Greeting Everyone!
Recently we have been coming across some cases of people suffering from Varicose Veins. I, along with my sister Charisma Phatak were guided to use a unique technique through meditation. The results for the same were miraculous. We are excited to share the process among those in need. Do give a try!
What is Varicose Vein?
When the blood vessels get swollen and twisted, they form a bulge beneath the skin’s surface. Its bluish in colour and can be seen like a spider web in lower part of the body specially legs, calves, feet or ankles. They are sometimes too painful or itchy that it becomes difficult or extremely uncomfortable for a person to even walk or stand easily.
One of our clients was suffering from Varicose Veins since 15 years, due to which her legs had become swollen and painful. There were bluish patches of nerves at few parts of her legs. She was unable to perform her daily tasks. Her constant visits to the doctor, gave her temporary relief from the pain but after few months it would recur.
Initially, we gave the patient one month distance Reiki healing to prepare her body for Psychic Surgery Combing Process. We also requested the client to participate in the healing process by advising her to chant violet flame decrees, ho’oponopono mantra. This helped her to purify her auras and chakras and remove blockages. The process of Chanting decrees also made her very receptive to Divine Reiki energies.
After a month, we scanned the chakras and auras of the clients and removed blockages and etheric cords wherever necessary, filling the gaps with Divine Reiki energies.
Then we decided and fixed a time convenient to all of us. The one-month “Psychic Reiki Combing”. The schedule was as follows: –
- For the first week we decided to do it everyday alternate day
- Second week – Every alternate Day (Almost 3 Times)
- Third week – Twice a week
- Fourth Week – Once a week.

This process can be done through distance as well as in person. In this case, we employed a distance process as the client was not physically available.
- Request the client to lie down at a place where she won’t be disturbed for at least one hour. And ask her to keep breathing deeply to center her mind and free herself from all unwanted thoughts
- Shield yourself and the client properly.
- Ground yourself and the client.
- Center yourself through deep breathing.
- Keep your hands in Gassho position and invoke Reiki Energy, Higher Spiritual Beings, Archangels, Gods and Goddesses, and Ascended Masters to please help, guide, and protect you.
- State your intention to do Psychic Reiki Combing Process on the client.
- Connect to client through HSZSN and imagine a bridge between you and him/her. Visualize yourself walking over the bridge till you reach the client. Feel the client in front of you. If you can’t visualize easily then connect to a surrogate soft doll as a client through HSZSN or you can even roughly draw the outline of a body on a paper.
- Trace DKM in air in front of you, on your palms, and over the client from top to bottom.
- Place your hands over the head of the client and feel the energy flowing and filling the client’s entire body with Divine Light, further overflowing to auras.
- Visualize nails coming out from your fingers and looking like a comb. This is Psychic Comb.
- Trace HSZSN on your palms, SHK on each finger, and CKR over all the nails.
- Move your hands over the affected area. Locate the bluish knotted nerves (You Should ask the client roughly the location of the affected area. If the client is comfortable then you may request a picture too).
- Start combing gently visualizing the knotted/twisted nerves becoming loose and slowly getting aligned. Imagine yourself surrounded by all the spiritual beings whom you invoked.
- You may feel some stubborn nerves refusing to become aligned and staying in knotted form. Don’t force, go slow and keep talking to nerves, ask the reason why it’s not responsive, request it to align, fill lots of love and light.
- Once done imagine the violet flame in front of you and burn all the nails, transmuting all negative energies.
- And the process with gratitude.
- Affirm that the client is walking happily, and is in perfect health with clear smooth, well-aligned nerves in legs.
- Break the connection by clapping or tracing Raku. Slowly bring your awareness to your surroundings.
- Ground and shield yourself and your client once again.
Follow the next session in the same process as scheduled.
After one month of Psychic Reiki Combing the client was completely cured and the issue didn’t recur for at least one year. Post which we were not updated further.
Most importantly we requested the patient to continue her medical treatment along with healing. We must remember healings are supplementary energies that should not replace medical treatment or/Doctor’s advice. One must follow the doctor’s advice along with healing for faster and permanent recovery. Rest as always said, “Reiki Always works for the Highest and Greatest Good of All”. So, trust the miraculous power of Divine Reiki Energies. Results may vary from person to person. Be consistent, and patient, do not expect miracles overnight and surrender to Divine Powers.
Article by Jhilmil Bhalwar
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Jhilmil Bhalwar has done graduation in Civil Engineering followed by Post graduation in Construction Management. She quit her job in a renowned Real Estate company to follow her passions as a spiritual guide, blogger, website designer and digital marketer. She chose the Divine path of Reiki that changed her life for good in many ways. She specializes in Divine Light Ascension, Magnified Healing, Usui Reiki and more than 30 different healing modalities. She, along with her sister Charisma Phatak, own Supreme Reiki Center at Pune, India.
She can be reached at
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