Reiki supports the power of intuition. We can have intuition with or without Reiki, but it definitely is stronger once we have Reiki. I was uneasy about intuition for many years, but when Reiki became part of my life it all changed. I am aware of and listen to my intuition every day.
As with Reiki, there are no guaranties with intuition. Intuition is an additional tool in your life’s tool box. The more you are aware of it, the more it becomes part of your everyday life. Since receiving Reiki, it has become stronger and helped me to overcome the fear of the unknown. I am continuing to learn how to draw upon and listen to it. It is as an adventure as all aspects of life can be. Feel, listen and be open to the possibilities. Of the three, listening is the most important, which is an art unto itself.
Intuition is a way to listen to the whispers of your inner voice and spirit. At first, the guidance comes as subtle whispers. However, the whispers can get silenced by the loud noises of fear, anger, guilt and criticism. Our environment can also stamp out the whispers. Loud music, traffic jams, machines, television, cellphones and computers all contribute to making it difficult to hear and listen to our intuition. A quiet moment in our hectic day helps us to focus and listen to the universal truth and intuitive messages we are meant to receive.
Besides the universal truth and messages received, other examples of it are the thought of an old friend before she calls, an uneasy feeling around a stranger, avoiding a situation that might have caused you harm, travelling a different road than planned and changing travel plans for no particular reason. If you can answer yes to any of these, then you are listening to your intuition.
When you are developing your intuition, you learn how to fine tune your capacity for loving, being loved and feeling your emotions. It allows you to go with the flow of your changing daily life. It helps you develop the ability to let opportunities come to you, rather than using your “will” to make them happen. The more you attempt to recognize it, the stronger it will become. Over time it is possible to hear it over all other noises.
I find the daily practice of Reiki helps to enhance the gift of intuition. It helps strengthen it and the ability to be more aware of it as I travel throughout my day. When I conduct my daily Reiki session, I allow for at least ten minutes in quiet surroundings. I set the intention to be aware of my intuition while allowing Reiki to heal any issues I may be experiencing. Reiki helps me to recognize and connect with it easily. Remember to be open and keep the process simple.

The following is another example of how I call upon my intuition. For me, it is in the area of my artistic creativity. Whether you are a painter, photographer, musician, writer or have other aspirations, it together with Reiki can play an important part in your creative process. When preparing to paint, I call upon Reiki and place the Reiki symbols on my canvas. I will sit for a period of time before starting to paint. I have an idea of what I want to paint, but find when I start the process and listen to the intuitive messages and my “gut,” it changes. In the beginning it is going one way, but as the painting develops, it comes to a different conclusion. When my painting is finished and before sending it off to a new home, I add more Reiki.
The more you trust your intuitive guidance, the bigger the risk you may have to take. This means you must be willing to trust. It also means you need to be open to the notion that you might “fail.” Of course, there truly is no failure, but this is a belief system that will need to be addressed before committing to your intuition. I have found being open to risk and failure has helped immensely in my creative process. Whether it be my approach to Reiki, painting or writing, it enables me to grow in all areas of my life. It inspires me to continue on my creative path wherever it may take me.
What stifles intuition is trying to put too much intellectual energy into the process. If you do, you lose the moment and purpose of what you are attempting to accomplish. Sometimes an intuitive feeling will wash over you to bring your attention to the moment. The difference is allowing it to work without forcing a situation. Let it flow and you will know. You will recognize it as an intuitive moment.
When working with clients, I encourage my clients to draw upon their own intuition for their healing. I take the position that I channel Reiki energy and may receive a message to share, but the main messages will be received by the client to assist in their healing journey. Clients often want me to provide the answers, but it truly is their process not mine. I listen and allow them to receive the healing energy without my interference.
You may not like what your intuition has to offer. You may try to ignore it. It is not until later that you discover that your “gut instinct” was true. This happens to many people because we all have intuitive abilities. The key is whether or not you trust it and act upon them. The choice is always yours. You can take moments during your day to call upon Reiki and your intuition to guide you along. Reiki is always available for a moment or an hour as is your intuition.
Everything happens for a reason. It may not be obvious in the beginning, but as time passes it becomes clear and makes sense. I believe we have the ability to avoid pain and receive more peace and love at times by practicing Reiki and listening rather than ignoring our intuitive messages. Of course, we all experience pain during our lifetime. However, I believe through the practice of Reiki, listening to our intuitive messages and our natural instincts, we can achieve less pain and more peace. In order to accomplish this, you need to listen rather than doubt or ignore the messages you receive. May Reiki and the gift of your intuition continue to help you with your life choices and bring you love and peace.
Article by Patti Barker Kierys
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Patti Barker Kierys is a Reiki Master-Teacher, artist and author. She is trained in all levels of Usui Reiki and is certified in Ligtharian Reiki I and II. She has been practicing Reiki for almost twenty years. She is a lifetime member of the Reiki Healing Association. Upon retiring after 45 years in the legal field and as a Senior Paralegal, she decided to expand the Reiki experience to the next level. In 2014, she formed The Art of Reiki and offers training in Reiki as well as individual Reiki sessions. Patti can be reached at and on Facebook – Patti Barker Kierys
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