The concept of the spiritual sheaths, or ‘koshas’, in Hindu and yoga philosophy is similar to the concept of the energy body in Reiki. Both approaches recognize that the human being is made up of different layers or dimensions and that these layers can be nourished and harmonized through the flow of energy.
There are five koshas, and represent different aspects of the self. These are:
- The Physical Body (Annamaya Kosha)
- The Energy or Life Force Body (Pranamaya Kosha)
- The Mental Body (Manomaya Kosha)
- The Wisdom or Intellect Body (Vijnanamaya Kosha)
- The Bliss or Spiritual Body (Anandamaya Kosha)
In Reiki, the practitioner may use hand positions and intention-setting to direct the flow of energy to specific areas of the body or energy field, in order to promote balance and healing in those areas. Similarly, in the practice of yoga and other spiritual disciplines, the practitioner may use various techniques such as meditation, pranayama, and asana to cultivate the flow of energy through the body and nourish the different koshas.
Overall, both Reiki and the concept of the koshas recognize the importance of the flow of energy in maintaining balance and harmony within the human being, and offer tools and techniques for cultivating and nourishing this energy in order to promote healing and spiritual growth.
1. The Physical Sheath (Annamaya Kosha)
The physical body, or Annamaya Kosha, is the first of the five layers of the human being. It is made up of the bones, muscles, organs, and tissues that make up the physical structure of the body. The physical body is believed to be the densest and most tangible of the five layers, and it is seen as being closely connected to the other four layers.
Likewise, in the practice of Reiki, energy is believed to be able to penetrate the physical body and affect the other layers of the human being and promote healing and balance. Reiki can be used to help alleviate physical symptoms and promote physical healing. It has been a magic wand in physical ailments such as pain, injury, and chronic conditions. Reiki can also help improve overall well-being.
Although there is an overlap, the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Reiki is most closely associated with the healing of Annamaya Kosha.

2. The Energy Sheath (Pranamaya Kosha)
Pranamaya Kosha is the second of the five koshas in the Hindu tradition of yoga. It is made up of the sheath of energy or life force that surrounds and nourishes the physical body (Annamaya Kosha). This energy is often referred to as ‘prana’, and it is believed to be the source of all life. Prana is the life force or vital energy that animates the body and is essential for physical and mental well-being. It is believed that prana flows through the body through a network of channels or meridians called the ‘nadis’ and through various centers of energy called ‘chakras’.
The prana is divided into five primary currents of vital force or ‘vayus’, each of which has a specific function and location in the body:
- Prana vayu, which is associated with the head and governs inhalation and the intake of food
- Apana vayu, which is associated with the lower abdomen and governs exhalation and the elimination of waste
- Samana vayu, which is associated with the digestive system and governs the process of digestion
- Udana vayu, which is associated with the thorax and governs speech, movement and self-expression
- Vyana vayu, which governs circulation of blood and nutrients
There is a relationship between Pranamaya Kosha and Reiki life force energy in that both are believed to involve the flow of healing energy (Ki) through the body. The balance and flow of prana or ‘Ki’ in the body are crucial for good health, and any disruptions to this flow can lead to physical or mental health problems.
Since the energy sheath is not seen separate from the physical sheath, the Cho Ku Rei symbol in Reiki is most closely associated with the healing of the Pranamaya Kosha.
3. The Mental Sheath (Manomaya Kosha)
The third kosha is the Manomaya Kosha, which is the mind or mental body. It is made up of the thoughts, emotions, and mental processes that shape our perception of reality. Manomaya Kosha is considered to be the interface between the physical body (Annamaya Kosha) and the intellect (Vijnanamaya Kosha). It is believed to be influenced by the flow of prana and can be affected by external factors such as sensory input, memories, and past experiences.
Reiki, similarly, helps to promote emotional and mental balance by reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and increasing the feeling of relaxation. It can help to release negative thoughts and emotions, and promote a sense of calm and clarity.
The Sei Hei Ki symbol in Reiki is the most closely associated symbol with the healing of the Manomaya Kosha.
