What is dowsing?
Dowsing is a method of investigation and energy analysis. In free translation, it is the perception of radiation. Dowsing can be physical, spiritual, or mental. It works based on waves emitted by an object towards a receiver. The first documented dowsing measuring instrument is the hazelnut stick used for finding water sources. Holding a Y-shaped hazelnut stick in the right hand, the dowser searched and found using its vibration where a water source was.
What is a pendulum?
The pendulum is a weight hung by a wire, which amplifies and makes visible very weak movements of the hand in which it is held.
Although the pendulum is usually made of crystals, you don’t really need to buy anything fancy to enjoy the divinatory power of this instrument. Any symmetrical, proportionally made, non-magnetized object hanging from a chain is enough, as long as you feel attached to it and it has a comfortable length and weight. The magic of a pendulum lies in the energy it channels, not in the object itself, so if you want to try to play a little before officially investing in one, you can do it with anything at hand.
How do we use the pendulum?
The pendulum can promptly answer a mental and precise question, it can help to find a lost person or an object, to find oil or water deposits. We can also use it to find out the status of the chakras and help balance them.
How do we choose the right crystal for the pendulum?
Choosing the right pendulum is like choosing the right crystal – there is no right or wrong method. Trust your intuition and give yourself permission to be attracted to the right pendulum for your energy. From a variety of different pendulums, choose the one that attracts you when you look at it and you touch it. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes and look deeply at how you feel. If you experience subtle vibrations or temperature changes in your palms, body, or the pendulum feels different, it may be the right one.
If you want a guideline, you can choose the crystal for the pendulum according to its compatibility with your zodiac sign:
- a rock crystal pendulum is recommended for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
- an amethyst pendulum is indicated for water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
- a Bakelite pendulum is indicated for earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
- any material pendulum is indicated for air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Beyond these recommendations, however, it is important to understand that you do not choose the pendulum, but rather it chooses you. More specifically, it chooses your energy.
I especially like rock crystals, because they decompose the spectral light into the seven colours of the main chakras, reflecting them back on us when used under the light.

How do we connect to the pendulum?
The first step is to calibrate and align our energy with the energy of the pendulum. The pendulum connects to you and your energy at that moment, that particular time of the day, so it’s okay if you get different answers when you ask the same question again at different times.
When using the pendulum for the first time and you do not use it for a longer time (more than 3-4 days), put it in coarse salt for 8 hours or overnight to remove all impurities. Then wash the pendulum in running water (you can use tap water as well) and, if possible (although not mandatory), purify it in sage smoke. To connect to it, hold it between your palms and give energy until you feel it properly charged. Ask the spirit guides to come and bless the crystal and the connection between you. Once the pendulum is loaded, place it once on the 3rd eye chakra and once on the heart chakra and say in your mind or out loud: “My energy and your energy are one for my supreme good.”
How do we ask the pendulum?
Always start by asking for guidance in interpreting the answer, by explicitly asking “show me yes” and “show me no”. This heats the pendulum and connects you. Then ask the pendulum “show me when I’m not allowed to receive an answer”. Remember these movements because they are your “vocabulary” in interpreting the movements of the pendulum.
Believe it or not, how you say things can affect your pendulum, just as it can affect the people around you. Also, misinterpreting the movement of the pendulum in dowsing can lead to wrong actions in balancing the chakras.
Always ask the pendulum questions with the ideal context in mind: „is it for my supreme good to…?” or „am I allowed to…?” Starting in this way means that nothing is left to subjectivism and everything is considered, obtaining the clearest answers:
- Is it for my supreme good to enhance the energy in my chakra?
- Is it for my supreme good to change the chakra rotation direction?
- Is it for my supreme good to reduce the energy in my chakra?
- Am I allowed to heal the chakra for this person?
Also, ask one question at a time, about one subject. You might think you are asking a single question, but in fact it could be a combination of questions. For example, “Is it for my supreme good to balance my chakras?” has several factors included. You may get a confusing answer from the pendulum. Rather, ask “… to balance my root chakra”, “… to balance my sacral chakra”, “… to balance my root chakra today”, “… to balance my sacral chakra today” as different questions. This way you can get a complete picture and clear answers.
If you asked, “How are my chakras?”, your pendulum won’t be able to answer because the question is too vague. A better way to phrase it is, “Is my chakra open” or “Is my chakra closed”. You’d then read the pendulum as it swings directionally as in the calibration phase, for yes and no.
