Bruce Taylor is a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher based in France. He has practiced Reiki since 2006 and his practice focuses on Usui Reiki Ryoho, having been trained in Kyoto, Japan.
He works and trains others globally both in person and via his online offerings found at www.rootsoflife.org
Further to that, he manages the Usui Reiki Ryoho Support and Community Group on Facebook which all are welcome to join (www.facebook.com/groups/129366524359731)
Bruce also manages his youtube channel where he focuses on Reiki and Holistic Wellness content (www.youtube.com/c/RootsofLife)
And as this is the 100th anniversary of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he is leading a pilgrimage to the birthplace of Reiki – Kyoto, Japan, as soon as Japanese borders are open again to tourism. For more information on this truly once in a lifetime celebration, please visit: https://rootsoflife.org/reiki-pilgrimage-kyoto/
Articles written by Bruce
- Reversing Our Understanding of Usui Reiki Ryoho: A Path to True Stillness
- The Illusion of Belief
- 5 Reiki Tips to Turn Anger into Calmness
- Red vs Blue Pill
- 5 Reiki Practices to Live in the Now
- Being Born Anew – Rebirth into Your True Self with Reiki
- Healing Over Distance? A Different Approach to HJZSN
- How Reiki Can Help Cultivate Global Peace
- Being vs. Doing Reiki
- Doubt and Hope ~ How To Overcome Two Barriers in our Practice
- The External is a Reflection of the Internal – There is No Such Thing As Dark Energy