Article by Eve Sengkeo
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in your heart.” – Unknown
When it comes to job dissatisfaction, it can be pretty frustrating, especially if we allow it to spill into our personal lives. Whether or not you plan to leave or stay at your 9-5, finding a job that gives you purpose and that you find fulfilling is a difficult challenge for many.
Most times in life, we tackle our challenges on the mental, physical, and emotional level. Often, we forget about incorporating the energetic level.
Based on the law of attraction, we can have anything we want in life. We need to hold space for that thought to allow the universe to deliver it to us. Thus, by holding positive energy, we attract positive results.
Think about the goals you have for your professional life. What is your biggest fear that is preventing you from going after that goal? Maybe you don’t have a fear and maybe there are just a lot of hurdles in the way.
Write down your near term plans to get over those hurdles as a reminder to yourself to stay focused. If you have already made up your mind about leaving your job, make sure you are setting realistic goals for your upcoming career move.
In the meantime, there are many ways to be at peace for the time being regardless of your career situation. For instance, ask yourself what lesson you are learning from your current career frustrations? Patience? Forgiveness? Compassion?
Remind yourself that all these lessons help to grow the soul.
It’s hard to move forward when trying to run on an empty tank of fuel. So fill up your “soul tank” with Reiki self-care activities!
Before starting the next chapter of your career, healing is critical on the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic level. In order to set yourself up for success, healing on the energetic level can help to springboard you on the path to career satisfaction.
Practicing daily Reiki self-care can help you raise your vibrations. And when you raise your vibrations, you allow for more opportunities to attract who and what you want into your life.
There are a number of ways to incorporate simple Reiki energy healing techniques into your daily routine. If you have particular goals in mind, allow Reiki energy to support you in doing so by setting the intention each morning.
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Eve Sengkeo loves helping others achieve mind, body and spiritual wellness. As a Reiki Master, she inspires people through writing about her setbacks, comebacks, and all the lessons learned in between.
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