“Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well-being, well-being is freedom from disease.” This quote from Dr. Mikao Usui resonates with the idea of Reiki being the guiding light of love in this world. Reiki brings wholeness to mind, body, and soul and aligns one with the universe.
We all in the Reiki journey are grateful to Dr. Mikao Usui for introducing us to Reiki and enabling us to make a difference in our lives and the lives we touch as Reiki masters and healers. This Guru Purnima*, I thank every Reiki master who has, in their own ways, contributed to making positive changes in people’s lives by making the earth a better place to live.
Starting with Dr. Mikao Usui himself, it is due to his relentless efforts, unwavering faith, austere devotion, and compassion that today we all are reaping the benefits of being channels of the most potent universal life force energy itself. Over the years, many routes have developed along the lines of teaching and practicing Reiki in various ways, but Usui Reiki can be credited as the mother of all forms. His successors, Dr. Hayashi and Mrs. Takata, carried on his noble work and promoted and expanded the knowledge through initiating many on the path. In India, we were introduced to Reiki by our two first grandmasters, Dr. Shamal Durve and Mr. Pravinbhai Patel, whom I thank for expanding and promoting Reiki in India. I am deeply grateful to my Guru Smt. Kiran Date for initiating me to Reiki and blessing me constantly on this path.
The awareness of Reiki has grown exponentially in the last two decades. Reiki masters have been teaching Reiki with dedication, love, sincerity, and compassion as a therapy that brings balance to mind, body, and soul in addition to the healing part (interestingly, healing is just a side effect of Reiki, it is much more beyond that, as it allows us to align with the divine itself). In the process, various branches of Reiki have come into existence that focus on specific aspects of energy healing and ways to access the energy using different symbols that were conceived by masters in their journey. Paths may vary, but the origin is the same universal life force energy. We, in recent times, are blessed as we can access the teachings and findings of many Reiki masters, which they share to enlighten us.

Reiki Rays is a beautiful platform where we can read the experiences and teachings of many excellent Reiki masters who continuously live a Reiki life and share their wisdom to motivate us. I sincerely thank all the Reiki masters who continue to enlighten us with their knowledge and experiences on Reiki and help us to use Reiki in many different and meaningful ways to manifest the life of our dreams. We get to know so many methods and ways of using Reiki in our daily life and the knowledge and understanding of many associated modalities which can be used along with Reiki to reap better results. All this information is highly encouraging, motivating, and enlightening to everyone pursuing their Reiki journey.
In the end, I would like to say one thing to the Reiki channels reading this article. Life is a journey where you never stop learning, and Reiki is a journey where you never stop learning. This is a beautiful platform where many Reiki masters share their knowledge, so read, try, use, and enrich your experience. However, there are so many things that no one can teach apart from Reiki. So, trust Reiki to teach you and keep faith in the universe. The universe has our back, and Reiki will guide us to bliss and wisdom. This Guru Purnima, make Reiki your master and let the magic flow.
Love and Light!
*Guru Purnima is a celebration of the spiritual and academic Gurus or teachers.
Article by Astha Shrivastava
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Astha is attuned to Reiki since 19 years and has started healing those in need since her first Reiki level in 2000. She achieved the grandmasters level 6 years ago and since then has been teaching Reiki to people. Being a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, she has a basic instinct of combining science with Reiki and utilizing the combination for the highest good of people. She firmly believes that the basic knowledge of how various tissue and organs of body function adds to the effect of energy healing. She has also expanded her Reiki boundaries to encompass Angel Reiki and Crystal Reiki. Astha also provides consultations to Reiki channels and seekers to help them grow in their practice. Currently, she features as a partner expert on lifepositive.com/therapist/asthashrivastava and can be contacted at reiki.astha81@gmail.com.
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