Everywhere you look in the current times that we are living in, people seem to be living in a state of disharmony with their neighbours. A rise in stress and tension is being felt all over the Globe. Many people feel powerless to do anything about it, but we Reiki Practitioners have the Miracle of Reiki to aid us in sending healing and forgiveness to humanity so that we can eventually find common ground. Once we are in the space of love and forgiveness, we can energetically release the healing power of the Golden Rule, which is “Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you”. If all of humanity began to embrace the Golden Rule we would instantly find our self in a paradise. This energy is also called the act of “Loving thy neighbour as thyself.” This is the energy that we need to embrace to help manifest peace on Earth.
This forgiveness Reiki exercise is one that I regularly give to my spiritual coaching clients and students. It is incredibly powerful, and quite often very confrontational. Sometimes people just cannot forgive certain people for many reasons. That doesn’t concern us in this exercise. What we need to do in sending out forgiveness and Reiki is to send it to all of humanity. Every single person on earth is going to be receiving the healing power of forgiveness in this exercise. It’s unconditional. The Reiki will help you with this supernatural energy of forgiveness and healing, and you don’t need to concern yourself about where you send the forgiveness. It’s for all of humanity! The Reiki energy will flow to where it is needed most.
Forgiveness – it’s not what you think!
Just because you reach deep into your soul to find forgiveness for someone does not mean that you need to forget what they have done or ever have anything to do with them again. We give others forgiveness to break the energetic chains that tie us to them. It doesn’t mean that we ever need to speak to them again or expose ourselves to them ever again. It is so we can find peace in our own lives. The trick with this is to send forgiveness and Reiki to ALL of humanity. You don’t need to focus on anyone you dislike, or on any unpleasant memories. When you send out Reiki and forgiveness to all of humanity you are basically loving them all and letting the Reiki sort them out. Let the Reiki do its job!

The flip side of this is that we need to look within and see if there is anything that we need to forgive ourselves for. Human beings are not perfect. We have all made mistakes and messed up when we could have done better. The Universal life force knows that and it still loves us. The Reiki energy just wants us to try and do better, and forgiving ourselves for our past mistakes lets us live in the Divine Flow of the Universal Life Force. What a wonderful place to be!
Here’s a simple exercise for unleashing the miracle power of Reiki and forgiveness in your own life.
- Find a quiet place where you can be alone and sit quietly. Take three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Find your peace and ask the Reiki to flow.
- Once you are in a peaceful place, focus on asking the Reiki energy to send healing and forgiveness to all of mankind. Focus on sending all the symbols that you are attuned to. Take a moment to meditate on how beautiful and wonderful life would be if everyone on Earth was forgiven and healed. There would be a miraculous shift. Humanity in a fully forgiven and healed reality would be able to live in a “Love thy Neighbour” state of mind. Let yourself enjoy the peaceful energy of a world where we all love each other and help each other. This would be paradise on Earth, and simply meditating on this is very powerful. Enjoy this healing energy, as it comes directly from the Reiki. Thank the Universal Life Force for sending this energy of forgiveness and healing to all of humanity.
- After sending out this beautiful healing light of forgiveness to humanity, it is time for you to do the same for yourself. Think of the situations that you have not forgiven yourself for. We are all imperfect human beings, and we all mess up from time to time. Bring yourself to mind and ask the Reiki to send healing and forgiveness to you. Let the healing flow and let yourself be blessed by the forgiveness. Once again, send yourself all the symbols that you are attuned to. You are no longer tied to the energy of your past mistakes. You will do better as you learn the spiritual tools to help you on your life’s journey, and remember, these mistakes are now in your past, and you aren’t going that way! You are now moving towards a positive and blessed future. Thank you, Reiki!
- Finish off this exercise by thanking the Reiki for blessing you with healing and forgiveness, and enjoy your new reality of wonderful, joyful positive energy.
This exercise is a way for us to move forward in our lives in a healing way that is totally private. You do not need to let anyone know that you are doing this. That is the beauty of this exercise. It is for your own piece of mind, no one else’s. Many of my students and clients will resist this exercise at first, but when they open their mind to trying it the rewards are amazing. Most people find an immediate lightening of their energy. This is because when we have negative feelings towards ourselves and others, it weighs upon our minds and our spiritual energy. This exercise is a great way to clear away those cobwebs of negativity and give yourself a fresh energetic start. I hope that you are blessed in the same way that myself and my clients and students have been after doing this exercise.
Article by Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
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Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam, and in person at her private office in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. She has an active spiritual ministry, and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas. For more info, please see www.revdrtracycox.com or connect with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/revdrtracycox
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