“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” — Loren Eiseley
Namaste to all,
As we all know that Mother earth consists of almost two-thirds of water and so is our body. Water is a colourless, odourless and tasteless substance found in all the states of matter i.e. liquid, solid and gas. Surprisingly, water is found mostly in liquid form although made up of two gasses, Hydrogen and oxygen.
Water is a healer itself in all its forms. In liquid form, it helps in sustaining almost every activity of life. In solid form (ice) it heals wounds and enhances beauty. In gaseous form has lots of power. Used to run steam engines.
Can you imagine when we combine the healing powers of Reiki with water, how awesome results can we receive?
- Reiki for drinking water: Start your day with a glass of water either warm or cold, give it Reiki for 3 minutes with CKR and SHK symbols. Intend that this water should heal you from within. Consume this water sip by sip. You can also visualize that each cell of your body is receiving the healing benefits of this charged water.
- Reiki Shower: Taking a bath and shower in the morning is a daily practice in our lives. Combined with Reiki it becomes a whole new experience and ritual. How to do it? Tap CKR and SHK on your shower head. In case you are using a bathtub or bucket, just give Reiki to the water for 3 minutes. Intend that this bathing water shall take away all your sorrows and negativity. While in the shower, visualize millions of CKR and SHK symbols pouring in water droplets to wash away your grievances, sorrows, and negativity and to heal every part of your body, soul and aura.

- Reiki water for cooking food: One thing that connects a family and improves relationships is having meals together. So, always give Reiki to the water used for cooking. You may intend that food cooked using this water shall make the meal healthy and improve family bonding with love and peace. You may also intend that the meal shall be free from any kind of negative or unwanted energies when raw material used for cooking is cleansed with Reiki water.
- Reiki water to nourish Plants: Whenever I water my plants, I make sure to charge the water with Reiki. The intention is to get maximum nourishment and growth for plants. Not only this, Reiki-charged water, when it meets the soil, I intend to send healing energies to mother earth. No matter if you have a big garden or a small one with planters(pots), Reiki-charged water heals both plants and mother earth.
- Other uses of Reiki-charged water: You may charge water with Reiki before filling your car radiator, for cleaning or mopping the house, feeding animals or birds, washing your face etc.
Reiki-charged water can be used in multiple ways to heal and nourish. Always give your intention along with Reiki to achieve maximum results. In my case, I always intend it to work for my highest good. You may use your creativity in this case as what you are willing to achieve using Reiki Charged water.
Important: Symbols shall be used only if you are attuned to them. Always add the intention that whatever amount of water is being used, the same is being replenished in the environment. So that there should be no scarcity of water for the use of living beings. Always use water thoughtfully so the same shall be reserved for the coming generation. Stay blessed always.
Love, Light and Gratitude
Article by Rene Mic
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is reenabhartiya@gmail.com
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