You think that you alone are responsible for your wellbeing and energy? Basic ancestral mathematics shows that for you to be born, you needed:
2 parents
4 grandparents
8 great-grandparents
16 great, great-grandparents
32 great, great, great-grandparents
64 great, great, great, great-grandparents
128 great, great, great, great, great-grandparents
256 great, great, great, great, great, great-grandparents
512 great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandparents
1,024 great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandparents
2,048 great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandparents
For the last 11 generations alone, it took 4,094 ancestors for you to be here today. About 300 years of personal history before your birth!
Think for a moment: How many fights? How many wars? How many hungers? How many difficulties? But also… How much love? How much pain? How many joys? How much hope? How much force? All of these ancestors had to live in order for YOU to be alive today. You only exist because of them and all that they left you after their passing…
What is the karma of a family?
And you think that you alone are responsible for your wellbeing and energy? Well, let me break it to you: you are just a piece of puzzle in the Universe.
There are 5 types of karma:
- Collective karma
- Karma of the time
- Karma of a place
- Karma of a family
- Karma of an individual
That means that each emotion you feel, each trigger that puts you in alert or each blockage you face can come from any of them. That means that we are prone to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors in case we do not heal the wounds.
What is the family constellations therapy?
The systemic therapy of family constellations was created by Bert Hellinger (psychotherapist and former missionary priest in Africa), considered to be a phenomenological, psychogenealogical, existential therapy that intervenes in solving some difficult experiences that we live today, but which have roots in traumatic events from our past or from the past of the family we belong to.

The family constellations method approaches not only a system as a whole, but the relationships within the system (family, work group, group based on a professional category, etc.), so that any dysfunctional part of a system produces effects on the whole. This means that, for example, in a family, arguments between parents affect both the quality of the relationship between spouses, as well as the psycho-emotional development of the child, or a conflict at work can cause disruptions in family life and self-reporting.
Therefore, in family constellations method the person searches for a solution to his or her problems. The person names the intention and, helped by the facilitator, invites a person to be the representative of the intention and several people in the constellation, giving them a role. The representatives, from the perspective of the position they have, are invited to follow the movements and express what they feel. No logic involved, only intuition and feeling. Through the movements and words of each member of the constellation, the person receives the information needed to solve his or her problem.
The method has gained popularity after the airing of the Netflix series called ‘Another Self’ and is now a real therapeutic phenomenon.
How to meditate using Reiki in accordance with the family constellations method
- Visualize yourself at the top of a 7 steps stairs, going down towards a dark place, which is not scary, but rather peaceful. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol in front of you, at the bottom of the stairs.
- State your intention, the problem to which you want to find the history.
- Step on the first step down, say to yourself “Now here I am in the right place!” and visualize the Cho Ku Rei symbol. Repeat this for each of the descending steps on the stair.
- When reaching the bottom of the stairs, visualize the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol like a Doors towards your safe place, a place where you feel peace, harmony and reconciliation. Inhale deeply the fresh air, and feel the things from your safe space.
- In the middle of this safe space, visualize the Sei He Ki symbol, the symbol of mental and emotional healing, and you standing above it. Behind you sit your mother and father, with your father standing to your mother’s left, both holding their right hand on your shoulder. Behind them are similarly their parents (your grandparents), and behind your grandparents, their parents (your great-grandparents). Where you don’t know how they looked like, only visualized a person, without facial details, without an expression, to whom you give the energy to be that link in your generational chain, up to the 7th generation.
- Visualize the Sei He Ki symbol above your ancestors, going down and entering in each of them. Now, turn towards your ancestors and start talking to each one of them, to ask them to tell you their relationship with regards to your problem and the energy around your problem, to tell you their traumas and the way they relate to it. And images will actually come to your mind, you will extremely clearly see in your head as they follow each other.
- After you talk to each of your ancestors, ask them for forgiveness, tell them you forgive them, and visualize the Cho Ku Rei symbol and Sei He Ki symbol between the two of you, as they leave the scene and you go to the next person.
During a family constellation meditation, invisible patterns are made visible and therefore more manageable in your daily life. When you finally heal a piece of karma in your family, it no longer manifests in your life and in the life of your offspring. Please let me know how this worked for you, by writing in comments!
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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