of their lives which have been most affected by the current world situations or any other life situations that have created stress, anxiety and/or depression.

Join the free Virtual Reiki Circle


Reiki's Role in Shifting the Energy Surrounding the Pandemic

In the past few months, we have been inundated with increasingly alarming reports and information about the global spread of COVID-19 and its sometimes devastating effects. In a situation like this, it is all too easy to feel powerless... Read More.

Reiki For Immunity Boosting

It is good to remember that Reiki can help us before we get sick, as I have written about before. Reiki does reduce stress and pain, but it also enhances the immune system. This is a very useful thing to remember in the cold and flu season... Read More.

Extreme Help for Empaths During Extraordinary Times

It's an extraordinary time in the world right now. As the COVID-19 virus makes its way around the globe, we are all hunkered down into our quarantines, self-isolation and in some cases... Read More.

Crystal Grid for Global Reiki Unity and World Healing

As a Reiki Practitioner and Crystal Healer, I often combine the two modalities in client sessions as well as in my personal life. Many years ago, I was guided to invite the energies of healing crystals into my Reiki sessions... Read More.

Reiki Tips and Ideas to Raise Each Other Up

The world seems to have turned upside down, and life has changed quite dramatically very quickly. It seems difficult to remember that 'Just for today I will not worry', but let's try not to get bogged down in fear and anxiety... Read More.

Shamanic Tips and Practices to Shift the Energy During Tough Times

These are troubled times. Does that feel to you like an understatement when we consider the circumstances we are all currently faced with? It does to me.
In this time of uncertainty, it is normal to feel upset, and out of sorts... Read More.

Reiki for Strengthening Your Immune System & Overcome Coronavirus

What a wonderful gift we have with Reiki in this time of encountering a new visitor to our planet, Coronavirus. I have been working with energy for over 30 years and with each disease or ailment... Read More.

Empowering Our Health and Wellbeing: Hatsurei Ho Meditation

In these incredibly challenging times that we find ourselves in, I have been wondering what techniques I can share to help empower us in our own health and wellbeing. I therefore, feel guided to write about the beautiful Reiki technique called "Hatsurei Ho." Read More.

Reiki Ideas & Practices During the Pandemic - What YOU CAN DO

Life can teach through lessons - as we have seen through some of the amazing books and techniques our times have seen, helping humanity as a whole move towards greater consciousness... Read More.

Reiki for Fear

We are constantly bombarded with negative stories about what is going on in the world and it is scary. Sometimes the fear can become overwhelming.
Here are my tips for using Reiki for fear... Read More.

Setting up online Reiki alternatives - Reiki Healing

Now that most of the world has imposed lockdowns and Reiki healing is essentially outlawed, it is imperative that we get online. But don't worry, distance healing works wonderfully... Read More.

The 2020 Timeline Jump to the New Earth

There are many perspectives on the higher purpose of the Coronavirus pandemic. From the Cosmic Perspective of the Higher Self all viewpoints have validity.... Read More.

Setting up online alternatives - Reiki Workshops

I have been offering online workshops since 2014 and experimented and tested distance attunements for an entire year before that as I was very aware of the intense resistance to this form... Read More.

Keeping Our Power In Times of Great Change: The Reiki Principles in Practice

In difficult times it is all too easy to let the pessimistic energy of others invade our personal energetic field. The trouble-filled voices of the broadcasters, the charts of ever-increasing numbers of infected people... Read More.

Reiki for the Planet

In this moment of distress we, who work with Reiki, can (and should) give a little help to increase the vibration of the planet and reduce the suffering.
We can give, daily, fifteen to thirty minutes of our time to... Read More.

How to Keep a Healthy Mindset, Even During Difficult Times

We are experiencing great change and difficulty in the world right now. The updates are nearly constant, making it feel as though the world has sped up to an impossible speed. Yet, in truth, the world... Read More.

COVID 19 - Heralding In the “New Earth”?

Over the past 8 years, many of us have been ramping up and shifting through a huge mountain of personal growth issues. Many of us have also been anticipating 2020 as the end of this preparation... Read More.

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