4. The Wisdom Sheath (Vijnanamaya Kosha)
The fourth kosha is the Vijnanamaya Kosha, which is the intellect or wisdom body. It is made up of the knowledge and understanding that we have gained through our experiences and learning. Vijnanamaya Kosha is considered to be the interface between the mental body (Manomaya Kosha) and the bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha). It is associated with the intellect, perception, and higher cognitive functions and can be affected by external factors such as knowledge and understanding.
Reiki too helps to promote insight and understanding by increasing feelings of clarity and focus. Reiki also helps to bring awareness to the unconscious patterns and beliefs by helping to release negative emotions and patterns of thought that can block understanding. This can allow the person to gain insight into their own beliefs and behaviors, and facilitate personal growth and transformation.
Reiki may also help to promote relaxation and reduce stress, which can create a more receptive state of mind that is more open to personal growth and change. In addition, the process of receiving Reiki treatment can provide a space for self-reflection and introspection, which can also support personal growth and transformation.
The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol in Reiki is most closely associated with the healing of the Vijnanamaya Kosha.
5. The Bliss Sheath (Anandamaya Kosha)
The fifth and final kosha is the Anandamaya Kosha, which is the bliss body. It is the innermost aspect of the self, and is believed to be the source of our deepest joy and happiness. It is the sheath of bliss or the spiritual body, and is considered to be the innermost layer of the human being. Anandamaya Kosha is associated with the experience of pure joy, bliss, and enlightenment. It can be affected by external factors such as spiritual practices and experiences.
Reiki helps us to connect with our innermost self by promoting relaxation and a sense of calm, which can create a more receptive state of mind that is more open to introspection and self-reflection. This process of self-exploration can help individuals to gain insight into their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and to connect with their innermost selves in a deeper way.
Reiki may also help individuals to feel a sense of unity and oneness with all of creation by promoting a sense of interconnectedness and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. This can be facilitated by the practitioner’s intention to channel universal energy into the recipient, as well as through the process of receiving Reiki treatment, which can provide a space for contemplation and connection with a higher power or universal energy.
The Master symbol, Dai Kyo Mo in Reiki helps in connecting with the Anandamaya Kosha.

The Entwining Romance between Reiki and Yoga
According to yoga philosophy, the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to awaken and harmonize all five of these koshas, and to realize the true nature of the self, which is beyond all of these layers. By doing so, we can experience a state of peace, joy, and fulfilment that is beyond all dualities and limitations.
In the practice of yoga and other spiritual disciplines, the practitioner may use various techniques such as meditation, pranayama, and asana to cultivate the flow of energy through the body and nourish the different koshas. Similarly, with Reiki, one can channel the universal life force energy in order to promote healing and balance. This life force energy is believed to flow through the body’s energy channels and nourish the different layers or dimensions of the being, including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
To sum up, incorporating Reiki into our spiritual practice or wellness routine can have a number of potential benefits, including:
- Reducing stress and promoting relaxation: Reiki may help to reduce anxiety, tension, and other negative emotions, and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. This can be beneficial for overall well-being and may also support spiritual practices such as meditation.
- Improving overall well-being: Reiki may help to improve physical and emotional well-being, and may have a positive effect on physical conditions such as chronic pain or insomnia.
- Facilitating personal growth and transformation: Reiki may help to bring awareness to unconscious patterns and beliefs, and facilitate personal growth and transformation by creating a more receptive state of mind that is open to self-reflection and introspection.
- Connecting with one’s innermost self: Reiki may help individuals to connect with their innermost selves by promoting relaxation and a sense of calm, and creating a space for contemplation and self-exploration.
Collectively, both Reiki and the concept of the koshas recognize the importance of the flow of energy in maintaining balance and harmony within the human being, and offer tools and techniques for cultivating and nourishing this energy or prana in order to promote healing and spiritual growth.
Article by Reiki Master Supriya Nair
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Dr. Supriya Nair, IMD, PhD has been a Reiki and Kriya Yoga practitioner since 2008. A conduit between the scientific and spiritual worlds, Dr. Supriya has a profound fascination for the healing arts. Apart from holding the title of Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Dr. Supriya is a certified Health Coach and proficient in various integrative medicine modalities. She is also the author of "Train Your Brain to Unchain Your Pain."
To get in touch with Dr. Supriya, you can reach out via email at or connect with her on Facebook at and on Instagram at
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