Over and over again, I hear the question, “I bought a used tarot deck. How can I cleanse it?” Responses to this question run the gamut from using Sacred sage, smoke cleansing, salt cleanses, incense, to letting the deck sit out in the full moon. Different ideas for different situations appeal to the querents.
I have spent time thinking over this issue and how we could use Reiki to help us when we purchase a second-hand, vintage, or thrift store metaphysical item (I will shorten this to deck to refer to Tarot or Oracle decks because that is how I most often see the question phrased. However, this applies to any pre-owned tool or item, not just Tarot decks).
I think it’s a fantastic idea to make secondhand metaphysical objects, like tarot decks, part of your Reiki practice (if those tools appeal to you). I often buy items at a fraction of the cost of the new counterpart. Buying second-hand can also help the environment by keeping items in circulation and lessening the process of manufacturing new decks. Actually, a large part of my Reiki practice is second-hand. I was given a Reiki table and chair. I’ve bought tons of used books at library sales. Many items have been passed down to me and I love that they carry on this tradition of healing.
I recently bought a vintage oracle deck online. I’m not really worried that the deck might contain hidden energies or malignant forces. I discussed the deck with the owner and we shared a lot of similar ideas and beliefs. So, this deck traveled across the ocean to me and felt right at home.
What if, though, you purchase a deck and don’t know the original owner. Or the deck gives off a vibe that doesn’t resonate with you. Maybe the deck just feels off and you want to make it your own.

My concept uses Reiki, Intention, and Reiki Symbols. I think of it as a “Reset, Restart, Recharge, and Renew” for all items that I might want to clean of others energies before beginning to personally use them,
1. Reset
The first step is when you have the deck in front of you. This is when you would reset the deck. Much like you might have had to set an electronic device to factory settings. This is similar to resetting the deck to its original state. Draw Choku Rei, while thinking of clearing the deck and removing any energies that may reside in the deck. Place the symbol, with the intention of cleansing, into the deck with Reiki.
2. Restart
Next, is restart and is similar to the idea of resetting a device and then having to turn it on once it’s back to factory settings. However, we will do this with the symbol of Sei He Ki. The deck was just cleared in the first step. Now, you want to use the symbol to send your intention of personalizing this deck to your energy. This step of restarting is to create an energetic bond between the tarot deck and yourself. Place the symbol, with the intention of creating an energetic connection, into the deck with Reiki.
3. Recharge
The third step is to recharge the cards. This is the step where you are giving a purpose to the cards. By drawing Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen over the deck, you are instilling the intention that these cards will offer advice, guidance, or clarity to situations or questions. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen will allow the cards to guide you without the concerns of time, space, or distance. Place the symbol, with the intention of creating purpose, into the deck with Reiki.
4. Renew
So far, you’ve cleansed the deck, created a bond with the deck, and then allowed it to understand your purpose of using it for guidance. The final step is to renew. Draw the symbol Dai Ko Myo over the cards. Your intention is to open a channel to the Divine, Higher Beings, or Universal Energy. However you view the source that connects us all, this is the step that will make this deck part of that connection. This is the symbol that will allow you to seek higher guidance and wisdom through your Tarot deck. Place the symbol, with the intention of creating a channel to the Divine, into the deck with Reiki.
We use cards to help us see what we can’t see with our eyes. We use cards to help us understand the whole picture. Oracle and Tarot decks help us tap into our subconscious. They also help us connect with the Divine and look for insight. Your cards don’t need to be new to make them tailored to your practice. Your intention, Reiki, and the symbols will allow you to make the cards completely your own.
Article by Carrie Anderson
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Carrie earned her Ph.D in Metaphysics and Energy Healing through World Metaphysical Institutes. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and holds degrees in several types of Reiki. Her focus is on Distance Reiki. Carrie is a Master Level Psychic Intuitive and gives daily readings. She combines Reiki and Divination to create unique readings. She is accredited through World Metaphysical Association and Council of Holistic Healers. She also has certifcations in Teen Guided Meditation,. Additionally, she is a Professional Yoga Facilitator with a focus on Gentle Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Carrie is a co-author with Mellisa Dormoy for the book, “Easy Mindfulness for Today’s Teens”. She is an active member of the Natural Healer Society and may be reached at www.caresreiki.com
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