There is one state of being that everyone strives to feel. We know it exists but sometimes, no matter how we try or what we do, we can’t seem to get it. Thousands of songs have been written about it, and people have gone to incredible lengths because of it. It is our connection to our spiritual home and when we do get a glimpse of it, we know it instantly. What is it? Unconditional love.
Overview Of Anahata

The green chakra is called Anahata which means ‘unstruck’ or ‘undamaged’. It is positioned in the centre of the chest and governs our expression of love, our ability to receive love and our compassion. The heart chakra reminds us that no matter what past hurts and grief we have suffered, beneath it all is a constant, radiating wellspring of unconditional love for us.
Heart Chakra Fast Facts
Position | Centre of the Chest |
Colour | Green |
Petals | 12 |
Related Element | Air |
Metal | Copper |
Musical Note | F |
Mantra | YAM |
Gemstones | Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Peridot |
Senses | Touch |
Planet | Venus |
Essential Oils | Neroli, Cardamom, Rose |
Yoga Poses | Cobra Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Fish Pose |
When Anahata Is Imbalanced
When an imbalance shows up there are simple steps we can take to address it ourselves. When the heart chakra is in balance we experience harmonic relationships, fair exchange with others, appreciation, generosity, and self-love. We feel our vulnerability and accept it without pretending it doesn’t exist or trying to protect it. When the heart chakra is balanced we feel a spiritual connection — and unconditional love residing in us.
If the heart chakra is overactive we may become less discriminating with whom we give our over-abundance of love too. Our behavior may get a little inappropriate with people we’re attracted to but are not in a relationship with. We may eagerly agree to things we would otherwise consider with discernment, and we may overstep our own boundaries. Our emotions are on a rollercoaster and we experience the highs and lows very keenly.
If the heart chakra is underactive we can’t generate positive emotions very well. Our minds are negative, our thoughts dwell on grievances, we lack love and compassion for others and we definitely lack love for ourselves. Spiritually, there is a sense of separation and loneliness and when the heart chakra is closed we may even turn our backs on traditions and religions that had once supported us because we can no longer see the point in them. Smiling does not come naturally when the heart chakra is underactive.
Physical symptoms of an imbalanced Anahata include circulatory, respiratory, and heart problems and it is related to the thymus gland.

Exercising The Heart Chakra
Love, by its very nature, is unconditional. It’s only our minds that place conditions on who, when, and how we give our love. Working on the Anahata can bring up a lot of emotional garbage so we’ve chosen some easy exercises you can try that will get you thinking about the conditions you place on your self-love, your love of others, and your flow of love with the Universe.
At the beginning of a meditation session or after Savasana, take a green-colored gemstone or crystal such as Aventurine, Amazonite, or Peridot and place it in the center of your chest. You can also use a pink crystal such as Rose Quartz to help balance emotions.
As you lie still and relax, breathe deeply and slowly and imagine the crystal radiating its light on your chest, permeating down through you, healing and cleansing as it does so. It may help to play relaxing music while you do this. After 10 minutes or so, remove the crystal and gently bring yourself to a seated position. Rest for a while, eat something small and drink some water before returning to your day.
Using an aromatherapy diffuser, add a few drops of an essential oil associated with the fourth chakra such as the ones listed above in the Fast Facts. Breathe in deeply and smoothly. Use essential oils as part of your meditation practice or combine them with the first exercise. Since the element of air is closely associated with this chakra, this is a particularly potent method of balancing and clearing it.
When was the last time someone bought you flowers? When was the last time you bought some for yourself? Giving flowers has been a traditional gesture of love for a very, very long time. Pink roses are traditionally given to symbolize love, gratitude, romance, and appreciation. Isn’t it time you showed yourself some of these qualities and treated yourself? If not, why not?
This article is part of a chakra series helping you better understand your energetic structure and how to balance it using effective healing chakra exercises.
Stay tuned and also check out our other chakra articles from this series:
Article by Phoenix Fenegan
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Phoenix Fenegan is a Reiki Master Teacher, YA 200hrs Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, and spiritual & energy explorer. Phoenix has a YouTube channel called Intuitive Meditations which has many resources for Reiki students and those looking to experience meditation. She is a writer of some note on yoga and spiritual matters which were first published way back in 1997.
You can contact Phoenix through her website:
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