The mind, like a computer, has the ability to run only pre-installed programs. If it does not have an image processor installed, it will not be able to process images. If someone doesn’t have the “Japanese” program installed, he/she won’t be able to speak Japanese… and he/she won’t be able to speak it even if consults a great teacher (priest) who speaks perfectly Romanian… and that’s because the teacher also doesn’t have the Japanese program installed, and from the corresponding database lacks relevant information about Japanese words and their semantics, no information is stored on the hard drive… Spirituality means accepting and understanding the energetic vibration, the meaning of things, masculine and feminine, the christic meaning of the existence of the Divine plan, etc. Or for this we need to reach a higher level of consciousness, which provides clarity and understanding, beyond “logic,” “reason,” or “knowledge of the mind.”
What are chakras?
Chakras are thousand-year-old philosophical concepts. They represent the energy that a specific part of the body emits and receives. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit language and means “wheel” or “disc”. In Indian, Buddhist, and Taoist cultures, the chakras are responsible for both the physical and spiritual balance of man.
The first chakra is Muladhara chakra or Root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine, between the genital organ and the anus. From an energetic point of view, Muladhara is associated with the instinct for survival, safety and vital force. Visually, it is represented by the lotus with four petals. Its element is Earth, and the representative metal is steel. The Muladhara Chakra radiates the color red.
The next chakra is Svadhisthana chakra or Sacral chakra. It is located in the area of the testicles or ovaries. It governs creativity, the joy of life and enthusiasm. Its imbalance can explain violence, addictions and sexual problems. Svadhisthana chakra is symbolized by the six-petalled lotus and the color orange. The Svadhisthana Chakra radiates the color orange.
The third chakra is that of fire, Solar Plexus or Manipura. It is located under the sternum and is associated with the metabolism, the digestive system, the pancreas, the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder and the vegetative nervous system. It plays a very important role in digestion. The symbol of these Manipura chakra is the lotus with 10 petals, gold and yellow color. The Manipura Chakra radiates the color yellow.
The fourth chakra is the Anahata or Heart chakra. It is located in the chest. It is related to the thymus, a part of the immune system, but also of the endocrine system. It governs circulation, and emotionally, unconditional love, but also compassion. It is represented by the lotus with twelve petals. It is also the only chakra that has two elements: Fire and Air. The Anahata Chakra radiates the color green.

The fifth is the Vishuddhi or Throat chakra. Governs speech, hearing, vibration and communication. It is symbolized by the lotus with sixteen petals, its element is Air, and the metal is copper. The Vishuddhi Chakra radiates the color blue.
Ajna or Aayga is the Eyebrow Chakra or the Third Eye. It is located just above the root of the nose, in the middle of the forehead. It is associated with the pineal gland. It governs all awareness processes. Among them are thinking, intuition, visions, dreams or spiritual knowledge. It is represented by the lotus with two petals and the color purple, and its metal is silver. The Ajna Chakra radiates the color indigo.
The seventh chakra is the Sahasrara or Crown. It corresponds to the pituitary gland and is considered the chakra of pure consciousness. It is located just above the head. It represents the connection with divinity, the universal source of energy and the collective consciousness. Its symbols are the lotus with a thousand petals. The Sahasrara Chakra radiates the color bright white.
The 8th chakra, the Soul Star chakra, is the first chakra of the fourth dimension, it is the place of the soul. Just as in the third dimension the earth is designated by the number zero, and represents physical existence, so in the 4th dimension, the place of the soul becomes the place of existence in this dimension. Its symbol is the lotus with six petals. The Soul Star chakra radiates the colors emerald green and purple.
The 9th chakra, the Spirit chakra, corresponds to the Root chakra in the third dimension. It is related to the body of light and joy. When activated, it turns on the body of light, which is now in our cellular and subcellular structure. Its symbols are the lotus with sixteen petals. The Spirit chakra radiates the color blue-green.
The Destiny number in numerology
Numerology is the belief in the divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more events. It is also the study of the numerical value of letters in words, names, and ideas.
The sum of date, month, and year of birth is the destiny number, also called conductor number or life path number. Destiny number is used while doing long-term planning, such as selecting the date of marriage, buying a house, favorable career option, selecting friends, business partners, etc. Destiny number is more concerned with the destiny and personality of a person. The destiny number is there to help you reach your goals, great and small. Your destiny number is focused on your traits, character and destiny, and how you go about doing it.
