Article by Kathleen Johnson
As a Reiki teacher, I have had the honor and privilege of initiating many individuals to the Reiki path. This is always a beautiful and sacred event for me as well as the student. Lately, the memories and feelings of my first Reiki attunement have been flooding through me. I marvel at the changes in myself and in my life since that event, and I am deeply grateful that Reiki found me. It is often said that Reiki finds us when we need it most, and that was certainly true for me. The time leading up to my encounter with the blessing and gift of Reiki was challenging indeed. Life was in upheaval and it seemed no facet was left unscathed – family, relationships, finances, health, and more – all were in a state of flux, and despair loomed around every dark corner. I was desperately tired, in body, mind, and soul. Although I had been a spiritual seeker for nearly three decades, and was actively involved in spiritual practices and study, there remained a lingering persistent yearning – a sense of a missing piece. At the time, I attributed this sense of urgency and restlessness to my general anxiety about the challenges and pain in my life. However, the feelings persisted, refusing to be so neatly labeled. Eventually, the anxiety gave way to annoyance– What do you want from me?
Then I heard it – Accept and Trust.
Now I was even more impatient with this cryptic message and thought, Okay – accept what and trust whom?
Accept and Trust…That is what you need to know.
Still in no mood for riddles but exhausted and resigned, I let myself relax. It was then, in a moment of crystal clarity, I knew the answer was imminent and that – All Was As It Should Be. I also knew that I was not alone, and as a child of the Universe, I never would be. Life held a glimmer of hope again, and I felt comforted.
Several days later, I had an “unexpected” visit from a remarkable young woman who was just beginning her own Reiki journey. She spoke of her life-changing experiences since Reiki as she patiently answered my many questions, and understood my inner longing for something more. As the conversation progressed, I felt the light of the Divine spring forth within my core. I knew this was the answer to my restless yearning – I had found the missing piece; or, more accurately, it had found me.
After that serendipitous conversation, everything seemed to fall effortlessly into place. I easily located a Reiki Master Teacher who “just happened” to be scheduling a Level I class at the time of my inquiry. I was immediately drawn to her unconditional caring and acceptance- qualities that guide my life and practice. She became an inspiration to me along the Reiki path, and I am grateful for her presence in my life.
On that day of my first Reiki class, I was excited, yet apprehensive about what would happen. I knew very little about Reiki – yet knew I needed to be there. The class was large, but the collective energy was potent and the enthusiasm palpable. As our teacher performed the attunements one by one, the students reported feelings of rapture, love, warmth, peace, well-being, and joy. I was the last one to receive the attunement, and as the initiation progressed, I was swept into a place of all-encompassing love. I felt the presence of my beloved father, who transitioned in 2008; his presence filled me with warmth and comfort, just as it had in life. Colors flowed in a wild kaleidoscope behind my eyes, and waves of warmth and joy pulsed through my being. The concerns and worries in my life fell away as I surrendered to the sacred power of the initiation, and I knew that All Was As It Should Be. Gratitude for this experience coursed through me and my heart felt complete. When the initiation was finished, my teacher softly told me things about myself that I never knew, yet they all made perfect sense and explained so much. My soul rejoiced as I awakened to my authenticity. I was learning, and the Reiki journey was underway.
Since that life-changing day, “Accept and Trust” has been a mantra; three powerful words that altered the course of my life. I have learned to accept that All Is As It Should Be, but not always how we want it to be. I have learned to trust the Divine order of the Universe, knowing that our human selves recognize so little of its intricacies. Finally, I have learned to relax into the moment, and in so doing, allowed my authenticity and divinity to flourish.
And, as so many others have said, Reiki found me when I was ready to be found. It infuses every part of my life, and is inextricably linked with who I am as a spark of the Divine. Reiki is a guiding Light on the journey as I make my way Home, illuminating the darkness, providing comfort, healing, and an unwavering source of support.
As I joyfully Accept and Trust the wisdom of Reiki on the journey, I am grateful for this gift and the opportunity to share its Divine light.
Reiki blessings to all ~
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Kathleen Johnson is a Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master, a Kundalini Reiki Master, and a Certified Crystal Healer. As a Spiritual Teacher & Mentor, she assists others in discovering their unique path to wellness, wholeness, and authenticity. Kathleen is also a Certified Past-Life Soul Regression Therapist, and infuses Reiki into her work with clients’ past lives.
She is the Founder of UniverSoul Heart, LLC, a holistic healing and wellness practice based in Pennsylvania, USA. Kathleen enjoys teaching all levels of Reiki classes, from Level I through Master/Teacher, and is honored to assist others on the Reiki path. She also offers “Crystal Basics” and “Finding Your Life Mission” workshops for those wishing to deepen and enrich their self-knowledge at the soul level.
Kathleen was a co-host and presenter at the Reiki Rays Spring 2018 Summit, and also presented at the Winter 2018 and Spring 2019 Summits. She is passionate about raising awareness of the benefits of Reiki and holistic wellness and enjoys speaking to public and private groups.
As part of her commitment to raising awareness, Kathleen has been a featured guest in many radio interviews and is the host of "UniverSoul Heart Radio with Kathleen Johnson- Sensible Spirituality for Everyday Living", broadcast on Transformation Talk Radio.
Kathleen was selected as Top Reiki Master of the Year for 2019 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) for her outstanding leadership, commitment, and dedication.
Writing is a passion for Kathleen, and her many articles about Reiki and Spirituality are published on Reiki Rays and in Reiki News Magazine. She is currently gathering information for a book and knows that Reiki will be with her every step of the way.
Kathleen’s website is, and her email is [email protected]
You can find her on Facebook at UniverSoulHeartReiki, on Instagram @kathleen_johnsonrmt and on Pinterest at
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