Also, if you get a negative response, always ask if there is a lesson that needs to be learned and if the chakra is blocked due to a past life event or a current life event. You can ask as many questions as possible, as intimate as necessary, in order to have a clear view of the reasons for your chakra imbalance. You can also ask very specific questions about the attributes of the chakras that were diagnosed as blocked or with low energy, to receive information on where you should focus your attention on the problem.
How do we test our chakras?
When working with the person in front of you, hold the pendulum over each of the seven main chakras. This helps in revealing the imbalance and energy blocks in the chakras. You can start with the root chakra and go upwards. Hold the pendulum a few inches above each chakra and start asking the relevant questions for your chakra, waiting for it to move by picking on subtle vibrations:
- Is the chakra blocked?
- Is the chakra underactive?
- Is the chakra overactive?
- Is it for my supreme good to balance the chakra?
- Am I allowed to heal the energy of the chakra?
- Show me which chakra has the highest energy today.
- Show me which chakra needs attention most right now.
- Which chakra is contributing to my state of mind today?
- Which is the most beneficial spinning direction for my chakra?
- Is it for my supreme good to change the spinning direction of my chakra?
I recommend doing measurements on the front and back of the body and compare the readings, looking for differences in each chakra. Compare the yes/no answer and the swing size and look for differences there. Wide circles or swings mean you have a lot of energy in your chakra. On the other hand, small movements mean you have low energy. Ideally, each chakra will be “open” and produce a swing of approximately the same size throughout. More likely, however, there will be differences among the various chakras, front and back. This could be your starting point for the healing of the chakras.
You can also move as downward or upward as you want, asking about the chakras in the aura or outside the physical body.
When working distantly, you can either use a substitute or a pendulum chart for reference. The procedure is the same, only that you do a single set of measures, considering the energy and status of the chakra as a whole. In this method, the chart or substitute becomes a proxy for the body.
Lay the substitute or chart on a desk or table. Quiet your mind and hold your pendulum above each chakra symbol, visualizing the specific areas on the body that correspond to the chakras.
Never ask questions about other people without their permission! This is totally unethical! An example: a few weeks ago, I felt unwell, so I wanted to test my chakras. I knew that if I asked the pendulum, I would have a biased answer (and he would say whatever I was thinking about the status of my chakras).
Because I couldn’t separate myself from my emotions by asking the question. So I asked a friend to ask her pendulum the questions instead. In this case, it’s okay for someone else to ask the pendulum about me, because I gave my explicit permission. She had my permission to ask her pendulum about me and just ask what I needed. It is ethical and there is nothing hidden or inappropriate about it!
How do we work on the chakra energy with the pendulum?
You are not allowed to use the pendulum to clean the energy for someone else without their permission and without the permission of the spirit guides, because you can do an energetic job that may not be desired or may not be for the supreme good of the person. If they are not prepared for this cleaning, the incoming energy may be inappropriate.
If you have the permission to act upon the chakra, ask the pendulum how you can work on the chakra energy:
Which is the most beneficial spinning direction for this chakra?
- Is it for his/her/their supreme good to change the spinning direction of this chakra?
- Is it for his/her/their supreme good to increase the spinning movement of this chakra?
- Is it for his/her/their supreme good to reduce the spinning movement of this chakra?
Depending on the answers you receive, use the pendulum to work on the chakra: quiet your mind and hold your pendulum above the respective chakra, visualizing it as a wheel spinning in the direction indicated previously by the rotation of the pendulum; with the clear intention of doing what the pendulum said it is most beneficial, make the pendulum rotate with the corresponding velocity or in the corresponding direction:
- if the pendulum answered YES to “Is it for his/her/their supreme good to change the spinning direction of this chakra?”, you shall intentionally make the pendulum rotate in the opposite direction, visualizing the wheel chakra also moving in the new direction.
- if the pendulum answered YES to “Is it for his/her/their supreme good to increase the spinning movement of this chakra?”, you shall intentionally make the pendulum rotate faster in the same direction, visualizing the wheel chakra also rotating faster in that direction.
- if the pendulum answered YES to “Is it for his/her/their supreme good to reduce the spinning movement of this chakra?”, you shall intentionally make the pendulum rotate slower in the same direction, visualizing the wheel chakra also rotating slower in that direction.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details. Don’t use a pendulum to replace medical care. If you’re feeling sick or are struggling with a mental health condition, see a medical provider to make sure you’re getting the best treatment.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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