Very often, I am asked why people who have practised Reiki no longer than 21 days or a few months call themselves Reiki Masters.
I am part of a Reiki lineage that requires practice and mastery at each level before proceeding to a higher level and that is how I teach as well. And I teach this way because I see the value in this approach that offers no shortcuts.
This is my definition of a Reiki Master – A person who has practised hard (often for several years), worked extensively on healing themselves, and attained mastery along the way.
I don’t see ‘Reiki Master’ as a title that is obtained after attending a weekend class. I see it as a title that is earned as mastery is gained.
One may receive the title of Reiki Master easily – in the form of a certificate. However, unless some level of mastery is achieved through practice, neither the title nor the certificate are of any value.
Some people have also asked me why some people who call themselves Reiki Masters are just about as competent or knowledgeable as beginners on the path. This is possible because there is no monitoring body to question the competence of a Reiki Master. Anyone can call themselves a Master at the end of a Master Training Class. Who is to check on the quality of training received or the extent of practice undertaken by a practitioner?
There may be no monitoring body for Reiki practitioners and Master Teachers to answer to. But, ultimately, we are answerable to ourselves.

For those of us who are Reiki Masters or wish to become Reiki Masters, there are two questions to reflect on-
- Have I truly earned the title or is it just a fancy addition to my resume?
- Am I doing justice to the title or not?
If you are already a Reiki Master, these questions may inspire you to become even better at what you do.
If you wish to become a Reiki Master, these questions may guide you on your journey. Make sure you do some research, pick effective training programs and most importantly, keep up with practice after training. The Reiki class is only the first step. The real training begins after one steps out of the class. Over time, Reiki itself becomes your teacher. The more you practice Reiki, the more it leads you towards deeper understanding and self-mastery.
Also, some people have asked me if the title of Master can make one egoistic. My view is that the title by itself does not hold the power to make one egoistic – it is the meaning we attach to the title.
I believe there is nothing wrong with having a healthy sense of ego. If one has worked hard to attain a certain level of mastery and they are called a Reiki Master, I don’t see a problem with it. The problem only arises when one uses the title to show a false sense of superiority over others or to project power in unhealthy ways.
I would say it is a privilege to be a Reiki Master – not because it’s an ego booster that makes one feel special, but because it means –
- You have worked on healing yourself and grown as a person
- You continue to work on healing yourself throughout your life
- You support others in need of healing
- If you teach, you also play a role in passing on the gift of Reiki to others, who will in turn pass it on to many others
- You act as a beacon of love and light in the world
- You are a living breathing example of what it means to walk the Reiki path and have the potential to inspire many others to do the same
- And by doing all of this, you help raise the consciousness levels on the planet.
That’s a lot of power in our hands! Used wisely, we can make tremendous difference in this world. So, let’s not be afraid to be Reiki Masters. Whether we choose to give ourselves the title of a Reiki Master or not is a personal choice. But if we are one by training, let’s just makes sure we live up to it.
Remember – the Reiki class only launches us on the path. It is walking the Reiki path, no matter what, that makes a practitioner a Master.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
You know something you are absolutely right. Master title is earned not given . I’ve been practicing Reiki 4-6 years off and on. Yes I have came a long way… But to say I’m a master even if I took the Art master coarse. I wouldn’t consider my self a master. Master in my opinion means that you are strong enough in your practise to teach as well. I’m just old school. Earn my title and be proud of it. One day I’ll be a master.