The destiny number also gives us the dominant chakra. The chakra that governs your destiny.
Take a person’s full date of birth in the format (DD/MM/YYYY). Add the digits and reduce them to a single number, which will be the person’s Destiny number.
For example, if a person was born on 19/02/1991; the Destiny number will be:
1+9+2+1+9+9+1= 32= 3+2=5

How to interpret your dominant chakra?
We have one destiny number, which gives us the dominant chakra. There is a relationship between our behavior and our dominant chakra because energy acts like a magnet, constantly attracting towards ourselves the vibrations that are on the same wavelength as the chakra from which we are operating.
For each of the chakras below, give it a rate from 1 (this is not my chakra) to 10 (this definitely is my chakra) or a percent (how dominant this chakra is in you).
Dominant Root chakra
People with a dominant Root chakra are good at physical, tangible business, they are entrepreneurs who work with finished products. The positive archetype of people with the dominant Root chakra is the parent (mother or father). They came to this earth to be pioneers in their fields, to revolutionize the earth, and to increase its frequency. They are tactile, they need physical contact to feel things on their own skin, they release their energy through movement, training their muscles. They like structure, standardization, things to be well set up, sequentially. Family values are high in the case of these people, they need to feel safe, because their main obstacle is the fear of change. They need to feel safe at home, that they are in constant abundance (especially in financial form). What motivates them to continue is to have a clear goal. They are deeply rooted in themselves, and in the world around them. Their dominant element is the earth, so they best balance themselves and their dominant chakra in nature.
Do you feel that you came to this earth to be a pioneer, to change the world? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Root chakra?
Dominant Sacral chakra
People with the dominant Sacral chakra are good at social affairs, bringing people together, creating cohesion between people and energies, networking, making connections, organizing events, making people talk. They are governed by the element of water, so they like to move, to let themselves be carried away by the wave, they are very creative. They like to feel good, to experience pleasure. They like to be around people, they like to socialize and engage in provocative conversations. Overflowing creativity leads them to professions such as design (interior design, clothing design) or art. They like to feel, taste, smell things. They are extremely playful.
Do you feel that you came to this earth to be an artist, to bring joy and connection to those around you? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Sacral chakra?
Dominant Solar Plexus chakra
Most people feel connected to the Solar Plexus chakra. It is the chakra dominated by the element of fire, the archetype is the fighter. People dominated by the Solar Plexus chakra are energetic, determined to succeed, and able to easily cope with new or difficult situations. They work with passion and confidence in what they do. In business, they prioritize, make strategies, put ideas into practice, and implement them successfully. On a personal level, they focus on change, personal development, spend their free time doing what they love, they are very physical. Manipura is the most physical chakra, so these people tend to get involved in competitive sports, they like to succeed, to win, to be rewarded.
Do you feel that you have come to this earth to make it, succeed, transform and regenerate the energy around you? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Solar Plexus chakra?
Dominant Heart chakra
The Heart chakra is known for its dominance over healing. People who have a dominant Heart chakra are often found in professions related to healing, they are doctors, masseurs, practitioners of alternative medicine, therapists, and psychologists. They aim to heal the earth, they like to plant, to work the land, to make tinctures, to drink teas, they are totally dedicated to healing, their own, but also those around them. It is a feminine energy and the archetype is the lover. It is one of the most beautiful energies we have on the planet. It has been suppressed for a very long time because it is also a very intuitive energy. We forgot our own intuition, and the fourth chakra, the Heart chakra, is guided by our own inner guru. People who have the dominant Heart chakra are connected with their own intuition, feel more compassion and empathy than all other people, and do not need to seek help outside, they have all the resources inside them.
Do you feel that you came to this earth to heal the world, to heal others? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Heart chakra?
Dominant Throat chakra
People who have a dominant Throat chakra have the archetype of the communicator, the Akashic generator. They have this amazing ability to access the Akashic records, a series of energy prints in the causal field of the Universe, the universal library, which contains absolutely all the information in the world, from this dimension, other dimensions, other galaxies, from current, past and future. They have the ability to take from these recordings the ideas, the thoughts, which they then put into words, generating the energies of life. They are good artists, speakers, and performers, they like to be in front of the audience, they are adventurous and they like to express themselves. We see these people in front of their business, as spokespersons, or marketers, because they like to express an idea in a creative way. They are good at research, because they like to document themselves, to discover, to use their creative ideas.
