Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Vessel
It is time to deepen your healing journey in the most simple and fascinating but still challenging way! This card invites you to surrender and to live your life as an embodiment of divinity, so is your inner temple ready to allow the outer temple to express only the will of your spirit who is united in consciousness with all there is? When you’re stuck in your own belief system, you’re closing the unlimited possibilities of the universe. By accepting to be nothing, you’re becoming everything; everything remains open to the possibility.
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2. Nothing
Try not to schedule every second of your life. Try not to fill up every crack of the day with “productive” things. This card suggests getting more in touch with the space of nothingness within you. Nothingness is the source of all possibilities. Do less to become more. Give yourself a break. Although it seems like a paradox, doing nothing is the thing to do.
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3. Receive
You might be tempted to believe is harder to give than to receive, but no! Receiving is always more difficult than giving, especially for healers and lightworkers. Don’t question whether you deserve it! Release any blockages, guilt, fear, or low self-esteem. Let go of control and stop filtering what you should receive and what you shouldn’t. You are worthy of abundance in all its manifestations.
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