Depending on where you are with your Reiki practice, you have likely heard of distance Reiki. Perhaps you have given distance sessions or received them, and perhaps you have had clients ask you how this is even possible. I hope to shed some light on this topic and perhaps help with our understanding of the practice by sharing my thoughts here.
Before jumping into the content here I would like to point out that I’m saying HJZSN as opposed to HSZSN. Within my Reiki training and practice in Japan the reason for HJZSN was explained to me as this:
There was a simple translation issue somewhere along the lines and to put it in brief:
Think of the word Ninja in it’s two components Nin and Ja. Ja follows the tone of Nin, and more specifically the long N sound of the second N in Ninja. This is why it is Hon Ja, same as Nin Ja. To further explain this, think of the word Geisha. The “sha” follows a hard a sound from the “i” in Gei, which is not the same tone as in Hon from the symbol. So a brief to help clarify this prior to the article here.
To dive into the use of HJZSN from the perspective of distance I think it might be worthwhile to think about the other symbols, CKR and SHK, first, and consider how they may be perceived. Now for the sake of this article, I will be a bit abbreviated here in discussing this but should any of you have questions I’m always happy to chat.
FIrstly, CKR. This is often talked about as the empowerment symbol, and that if we think about it counterclockwise it draws energy into the body, and clockwise pulls energy out. But let’s take a pause with all of these thoughts here to note just what is it that is making these assumptions about CKR? Is it not our minds? And further, is Reiki not simply the energy of everything? And if that is the case, then how could I possess a power to amplify the power of everything? This is all in the mind, and thus the ego…and so if we look at CKR not from this perspective, but rather from the perspective of just applying it internally we might see a different approach. Bring CKR into the self (visualize it, chant it, draw it, however you like) and simply witness the experience. Can you not feel “more” energy now moving through you? Is that not proof that CKR empowers? No, I don’t believe so. I believe what you are feeling is the lack of other noise and you are just becoming more aware of that which is always in you, your true Reiki energy.
So if we turn inward with CKR and remain here with SHK then what may develop? Well SHK is often described as a symbol that balances energy, but again, according to whom? What determines that the energy is out of balance or needs to be balanced? Is that not in the mind again? So as an alternative approach to this, what if we turn inward with CKR and begin to feel within. And in that space we notice resistance or turbulence, and so we simply sit within that awareness and notice that it will begin to dissipate…to me this is the balancing aspect of SHK. Remember that all systems, unless acted on by an external force, will eventually find balance. This is no different than simply sitting with hands on the byosen until it fades.
So we have turned inward with CKR, and have allowed that inner observation to persist until we feel stillness…and so from here what are we tapping into? Is this now not hopefully just Reiki? The energy of ALL things? And if that is the case, then here is it not simply the true meaning of HJZSN?

HJZSN is often explained as “the light within me recognizes and cherishes the light within you” or perhaps as “My original self/true self is a correct thought; I am right mindfulness, I am right mind”. You may have another preferred definition as it seems there are so many translations indeed to this, but this isn’t the point. The point is to recognize that the feeling of this energy that is within me, or rather the recognition that I AM simply this energy that I feel within me…and that this is the pure energy of ALL THINGS, then we can see that if it is indeed ALL THINGS, then this energy is also you, the planet, the stars, the microbes, the past, the future…ALL THINGS. This is the nature of so called “distance healing”. It is not so much healing but rather a recognition that separation is an illusion.
So for me anyway, when I practice with the symbols in this way, my mind and body are able to become more calm and thus Reiki is able to become more clear. It is like allowing a glass of dirty water to just be still…after some time the water will separate from the dirt and it will be clear.
But the mind cannot separate from the dirt if we are engaging in a distance session with the thoughts of sending energy, healing others, or doing anything for that matter. This is because all of these points require a belief which resides in the minds of the practitioner and the client. The water cannot settle if there is perpetual belief. So allow yourself the space to move through the symbols in this way, let the dirt settle, and then in your distance session simply sink into the understanding that there is no separation.
For me, I place my hands simply on myself as I’m holding this space for my clients and view my body as theirs. After all it is, is it not? This is the state that I aim to maintain during a session with my clients. But what happens if the water gets dirty again? Well, I simply go through the steps of the symbols as discussed here until the water is clear again and reside there until it gets dirty again. Repeat, surrender, let go, breathe, relax, and drop the idea of doing anything. Perhaps from this point we can really and fully experience the meaning of HJZSN, and perhaps, even if just for a moment, we can allow this meaning to supersede even the understanding of the self. This to me, is the heart of Reiki.
Article by Bruce Taylor
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Bruce Taylor is a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher based in France. He has practiced Reiki since 2006 and his practice focuses on Usui Reiki Ryoho, having been trained in Kyoto, Japan.
He works and trains others globally both in person and via his online offerings found at
Further to that, he manages the Usui Reiki Ryoho Support and Community Group on Facebook which all are welcome to join (
Bruce also manages his youtube channel where he focuses on Reiki and Holistic Wellness content (
And as this is the 100th anniversary of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he is leading a pilgrimage to the birthplace of Reiki – Kyoto, Japan, as soon as Japanese borders are open again to tourism. For more information on this truly once in a lifetime celebration, please visit:
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