Fibroids are one of the most prevalent benign tumors experienced by women of reproductive age since antiquity. Despite all the technological advancements, it continues to be a mysterious illness with a substantial impact on women’s health, depending upon fibroid size.
The symptoms include heavy and painful periods, decreased fertility, anemia, and a galore of many other devastating symptoms. The only treatments available include surgeries involving either the complete or partial removal of the uterus, which is fraught with multiple detrimental effects. Even after hormonal treatments, the fibroids can relapse, and therefore represent significant societal health and financial burden.
Although numerous genetic and environmental causes are often attributed to fibroids, it is implicit to understand the energetic landscape of the disease in order to beat it at the grassroot level. Fibroids clearly represent an imbalance in the sacral (or second chakra) which in most cases, correlates to conflicts with the mother and/or partners. It could also indicate any traumas stored in the second chakra from the past lives or the present life, possibly sexual abuse or shame, causing conflict with acceptance of one’s feminine side.
Herein, I present my suggestions on how to uproot this debilitating condition based on my knowledge and experiences with several clients.
1) Forgiveness
Forgive everyone who has hurt you in the past. You want to untangle the knots/stones formed in the uterus, so replace the energy of resentment with the energy of love. Carrying emotional wounds will only perpetuate your agony, and even though forgiveness sounds like the hardest thing to do, it is worth it. You may also need to cut the cords with the perpetrators. This might also mean distancing yourself physically (wherever possible) and emotionally from some people. Remember you are trying to rewrite the deep genetic program (within your uterine muscle cells) and this would certainly change your life for the better. For more details on my meaning of forgiveness, you may refer to my previous article ‘Forgiveness – the foundation of healing’.
2) Reiki your sacral chakra with clear intention
It is important to heal all the chakras while trying to cure the chronic condition of fibroids because the energy of all chakras is interwoven, but you must pay special attention to sacral chakra. Cleanse the sacral chakra (front and back sides) thoroughly using sweeping motion. Draw the reiki symbols you are attuned to and energize, while maintaining the intention to release all the cellular memories that no longer serve you. This is your creative zone and you intend to infuse it with the vibrations of love and abundance. Femininity in its essence is creativity, intuition and power in its purest form and we are removing the blocks that withhold its real expression. Maintain focus and practice this regularly, with unstinting faith. For more details, refer ‘4 Tips to Connect with Your Divine Feminine’
3) Diet
Conscious nutrition is pivotal to healing fibroids because plant-based foods connect you to the energy of earth, and sun, strengthening all your chakras. The body knows how to heal itself, but you have to prepare the ground by nourishing it with the right food, thoughts, and emotions. So eat vibrant and colorful foods, because food is medicine.
We must appreciate that fibroids are a result of unresolved emotions, affecting the nervous system at a deep level. It might take a while to come into a state of alignment, but if you persevere, you will become a beacon of light for the women of posterity. This trauma has been passed by women from one generation to another, and now the onus is on us to ensure that we pass on the legacy of true femininity that implies love, warmth, abundance and joy for all. Let us embrace our real nature and shine like never before. As Dr. Christiane Northrup puts it, ‘Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who come after her.’
Love and light to all my sistas.
Article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana
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Dr. Jayashree Ramana is a scientist and nutritionist. She uses Reiki healing as a part of her holistic healing program.
She is Usui Reiki Grand Master and practices Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal healing, Lama fera, Magnified healing, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), acupressure, etc. She is a fitness enthusiast and helps people achieve optimal levels of wellness by amalgamating physical measures including nutrition and exercise along with various alternative therapies. Her vision is to empower people and help them tap into their individual power while simultaneously creating a life of abundance and joy.
She is working as Senior Information Scientist at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. She was formerly a university professor and scientist in the field of Biotechnology for a decade. Her own personal transformation with reiki sparked her passion for metaphysical sciences and this led her to found ‘The Healing Soul’.
Get in touch with Dr. Jayashree Ramana through her website or you may reach her at [email protected]. Her youtube channel is
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