Do you feel that you came to this earth in order to express yourself, to change things by word? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Heart chakra?
Dominant 3rd Eye chakra
The Third Eye chakra brings with it the archetype of the manifester. The manifester has the ability to see everything, so people dominated by the Third Eye chakra have the ability to manifest things easily. Not only do they see the lessons of the past, the effects of the present, and the implications for the future, but they also see the steps they must take to get there, to manifest their intention. It is an extremely powerful chakra and offers those dominated by it a totally unique perspective on the world. It’s like having an antenna connected directly to the source, which helps manifest whatever they want, if they put enough ambition and visualization into operation. They are calm people, who like balance, tranquility, and peace. It brings with it a balanced personality, both feminine and masculine, yin and yang in perfect balance. People dominated by this chakra are attracted to math, programming, they like technology, and they are easy to recognize because they are the calm people in front of the computer who can detach themselves from emotions and do their job effortlessly.
Do you feel that you have come to this earth in order to manifest things? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Third Eye chakra?
Dominant Crown chakra
The Crown chakra brings with it the archetype of royalty. They are spiritual people, enlightened, they are present and they have a special connection with the divinity, with the source. They are exceptional teachers and leaders, they are very calm and refined. There are people who want to have all the information at hand before taking a decision. Whatever they do, they only do it if they know it’s for their personal evolution. They do not try to succeed at all costs, they care a lot about their integrity. It is a masculine energy, and people who have the dominant Crown chakra are perfectionists, it is difficult for them to break away from things, they feel guilty if things do not go perfectly, as they want. They are on earth to lead and teach people, especially in the fields of consciousness and spirituality, for example, yoga masters, priests, spiritual therapists.
Do you feel that you came to this earth in order to lead people, to teach them, and to help them reach other spiritual levels? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Crown chakra?
Dominant Soul Star chakra
People dominated by the Soul Star chakra have the mystical archetype. They are rebellious, because they are always lucky. They like to take risks, because things happen the way they want them to, and they like to question authority. They predict everything, work with crystal globes, runes, tarot cards. They stir the waters, are revolutionaries, show the unseen face of things, press all the buttons, and wait for effervescent reactions to their actions. Professionally, they are investors, they like risk and live for the adrenaline given by investments, but at the same time, they have abundance and prosperity on their side and are good with money. In general, people with the dominant 8th chakra are consistent throughout their lives, having previous lives dominated by the same chakra.
Do you feel that you have come to this earth in order to show the true face of things, to press the right buttons to create a revolution, to discover a new lifestyle? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Soul Star chakra?
Dominant Spirit chakra
The Spirit chakra is dominant in the case of people concerned or trying to promote human well-being, who came to this earth to heal it, to heal the universe, are philanthropists, aim to help the evolution of human consciousness, to be a guide and help for the people of this world and the worlds everywhere. They are monks, the enlightened, who live through meditation, they can be eccentric, because they project astrally easily, they come out of the body without much effort. Being so spiritually and energetically high, it is difficult for them to function on this earth, they feel alone, isolated, suffering. They are prone to depression and mental health problems. In the business world, they are entrepreneurs, philanthropists, or they tend to set up companies to supervise as general managers without step-by-step involvement. They are innovative, they have ideas, they like to be creative and produce ideas for themselves and for others, more than to create and implement projects. They are also called Elders and are here to heal the collective conscience.
Do you feel that you have come to this earth in order to promote human well-being, to heal this world and the universe? To what extent, from 1 to 10 (or in percent) do you think you are dominated by the Spirit chakra?
You might feel that the resulting chakra is not the dominant one for you. And that’s perfectly ok, it’s a clear sign that you may be in energy imbalance on the dominant chakra and that it’s time to take a stand and work towards balancing your chakra. Once your dominant chakra is balanced, you will feel that you are entering the energy flow, that things are starting to connect and work for you, you will see abundance and prosperity, you will enjoy creativity and, especially, synchronicity. The more you are aligned with your dominant chakra, the more you are in the energy flow, the more joy and synchronicity you will feel. Once you know your dominant chakra, it is much easier for you to manifest all your intentions and desires.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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