I have been seeing the number 33 continuously for over two months now.
I happen to look at my phone and the time is 2:33, 11:33, 4:33, etc.
I press the pause button while watching a series on Netflix and the number of minutes gone by is 10:33 or 1:20:33.
I pause reading a book and place a bookmark, and I notice the page number is 33.
I find an article on social media that brings me a helpful message. I leave a like as an appreciation of my gratitude and I see I am the 33rd or 133rd person to like it.
I suddenly glance at the number plate of a car on the road and it ends with 33.
And as I write this article, my phone beeps and when I look at the screen, it shows I have 33 unread messages!
These are some ways in which Number 33 has been making its presence felt in my life. It has happened so many times that I have been forced to sit up and take notice of it.

I am not an expert in numerology. Nor have I studied Angel Numbers in depth. So, I looked up some resources online to help me understand what may be happening. And while I did find some general information I could connect to, I felt I had to go within and receive more detailed insights as to what number 33 meant personally for me.
And here’s what came up –
- You are at a time in your life when you are attracting people and circumstances like a magnet.
- Be mindful of your vibration, for you have now awakened your capacity to be a powerful manifestor and co-creator with the Divine.
- Aim to vibrate high.
- Drop attachment to your effort. Allow the Universe to hold you in its loving arms and support you.
- Trust with every fibre of your being that you are supported.
- You being attached to your effort doesn’t necessarily make you more productive. In truth, it can be counter-productive.
- Take action and then let go.
- Let your actions ripple out like waves and disappear into the magnanimous ocean of Universal Energy.
- A force much bigger than your limited human self knows how to bring your intentions into reality.
- At any given point, all you have you do is trust your intuition and take the next step that you feel guided to take.
- Recognize the fact that the Universe works through you.
- Everything you do and everything you are is an act of the Universe expressing itself through you.
- To understand in more depth the messages 33 brings, close your eyes and feel the number in your heart space.
- Feel its vibration.
- Breathe it in.
- Write it out in your journal.
- Paint it.
- Meditate on it.
- Write it on a piece of paper and place it in your Reiki Box.
- Draw it on your body when you practice Reiki self-healing.
- Trace it on your palms.
- Trace it in the sand.
- Draw it on your walls.
- Go so deep into the number that it reveals all of its glory to you.
- Allow it to bring you deeper messages.
- Allow it to awaken your wisdom.
- Allow it to teach you.
- 33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33
If you are drawn to number 33 or you find another number appearing frequently in your life, I hope this article inspires you to build a sacred connection to it.
I wish you 33, 333, 3333, 33333…..blessings!
May your cup always overflow with goodness, growth and abundance.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master

Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at lightworkersonearth.com, whenspiritmeetsscience.com on email at angelhealingbangalore@gmail.com and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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