Candida albicans is one of the most common causes of fungal infections in humans with a significant mortality rate. It is found in the normal microflora (microbiome) of the human body. In general, it resides as a commensal, working in concert with the co-inhabitants bacterial species. However, when the human defense systems get perturbed or the host ecological environment is modified, Candida transforms into a pathogen capable of causing infections. Candida spp. proliferate as surface-associated biofilms, making it much harder to eradicate and resistant to antifungal drugs.
Overgrowth of Candida albicans can manifest in different forms, such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, skin and nail infections, dandruff, digestive disorders such as indigestion and acidity, hormonal imbalances, anemia, etc. If this continues for prolonged periods, it can cause leaky gut and thereby wreak havoc on an individual’s overall health. The market is flooded with several antifungal drugs, herbal/natural supplements and elimination diets that help to uproot the fungal infections, however these often have limitations. Diets that are too restrictive usually impair the quality of life of the affected individual. We need to delve deeper into the causes and the ultimate cure for fungal infections.
We need to question if Candida overgrowth is the root cause of the physical issues or the consequence of the root cause? Quite likely the latter, because Candida is present even in healthy individuals. It becomes pathogenic when our Solar Plexus chakra is weak and consequently digestion is impaired. A weak Solar Plexus chakra houses the underlying pattern of unworthiness, guilt, shame and powerlessness. This pattern could be stemming from childhood trauma and/or the frustration in adult life due to job/career or relationship issues. When the Solar Plexus is weak, we don’t have enough stomach acid and gastric juices which generally keep Candida in check. It is then that Candida can penetrate through the host defenses and becomes rampant in the digestive tract, gradually wreaking havoc on the entire body.

So the ultimate panacea to beat Candida is to strengthen your Solar Plexus and reset your gut health. Here are a few tips to achieve this:
1. Affirmations
Say it aloud and believe it- “I am powerful and can overcome any situation smoothly. I am confident and worthy just as I am. I am aligned to my True Self and manifest my dream life every moment”.
2. Yoga postures
Yogic postures help to strengthen the connection between the body and the mind. So regularly practice ‘Sun salutation, ‘bow pose’, and ‘cobra pose’ to balance the digestive fire and optimize the ‘fire’ element in your body.
3. Reiki
Practice Reiki regularly and don’t forget to follow the basic reiki principles in everyday life to bring the Solar Plexus back into balance.
The stronger your Solar Plexus, the more you would experience the perks of optimum digestion and consequently stronger immunity. And with the right level of defense systems in your body, bacterial or fungal pathogens would not be able to invade your cellular systems.
So the next time you go about fighting Candida, with antifungals or restrictive diets, keep in mind that the fungus attacked you because your boundaries were weak. While it is fine to follow the physical measures to relieve symptoms, it is equally important to develop an adequate ammunition system in your body in order to keep Candida at bay. Nature made us inherently strong, but we lost that power somewhere on the way. It’s time to reclaim our power back and regain our lost rhythm.
Article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana
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Dr. Jayashree Ramana is a scientist and nutritionist. She uses Reiki healing as a part of her holistic healing program.
She is Usui Reiki Grand Master and practices Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal healing, Lama fera, Magnified healing, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), acupressure, etc. She is a fitness enthusiast and helps people achieve optimal levels of wellness by amalgamating physical measures including nutrition and exercise along with various alternative therapies. Her vision is to empower people and help them tap into their individual power while simultaneously creating a life of abundance and joy.
She is working as Senior Information Scientist at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. She was formerly a university professor and scientist in the field of Biotechnology for a decade. Her own personal transformation with reiki sparked her passion for metaphysical sciences and this led her to found ‘The Healing Soul’.
Get in touch with Dr. Jayashree Ramana through her website or you may reach her at Her youtube channel is
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