What is your morning routine? I like to start off my mornings with some self-healing and REIKI love. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I begin to ground myself into Mother Gaia. I then recite the 5 Reiki Principles
- Just for Today, I will let go of WORRY.
- Just for Today, I will let go of ANGER.
- Just for Today, I will do my work HONESTLY.
- Just for Today, I will give thanks for my many BLESSINGS.
- Just for Today, I will be kind to every LIVING THING.
I begin by doing Gassho, Reijho and ask for the Reiki to flow. I Ask for Dr. Usui, Ascended Masters, all my higher vibrational guides to come and put Golden healing light from my Stellar Gateway Chakra down to the Earth Star Chakra.
I keep my feet flat on the floor and never cross my feet or legs. I then do my Reiki Symbol CKR to protect my sons, grandchildren, family, and friends.
I then sit with gratitude for the ability to receive Reiki and send Reiki to others. Even though I have a planned routine, doesn’t mean that life doesn’t come in a throw me out of balance.
What happens when the alarm clock goes off and I jump out of bed and forget to do my grounding? I do these steps in the shower. I draw a CKR on the showerhead before I start the shower then I visualize white and golden light coming down my Crown Chakra cleansing and clearing all negativity from my Auric field. I thank Dr. Usui for being a conduit for Reiki.
But believe it or not, sometimes life just gets super busy and I don’t remember to do either of these techniques. So as soon as I remember whether in my car or at work, I stop and pause for a moment and give thanks for my many blessings. Then a quick sweep of my Chakras from Root to Crown, and cover myself with golden healing light. I do this by placing one hand at my Root Chakra and the other hand at my Crown Chakra and bring them together from bottom to top and bring into my heart space. I truly believe a little REIKI goes a long way, and it’s better to do a little REIKI than no REIKI.

My evening routine consists of burning sage to cleanse my Aura and clear any energies I may have encountered throughout my day. I start by placing the sage at the bottom of my feet and work my way up to the crown and then again back down to my feet doing a complete figure eight through my Auric field. Afterward, I sit for a moment in meditation and give thanks for all my many blessings. Just before bed I sit on the edge of my bed and ground back into Mother Gaia, I begin to do self-healing positions and then do my Reiki symbols for my sons, grandchildren, friends, and family.
I also love to do a REIKI bath, in which I incorporate 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 large sea salt (or pink salt) works well 2 teaspoons lavender, and fresh flowers. I fill the tub with water and then place Reiki symbols CKR, SHK, and the Master Symbol DKM into the water. While I soak I like to also incorporate some self-healing hand positions. After a Reiki bath, I feel refreshed, renewed, and relaxed.
As I have stated earlier sometimes the best laid out plan doesn’t always work out so make sure not to beat yourself up about missing a day or even longer. When you remember you have the ability to bring Reiki into your life and heal yourself and others, there is no time constraints or right or wrong way to work Reiki into your daily routine. There is just Reiki LOVE.
I’d love to hear some of the ways you incorporate Reiki into your daily routine.
Article by Maria Emeterio
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Maria Emeterio is an Advanced Reiki Master teacher, who specializes in Chakra Healing, and she ALWAYS offers FREE Reiki to any parents who have suffered the loss of a child, as a way to give back to her community and honor her GRANDSON JAX who passed from S.I.D.S.
You can contact Maria at https://smart.bio/be_blissfully_balanced.
Thank you for this routine. I have recently reconnected with Reiki it great to have this outline as well as the grace knowing I can practice Reiki whenever and wherever. Much love
Thank you so much for taking the time read my article !!